What to watch as public impeachment hearings begin | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Republicans have released a list of witnesses they want to call as the first public hearings on impeachment are set to kick off.

#ABCNews #ImpeachmentInquiry #PublicHearings #Ukraine


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “What to watch as public impeachment hearings begin | ABC News”
  1. In fact any politically literate Democratic SOCIALIST could compare the Trump impeachment hearings to the notorious Moscow Trials of the 1930s. Then Leon Trotsky and his followers were found guilty of treason against the Soviet Union.

  2. Watch a travelogue on You Tube. You will learn far more than you will from watching the latest dog-and-pony show in Washington. The Dems have rigged the hearings and Trump will be vilified and then pronounced guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Kind of like what the Sanhedrin did when it demanded Pilate condemn Jesus and have him crucified like a criminal, even though Pilate admitted that Jesus had committed no crime.

  3. It will be interesting to see how Republicans assert obvious defenses like how and why Donald Trump's 4th Amendment rights were abridged under the Obama administration as described in Charlie Savage's 2015 book Power Wars and the tu Quoque defense used by Allied airmen and submariners to avoid prosecution for acts also done by Axis airmen and submariners.

  4. So, Americans Supposed to Just Ignore What Former VP Biden Did and His Son During The Obama Administration and Just Str8 Focus on Impeaching Trump!??

  5. so George were you on the Epstein's island?????? is this why you won't report about Epstein??????    ABC is trash

  6. The liberal media has become downright entertaining. They are our very own Tokyo Rose, our Baghdad Bob. The National Enquirer is more reliable. Once in the past I considered myself liberal. But too many of my colleagues acted the very opposite of the values they boasted, such as tolerance of other viewpoints. Most liberals are closed to any viewpoint other than their own. Liberalism has become the new bigotry.

  7. I love these comments, finally the Deep State and the puppeteers are getting what they deserve. Stephanopoulos is a little pervert and at this point anybody who supports this network is supporting pedophile Harbors. Straight up no if ands or buts. Let's take out the trash. If I see someone watching this news network, it's going to gross me out

  8. Everyone that actually reads the transcript, and has an unbiased foundation can clearly read that Trump was trying to seek the truth. Trump has every right to investigate corruption and seek the truth.

    How amazing is it that we are being sold the narrative that Trump cant seek the Truth because Vice President Biden is Trump's 2020 competitor. The same people selling this narrative are no holds barred going after and investigating Trump. It's so hypocritical and nonsensical that it exposes the Democrats and mainstream media. They obviously have calculated the U.S. voter will believe anything if they repeat it incessantly.

    It is a gigantic miscalculation that will lead to Trump securing his second term in office. Likely by a wide margin on an electoral basis.

  9. "I've never even heard of these people. I don't know who they are". Impeach him just based on just complete ignorance of the presidency….

  10. Have no plans to watch even 5 minutes of this circus. It's totally rigged, and means nothing. The President is the Chief law enforcement officer in America, so how is it even remotely wrong for him to ask about it? This is a joke. They need to get like 20+ Republicans to flip and become pariahs in their own country in order to win. It's just stupid, & a total waste of time and money

  11. Just two questions. Why do so many in this comment section have such a hard on for the Epstein situation? Why is it more important than the security of our nation under a President who behaves like a criminal?

  12. Lets make it up as we go ! Instead of supporting the position. What happened to Clinton’s missing emails???

  13. Trump keeps throwing the ball, and the Democrats keep chasing it. The Republicans will never allow impeachment. What the discussion should be about is the new global order that Trump is creating and how he is creating it. This is what Trump is doing while the Democrats are chasing the ball. I didn’t vote for Trump and won’t in 2020.

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