ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton weighs in on the public health emergency and what we know and dont know about the virus.
#ABCNews #Coronavirus #China
ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton weighs in on the public health emergency and what we know and dont know about the virus.
#ABCNews #Coronavirus #China
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alguém pode traduzir para mim por favor
We NOW know trump bout to lie, we know some people down in these comments are possibly dead
"Hopefully we will stay low numbers." Welp, no here we are. 6 months later COVID-19 is all over the US because some Americans refuse to wear a mask SMH.
God is mad at this wicked world!
Google, the Northern Cross, by Aquilla Fleetwood, youtube!
Seriously? I want to hear reports and cases of people infected. The details of their conditions.
Why does no one know real facts about this? I mean even super bowl memes are getting more views smh
To get it
U have to eat bats
How’s that global warming going?
This is the answer you get when you ask a liberal
Someone is playing Plague Inc with the whole world.
You are a liar. The numbers are all over the place. It can last on surfaces for up to 3 weeks. You can be a carrier and not have any symptoms. Remember Typhoid Mary?
The Dragon has awakened and stuck it's claws out. You get this strain, there's a chance you are a dead-man-walking.
China made this virus using HIV building blocks so now the world's f***
What twaddle . The World Population is something like 7,000,000,000 people . So far 190 have died from the coronavirus about the same number in the Ukrainian airplane tragically shot down by Iran . How is this a " Global emergency " . ? Something to watch , yes . A Global Emergency ? Probably pumped up by the World Health Organization to get research grants . "More people have died from the fear of germs than from the germs themselves " – M Gandhi
Trump hates and persecutes Latinos, but Asians are not bothered or deporated by bringing sick people
Canada airports must follow the same way of USA did.
Real "Novel Corona-Virus" facts.
100,000,000+ Quarantined
Well over 500,000 infected
1 in 4 chance of acquiring pneumonia upon infection
1 in 50 mortality rate
Appears to be Bio-engineered, (Contains HIV inserts and certian proteins that allows it to interact with human cells. Both cases of which have never been reported to evolve naturally in Corona-Viruses.)
Suspected origin of virus is located only 20 miles away from China's ONLY BSL-4 Lab.
Lab has had multiple incidents of SARS virus escaping in the past.
Virus is mutating.
In less than 30 days, every hospital in every country will be over inundated by the epidemic.
Around 200 million people will die in two years.
It was made from parts of 6 different virus. (SARS, H1N1, HIV, A rare form of Corona-virus, The Common Cold, and Something unknown.)
The Bio-Samples were stolen by a Canadian Professor and two Chinese spy's.
The virus was designed to overwhelm a nations medical facilities, not to wipe out the human race.
China Red October'd themselves and there is no cure.
CORONAVIRUS VICTIM click here to see
I like how people are freaking over this when its not that much worse than the flu.
And the flu kills 10k-60,000 people every single year
Greg Reese did a short video about 5G launching in Wuhan just weeks before the 'virus' broke out in Wuhan and hits on some interesting points. This channel won't let me post the link. A longer version was also copied by Sleepercell Resistances if you search for it.
Not saying this is true but I think this aspect needs to be looked into. 5G could be used to activate bio-warfare once they've 'set the stage': having a 'pandemic' start in one region and letting 'the infected' make their way to other parts of the world so when 5G is activated, no one attributes mass death to 5G, only the virus.
They would create a lie that big to keep 5G roll out on schedule.
Has George Suckonupwithus blamed the virus on Trump yet?
what about the LGBT?
We know that if it reaches Greenland we are pretty much fucked
Ace2 antibody for coronavirus spikes and protection of healthy ace2 receptors. They can be readily accessible and found in common hypertension medications if resources are scarce.
So its a version of the "common cold" I dont remember the common cold killing people.Maybe a few elderly but when you're in your 20's your immune system fights off a common cold and you treat the symptoms where as this virus is killing people in their 20's as well as other ages that you would think could fight off the virus.Is this a common cold you have a 50/50 shot at surviving then. Why would the U.S. call out a national emergency which hasnt been done in over 50 years over a "common cold" ?