What to watch as Biden, Trump race continues l GMA

What to watch as Biden, Trump race continues l GMA

ABC News analysts Rahm Emanuel and Chris Christie share the details to watch as ballots continue to be counted in states from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin.

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21 thoughts on “What to watch as Biden, Trump race continues l GMA

  1. ✝️KJV Amos 3:15 "And I wil smite the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the Lord."✝️.

  2. Biggest rigged election ever televised..TRUMP VOTES were through the roof everywhere, then the Dems plan kicked in .An extra 3 days to find and add up votes for BIDEN..THE NEWS CHANNELS ARE COMPLICIT in this fraud..

  3. My home insurance and auto insurance went up by about 40%, so did insurance of elder son’s auto and home. Just wondering is this a nationwide phenomenon of insurance rate gouging or just only in FL?

    No explanation given.

  4. Mailed ballots are easy to be fake and cannot be supervised. You can vote at the post office. Can't you vote in the ballot box at the polling station? Absurdly redundant.

  5. DNC supported riots and burning buildings including churches assaults on innocent citizens some beaten to death, also murders and threats, promising violence from both Nancy and Joe plus murders of law enforcement and DNC attacks on law enforcement officers by continuously rioting people in cities Democrat leadership is way better than Republican leadership that's brought unemployment down to single digits stoped the wars in the mid-east promoted an America first policy that has yielded the highest stock market in decades brought jobs back home and this Republic now is energy independent, US is the largest exporter of fuel, in the world, historic peace treaties in the mid-east new trade agreement between US, Canada and Mexico, so you are right Democrats have so much more to offer

  6. In Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina -Trump has made up the difference and has a high probability of flipping to Trump. Arizona also needs review for re-count due to the use of Sharpies in Republican districts that don't scan and give false reading. Pennsylvania and 2 others states are under review. This is not over. This Bias needs to stop.

  7. after dems burned buildings and flags, looted, faked emplacement/Russia collisions and lied daily in public about trump i have no doubt they cheated this election
    Trump never had so many supporters like this it's just insane how corrupted this looks

  8. I believe America is the real Israelites just imagine Biden could be the Antichrist that is why 20/20 / 666 is in fact Joe Biden's number 30330 if Biden wins America will fall and if Trump becomes president we would have more time to get right with God Jesus Christ we as children of God need to wake up we need to see what is going on it is time to wake up America and it is time to wake up yourself I had enough my prophecy has spoken God is telling me to get ready for his prophecies to come true ensued America we'll be at War what war does not mean the end of times there will be forced vaccination there will be people that cannot shop in stores without a device inserted inside your right hands or your forehead or your head alone we as humans no matter what we look like no matter our skin color no matter our race we need to come together because it is now time that we as people understand what America is soon to be God gave simple words he said there will be famines there will be four indicators there will be idollators there will be hatred toward Christians hatred towards the name of Jesus Christ hatred toward in violence toward the things that we as Christians believe in we cannot do this anymore is it a free country and to gain freedom and peace from other countries is not going to work on our part it will put us deeper and deeper into separation soon Jesus Christ will come it might not be tomorrow it might not be in a minute it might not be in a second but it's kind of happen at any moment at any seconds are you ready are you truly truly ready don't let me say this God has given his only begotten son to come down in flesh to die for people send that he loved his dare lie but he also knew that he will get hatred toward his name in the future now there is things in this Bible I have read and it is insane what I am seeing coming true we as people and we as humans need to wake up no matter what is evil controlling whatever they are controlling but they cannot Be control if God is in control over evil I spoke this all into the voice box I hope you guys can understand because God gave me this opportunity to write something that I never would have thought I would have said this is a warning from God himself through me he said don't fear as he is with you and he also said those who believe in the name of Jesus Christ will not perish but have everlasting life do not live on bread alone play live on the word of God that he has given you……

    Romans 3:17 righteousness through faith

    but now a righteousness from God apart from law has been made known to which the law in the prophets testify the righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe there is no difference for all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God and are Justified freely by his grace through the Redemption that came by Christ Jesus God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement through faith in his blood he did this to demonstrate his Justice because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished he did it's to demonstrate his Justice at the present time so as to be just in the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus where then is boasting it is excluded on what principle on that of observing the law no but on that of faith for we maintain that a man is law is God the god of Jews only is he not the god of Gentiles to yes of Gentiles to since there is only one God who will justify the circumcised by faith in the uncircumcised through that same faith do we then nullify the law by this faith? Not that's all rather we uphold the law.

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