What will happen to the Sanders campaign if he loses Michigan?

What will happen to the Sanders campaign if he loses Michigan?

ABC News chief political analyst Matt Dowd shares his expert advice on what Bernie Sanders can do if he loses the Democratic primary in Michigan.

#Michigan #BernieSanders #JoeBiden #DemocraticPrimary #MattDowd #Insight #PoliticalAdvice #ABCNews #Politics #2020Elections


38 thoughts on “What will happen to the Sanders campaign if he loses Michigan?

  1. Bernie supporters have no one to blame but themselves. They showed up at rallies but not at the ballot box period….I know its hard to fathom and believe (as with Trump Supporters) but other Americans do prefer someone else to vote for than your golden boys.

  2. bernie lost because he's a bad candidate, with bad staff, and no base, and supporters who don't vote. Biden won because he's a good person, with a good campaign, and the support of his party.

  3. Don’t worry about Bernie Sanders; will be heading back to Vermont and help his wife Jane Sanders financially destroy another college!

  4. Demonrats self destruction 💥

  5. Imagine if the DNC used Bernie to get both the older voters and younger voters. Rather than dividing up the Dems, bringing them together to throw a one man punch at Trump and finally give the people healthcare, relief from student loan debt, UBI, not fucking with our SSI.

    I'll bet in that world pigs fly.

  6. Un saludo para el señor Bernie Sanders y muchas gracias y am love y tks ..+"+"+"*+*+-+*+*+**+"++"+"+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+***+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+$+"+"+_8588584847$$78_8_858_+""++*+*+*+*("("("8"8_8_8_7$7$7$7*"77"8"8_8&8_7&85477474747458858_+$+$+"+_+-$-$-$-$--"-$$–$-$-"77"("+"+*+*+**++*+*+*+*+*+**++*+"+"+"+"+"+**++*+""++"+""++*+*"*++*+"+*+"+*+*+*+""++*+*+"+*+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+""++"+*++*+*+*+"+"+"+*+*("+*("((++*+**+*++*+*+*"++"+""+"++"+*+*+*+*+*+"+"+""++"_8"++"+**++*+"+"("8&&88&8&5885857_7_-"--*+"+"("+*+"-*('(&*&*8&"88&*&8*8&"&*8&8*8&*7&*7&*7&*8&*8&"8&"&8*&"88&*8&*8&*&8*+*(-99696969686588685588&+_-*-*-+""("++**+"+"('(('+"+"+*+"+*+*+"+57767667%,*+$7+"+"+*+**+*++""++*"++"+""++"+"+*+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+*+*+*+*+*("+"+-*+*+***++*+*+**++*+*+*+*+*+*+*+""++*+*+**+*++""+*+*+*+*+""+"++"+*+*+"+*+"_77$8__88_8__8"+"++*+*+*(_8_748__8_7$77_744884_7_8_7_77_7_7$_77$7$7"-**+7"7"7*7""8"7"+"+7""+8"'"78"8__88_"8"7+"+""+*+"++"+*+""+7$7$7$7$7$7$$++"+"+"+"+"+"+"+$"7+$7$+""++""++""7"+"7"7""++"7"7"+"+"'++""++"+_8+_7_7448859&95869669866886858585858585859685858585858558858585858585855885588585589685969696699769696969696968585858585698686968596969696669996969696+_+""++""('(+"+*+""++"+"+*+**++*+*+*+*+*+*+"+""++"+""++"+"+"+"+"'++"+"

  7. Bernie Sanders spend his entire life in politics and has done nothing. Why does it take him to be president to see him do something. He should retire especially after his heart attack.

  8. There will never be another Bernie Sanders with his history in 1960’s Civil Rights. A Bernie Sanders movie will be awesome. People don’t know a good thing when it comes to them.

  9. Dear Bernie, don’t let these ignorant morons discourage you, keep fighting sir, fight until the very end.

  10. Ha! Got news for you DNC, we ain't ever voting for Biden. You've got exactly 2 choices, start supporting Sanders or save up your money for 2024. We are NOT voting blue no matter who. I'll either stay at home, write in Sanders, or maybe even vote Trump! I HATE TRUMP! But I'd rather shove it in your face than to have you, AGAIN, subvert the election for your own will. You stole it from Sanders in 2016 with the super delegates and you compelled a bunch of candidates to drop out before Super Tuesday and support Biden.

    If you try to steal it again, you are going to see a sea of red hats that read, "Bern it Down! " You startin' to get the picture mf?

  11. The DNC took a dozen of the worst people on the planet and narrowed it down to a senile pay for play scheme in a suit and an 80yo communist with a defibrillator on standby…..Good job America!

  12. This is the best that can the DNC can put up against TRUMP…….landslide election for TRUMP 2020…👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  13. Obama didnt win TX, CA or Michigan and he still won the nomination. Also the counting is not done. We still don't know how many delegates he has received from CA. He is only behind 40-50 delegates as much you are trying to make this sound like a run away for Biden just more sensational media coverage for Biden.

  14. Biden is insurance in the scenario that Trump loses now that Bloomberg is out because he entered the race too late. People still don't see the con game that is going on. The people who really own this country wouldn't mind if Trump or Biden won.

  15. After this I hope sanders endorses trump 😂😂😂

  16. A couple of cold truths:
    – people never liked bernie’s platform to begin with. They just hated Hillary.
    – Bernie has lost the white working class appeal, and their votes
    – youth turnout is down, he’s not exciting his own base to vote for him
    – turnout is up, and the new people that are casting votes are casting them for Biden
    – the less democratic the process is, and fewer turnout, the better Bernie does: caucuses and closed primaries, places where people are kept from voting, like North Dakota, is where Bernie fares the best

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