Mike Poland, a geophysicist from the U.S. Geological Survey, shares the eruption’s impact and possible dangers ahead.

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#ABCNLUpdate #Tonga #Volcano #Eruption


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “What we know about the volcanic eruption near Tonga”
  1. Much of the Tonga eruption is a fuel/coolant reaction. A moderate eruption blew away the cap on top and sea water directly hit a volume of magma, which created the large explosive eruption.
    This mechanism is similar to Krakatoa and Santorini eruptions, although the Tonga event is much smaller in scale.

  2. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇹🇴🇹🇴🇹🇴

  3. This thing blew a week ago. Your storie a little late. The eruption will likely give the planet a temporary cooling efect. No the eruption is not caused by climate change.

  4. Climate and volcano activities are totally different things. How can that be a sign of climate shifting? But indeed, climate can be affected by volcanoes.

  5. Hot Magma + Water= lots of steam… ok that was easy. I didn't know underwater volcanos existed and I'm very concerned that there were small eruptions prior to the big one. Though eruptions are hard to predict it still would have been good to inform the public so they could have prepared… not that I know how to prepare for volcanic eruptions.

  6. covid has been bad for my mental health. in person, when someone says some stupid bullshit, i can change the subject, i can have a conversation with them and look in their eyes and see who they are aside from the stupid bullshit they believe. i can see that they are still a human being worthy of love. but now that i spend all my time online i see ONLY the stupid bullshit. it is making me bitter and misanthropic and I don't like who I am becoming.

  7. The look of the world rotting in a rapid mess. 😊
    🇮🇱 I 🇮🇱 AM 🇮🇱 ISRAEL 🇮🇱

  8. When the news says climate change seems they are working for the UN brainwashing team or something covering up some missile attack I bet.

  9. Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe the Earth is getting hotter because we are taking its natural coolant system out of the Earth A.K.A crude oil and that it's so hot inside the earth that's its literally starting to boil over? Also Don't expect these people to tell you the truth If it's climate change or not because they are not going to if they did there would logically be a increase for panic Which of course would make it 15 times worse I think they learned that lesson after covid 19. But I'm pretty sure they would do what I would do. Don't tell anyone to keep them from panicking let it happen and then fix everything afterwards.

  10. Climate change has been happening continuously since before mankind. Climate change will continue to happen whether we are here or not. Human activity doesn’t even equal one percent of cause of climate change

  11. Remember a lot of the statements he is making is might might there is no fact behind any of it it's great of geologist to study this and watch the effects right now some of my concerns are what about all the ash that's formed on the ocean surface what what is that going to do to marine life that would be the biggest concern at this point in time and another big question is there a new island about to start to become born if I understood correctly he said that this volcano was very near the surface

  12. Much of the Tonga eruption is a fuel/coolant reaction. A moderate eruption blew away the cap on top and sea water directly hit a volume of magma, which created the large explosive eruption.
    This mechanism is similar to Krakatoa and Santorini eruptions, although the Tonga event is much smaller in scale.

  13. Mike is part of the USGS Yellowstone observatory team, and gives regular updates on the observatory. He shot himself in the foot when he said the nudersea volcanoes need monotoring and require cables to carry the data to land based stations.
    Unfortunately, The US has a LOT of undersea volcanoes along the Aleutian Arc, and the US cannot afford to monitor them using cables etc.
    I suppose that may change when one does erupt and sends a tsunami down the West Coast of N. America and devastates the coastline.

    Unless the Cascadia suture gives way and destroyes everything West if I5 and sets off the San Andreas fault at the same time. Thats gonna be a howler.

  14. It's on a Google earth video. A projectile of some sort , comin g from Above, hitting the water and 2 seconds later… KaBoom.!
    Another DUMB destroyed.
    Wake Up! People of the world.

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