What to do if you find yourself suddenly unemployed – Car Mod Pros Portal

Personal financial expert Farnoosh Taroobi joins us with advice for those who just lost their job, or fear they may soon be laid off.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “What to do if you find yourself suddenly unemployed”
  1. Best advice is to go apply to where there are sudden spikes in demand such as delivery, grocery, government offices dealing with the crises, child care for work from home parents, and so forth. You'll probably get a job faster than your unemployment office will process your application and get the checks out.

  2. Can Someome please tell this lady
    That i got $88 dollars TOTTAL !!
    …and a Broken laptop with Windows Vista.
    WTF she talking about !!!!¿

  3. Two ways to make it out: (1) buy bitcoin before the halving. (2) Apply for a job with EDD. You know they’re hiring.

  4. Ppl don't have food to eat and are losing their home! Give us our check! Unemployment WILL NOT pick up the phone and the system is messing up!

  5. How to get money while you have no job during Corona Virus: rob stores, go to jail, get corona virus in jail, sue the jail, live off the money you sued for, repeat

  6. Physical benefit 1: Increases lung functions

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    Google about OM chanting it ll helps everyone in the world

  7. My Mom has already lost 5,000 out of her 401K. 😏 She has already accepted the fact that there will be nothing left to survive on. 😳 This is a form of MOCKING the masses. These EVIL SCUMBAGS feed off our sadness/fear/misery. 👊👿

  8. Her name is farnoosh torabi. She was born with money. Hasn't had to work for anything and was given a leg up the whole way when she wasn't given the leg up her parents bought her one. She's definitely out of touch with reality and she's definitely speaking to people that live in the same social class as herself.

  9. WTF is she talking about. What savings? What additional income? These people have no clue as to the reality of half of Americans.

  10. I rarely comment on anything but this was so absurd it pissed me off! People who have IRA’s and savings and 2 income families probably don’t need your advice because they have financial planners etc. the ones you need to be addressing are those that are barely making it – paycheck to paycheck or stop and start contract gig work. There is no savings. There are no credit cards to reduce only to minimum. There is not just one person who can decide to stay home and save the others income. Get real people. This was insulting!

  11. I find it funny when she said when she was laid off .. people in her industry get laid off all the time and find work within 10mins.

  12. Hey News folks get something straight China is the country that infected the whole world with Chinese flu a.k.a. coronavirus and now President Trump is doing everything possible trying to keep American safe. So tell that story daily instead of sensationalizing everything regarding coronavirus vs what President Trump is trying to do to fix the mess.

  13. 80 million Americans are at home Market is at pre Trump era. Unemployment insurance websites are crashing because there are too many applicants. This idiot downplayed it for two months. How did we expect to turn out better by a man who has so many businesses that went bankrupt? By a man who can't even tell the truth about the size of his inauguration crowd. He is by far the most dangerous am destructive President in US history and through his egotistical incompetence he will destroy our way of life.

  14. This only works for people in regular paying jobs to begin with. Anyone 1099, under the table, independent contractors, in the middle of the multi year wait for social security are screwed. No one is considering those people. Not to mention those that have been unemployed for years or homeless.

  15. Type 1: Eat a lot and sleep all day every day.
    Type 2: Stop eating and move out from where you live.
    Type 3: Start your own business or force former co-workers to provide you with a position.
    Type 4: Just feeling depressed or going insane. This lasts long. Me.

  16. Unemployment in Florida is a JOKE. The maximum is $275 a week before taxes. Note, that is the MAXIMUM, which means some people will get even less. So, with taxes about $900 – 1000 a month. That doesn't even pay rent or a mortgage much less buy food, etc. People in Florida who have no savings and lose their jobs are going to sink fast.

  17. I am really unemployed because of Restaurant Close and China has taught us lessons and the next lesson is Wuhan Coronavirus Mother and Father will Fly soon over the world. Who will make more money from China and China will use toilet paper to shut their mouth off.

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