What to expect on day 8 of the trial of Derek Chauvin after the prosecution has called a total of nine officers from the Minneapolis Police Department to testify against the former officer.
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Rut roh eat to many drugs
Just throw the murderous cop in jail for life, and stop this circus.
5 hrs later the expert was turned into a defense witness he was so bad. Another $10k of state $ down the tubes.
There's too much racial tension already in this trials opening days
My uncle died from a drug overdose as well
When will Al Sharpton take the stand?🤮
They murdered him in front of the whole world and just because they are cops they shouldn't get away with it. And also, I think qualified immunity should be eliminated… Nobody told them they had to take that job. They chose that job themselves.
It's sad how some people commenting on this clearly did not read the autopsy report. If you keep claiming George Floyd's death was an overdose, it really shows you either A. Have no idea what you're talking about, or B. Are just trolling looking for attention
Fentanyl Floyd
Saint George’s drug dealer took the 5th. I would too if I sold fentanyl Floyd enough drugs to kill a horse🤣
I think the prosecution has painted the defense into a corner. They are defending an ex police officer, and now in cross examination of prosecutorial witnesses, they must argue against the integrity of other police officers.
The longest trial ever, just send the murder to prison
Broo…….. The way the defense talking he might just walk free…. ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Best Datting Click ðŸâ€Â½
來調味食物煮的時候 1617810037
Derek chauvin is Cool my vote not guilty 👮
If this guy gets off there are gonna be some serious riots
But why scar need to be formed before one get protection from vaccination?ÂÂÂÂÂ
Cos if you injured, blood only can be seen flowing out from the wound for a while before flooded by a clear substance even wound yet to close…
That because red blood cell have 3 function and one of it, were locking themselves as interlock, when wound were detected, so temporary wall could be formed to block each blood vessel that could reach damaged area unless white blood cells which much smaller, can reach wounded area for repairing work..
And why BCG vaccination area usual swell and leave a scar becos white blood cells have function too upon detected weak bacteria entering body as BCG.
The method almost same like red blood cells, using interlock system. Just one of those cage, that they made to catch intruder were named Covid-19 by human.
That mean cages for catching bacteria were round in shape, same like what formed by red blood cells to block blood vessels.ÂÂÂÂÂ
Yet the cage for catching virus mean inside is empty and eat up space at arms area since air pocket don't exist like lungs section.
That also mean cages need to be pushed till skin area or how human body swell at wounded area but due to temporary wall formed by red blood cells.ÂÂÂÂÂ
After killing bacteria and cage dismantled or swelling start reducing, the affected tissue and skin would looks abit sunken upon cojoining back, due to prolonged period stretched by the cage and known as scar.ÂÂÂÂÂ
No scar? That mean white blood cells never did hunt weak bacteria, injected as BCG..
Since human body use alot of bacteria for breaking protein and work as enzyme or what known as good bacteria. Just the problem, one of them named TB after immune system fail to detect them as threat or no scar = no protection..
And make sure you aware, leukemia were not cancer but red blood dysfunction since it cannot merge as interlock upon detected wound and not only keep jabbing BCG till scar emerged….
(Google "Danny Woo Vk" in Bing for book of life and topic about pregnant women, that can tell Covid-19 vaccine cannot work against the disease, if link already broken)
! ! WAKE UP ! ! New world order is here ! illuminati = Real / Christ = Real ! Mark of the beast ! = Real ! End time prophecies = Real ! RAPTURE = REAL ! Vaccines = Not good ! God's Earth = Stationary & Flat ! NASA means to deceive & there logo is the serpent ! (The snake in the garden of eden) Coincidence ? No! Share & watch my exposing vids 🙂 <3! ! !
The trail was like a circus I know he killed him so now I got a pay for it it’s a circus just waste of money you could be home homeless people