Minari follows a Korean-American family that moves to Arkansas to pursue the American dream. NBC News Kathy Park speaks with director and writer Lee Isaac Chung and actress Yuh-Jung Youn about the process of creating the film and its impact.
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#LeeIsaacChung #YuhJungYoun #NBCNews
What Went Into Creating History-Making Film ‘Minari | NBC Nightly News
The first thing that went wrong with this, and all other Hollywood films made in the past two decades, is the marketing team, and lawyers who are simping for the Zionists in the top 1 percent. Which brings us to this forgettable apocalypse story of a humble Asian family being used as tokens for the American establishment. Critics rave: "A high-budgeted, corporate artistic abortion, at it's best". If I was Asian living in America right now, I would definitely hate the corporate media more than I already do. And that's a whole lot.. Good job NBC.
Be Well Everyone.
Have some pudding…
De vrouw van de Belgische ambassadeur valt een klerk in Zuid-Korea aan.
Beeldcrash van Belgisch land in Korea.
L'épouse de l'ambassadeur de Belgique attaque un commis en Corée du Sud.
Crash de l'image du pays belge en Corée.
Die Frau des belgischen Botschafters greift einen Angestellten in Südkorea an.
Bildabsturz des belgischen Landes in Korea.
In South Korea, the wife of the Belgian ambassador assaults a clerk.
Belgian country image crash in Korea.
Quick! Let’s learn! Abolish ICE. People aren’t illegal. If you’re dead set on holding onto your racist/xenophobic distorted outlook, then fight what is driving immigration, US imperialism. The global south isn’t poor. No country is poor. Only the people are poor due to over exploitation by US companies that left us without jobs only to exploit workers in the global south for disgustingly and criminally low pay. The countries themselves are rich with natural resources that we take from their country. If a noble leader is democratically elected and chooses to rightfully nationalize their own resources, we support a coup to overthrow him with a borderline fascist dictator in the name of “democracyâ€ÂÂ. Was this relevant to the video? Nah, but I taught you more truth than you’ll get from a lifetime of mainstream news. All power to the people from the bottom up! Black, brown, Asian, white the working class must unite! Down with bourgeois “democracyâ€ÂÂ!
PS I’m even more vocal about these things in real life. Can’t stop, won’t stop. 😎
– Your typical friendly Texas Marxist. ✯
Got movie. I use to live in Korea for 3 years. Great people and country.
Will be watching this one.
Out of many one. Strange the GOP’s entire focus seems to be fueling racial divisions and hatred all the while claiming to be the ‘Patriotic’ party. Scary that some many ‘Christians’ also embrace this rhetoric.