What to watch for on night 2 of Democratic National Convention – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News Political Director Rick Klein discusses the key speeches planned for Tuesday night, how the official nomination process will change and the battle over the party platform.


By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “What to watch for on night 2 of Democratic National Convention”
  1. AOC was being absolutely stupid and Petty if you can't even get behind your own party why the hell are you in politics? are you in politics just to be a pain in everybody's ass? they should never give her childish ass another opportunity to speak throughout this convention unless she's willing to get on script and support her party. We about had enough of her little stupid donkey shows!! get on board or sit your ass down and and let the adults speak!

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    Good continuation …

  3. NIGHT 2 of the TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME TELETHON (Greg Gutfeld made that up)
    How can anyone watch this with a straight face, and how does the media let them get away with these scripted, pre-recorded, emotionless, "speeches"?

    The only unifying theme of the DNC is their hatred for Trump.  Democrats are so desperate for power that they refuse to talk about their RADICAL LEFTIST POLICIES (higher taxes, medicare for all, Green New Deal, taxpayer funded unrestricted abortion, open borders, defund the police, bow down to China, etc.), and instead, they fabricate and peddle lies and conspiracy theories (Russia collusion, Ukraine quid pro quo, sabotaging the election) to TRICK VOTERS INTO HATING TRUMP just so they will get
    your vote.  There is no unity with the left.  They are the ones dividing people, spewing lies, and promoting anarchy just for political gain.  Vote for POLICY and not PERSONALITY.  This is NOT a POPULARITY CONTEST.  VOTE RESPONSIBLY!

    Comedy from Night 1:
    -   Michelle criticizes Trump, who’s done 10 times more in his first term than Obama in his two terms
    – Cuomo’s the last person besides Xi to criticize anyone about their Covid response
    – Bernie basically admits Biden will be taken over by leftist policies
    – A shameless girl uses her dead father to blame Trump for dying from Covid, who was overweight (despite her saying he was “perfectly healthy”), 65 years old, and contracted it at a karaoke; who’s next, the couple who drank fish tank cleaner?
    – Sore loser Kasich, who didn't even show up to the 2016 RNC, shows everyone what the swamp looks like

  4. Trump: "171000 Americans Dead, 5.4M Infected, It is what It is. Great Progress Made. Time to sabotage the US Postal Service to suppress the vote. They will love the delivery slowdown!"

  5. Is the DNC going to broadcast from Portland? How about the streets of Detroit? Or maybe Baltimore?….yeah didn't think so…

  6. This is a message from the Irish republic and with those that we are allies with and they are the Welsh, English and Scotlanders and it is really important every one listens to what you are going to read here. This OK News and my name is Blake here and I'm reporting about what is going to start and what every one here is going to do to those that are not with Toronto. This planet is an Irish planet and there is no other nation here except Ireland and only Israel has the right to be there. There is no other countries here from here on and there is no one here that can change this. The angels, fairies, spirit beings, sirenes, changelings, humanoids, spiritoids, humans, creaturoids, aliens, creatures, ghosts, spirits, animals and insects are now seeing a threat by the Scottish and those that have allied with them and they will no longer allow any of them out. From now on they are going to start bringing every one with the Scottish, Chinese, Palestinians, Danish and Iranians in and they are going to be hurt back and confronted cruelly and then they are going to kill them off. The war, genocides and raids are starting from now and things will not change from here on and this because there is no other way to work things out except with what will start from today. No one can leave this world and those that are not with every one mentioned before and Toronto, Washington and Dublin are from here going to be arrested and brought in for either a confrontation or to be killed with weapons. Taleka

  7. Not really into Partisan politics, but I have ridiculous fantasies about AOC.
    sorry, she's just so hot.

  8. Simply the worst infomercial ever made. They don’t love Joe, they just hate Trump💯😂

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