What South Carolina primary results could indicate about Super Tuesday – Car Mod Pros Portal

Joe Biden is projected to win in South Carolina, with all eyes on who will finish in second place.


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “What South Carolina primary results could indicate about Super Tuesday”
  1. One win and it’s all over !? The establishment media is hilarious . Where the he’ll was all this coverage with Bernie’s Nevada win? You people are hilarious .

  2. The so called Klomentum lasted a week and an half… Now, the Klomentum is dead in the water… The so called Jomentum is going to last three days… The 14 states which are voting on Super Tuesday, are very different to South Carolina, in every aspect… Polls in those states reflect that… Those talking head, pundits, experts… ¿don't read anything before opening their mouths?… South Carolina, as a state, has always been controlled by racist elements of the Republican Party, and internal machines of the Democrat Party. South Carolina is a poor and retrograde state tha has always voted Republican in Presidencial elections… As such, it is unique and totally different, almost opposite, to states such as California, New York, Taxas or Michigan.

  3. If we were republicans it would mean a LOT! But since we are democrats it doesnt mean much at all. SC has voted overwhelmingly republican since before 1964. Over 70% of the vote here was over 45. If thats what joe brings out, we should be scared that he can't expand his base to include the new voters we need to beat trump. Can't imagine people are looking forward to trump tearing him apart for months beforehand, let alone confusing this gaffer in debates.
    Btw someone needs to tell him he has 3 days to get to 14 states that he has forgotten for over a month.🤦‍♂️ it will be dangerous to nominate another candidate that takes their voters for granted. #WISCONSIN

  4. I am a 'Residente Pensionado' in Costa Rica – a United States citizen living down here because of the health care and less expensive living. It costs me $62.00 to register to vote and then $62.00 to mail my ballot in because I have to use DHL since the postal service isn't reliable. I will gladly pay the $124.00 to vote for Bernie Sanders, but being on a fixed income, I will not throw my money away to vote for any of the other idiot candidates now running for the Democratic nomination!

  5. "tied with Pete" "A tepid win in New Hamster" "A win in Nevada"
    So, Bernie wins with 46.8% in Nevada and it's "a win" But Biden wins with 48.4% in South Carolina and it's "A big win"
    ABC, do you think we're stupid or just not paying attention?

  6. Bernie will sweep the country on super Tuesday. SC means nothing. Biden has dementia and it is abuse to push him around like they do. He believes he's running for the Senate. Very sad. 😳

  7. “Joementum” you’re a douch3

  8. Mainstream media is so disgusting. Corporate propaganda networks. Glad I have better sources then MSM. I just keep them around as a cheap novelty. What a loaded pile of trash analysis. I'm gonna eat popcorn and watch this trash struggle to maintain there last shred relevancy.😎✌

  9. Big win? Doesn't Buttigieg have more delegates than Biden? And doesn't Berie have the most delegates…. sooooo

  10. The media seems to not want to cover the fact that Trump (despite the media and dems saying the economy would crash if Trump became President and Obama saying you'd need a magic wand to bring jobs back) has black unemployment the lowest in history. Nor do they cover the fact it took Trump to enact the 1st step act and 2nd chance act that reverses Bill Clinton's crime bill that incarcerated mass amounts of African Americans.

  11. Joe wins one primary in South Carolina and the corporate media gushes over him. Meanwhile, Bernie wins the Nevada Caucus and the New Hampshire primary and the corporate media gets shocked and mad. I can’t wait for Super Tuesday.

  12. The Scornful Jesters – Biden, Clinton, Kerry, Mueller, Obama, Romney, & Schiff
    Isaiah 29:20-21 TPT Version
    “For the terrible one will be no more, the scornful jester will not be found, and all of the lovers of evil will be cut off.
    Those who make the innocent appear guilty, those who ensnare others with deceitful tactics, and those who lie to keep the innocent from getting justice will likewise be destroyed.”

    Wake up America! The Deep State needs to be taken down and PERMANENTLY removed!

  13. Bernie 2020. Just say no to status Quo Biden 🔥🔥🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  14. 0:48 🤣🤣 These MSM Clowns LMAO : a win in Nevada and get SMASHED by Biden in SC.
    NEVADA (Sanders 46 Biden 20)
    SC ( Biden 48 Sanders 19 )

  15. You f**** stupid Democrats think that Joe China sanofi King defeat f**** Donald Trump Joe China doesn't have nothing against Donald Trump Donald Trump is going to smash the s*** out of him

  16. Here we Go again ABC News talking Donald Trump is going to be your president you stupid assholes they will never be dull China

  17. Biden has no chance. Losing California and Texas ain't gonna get him there. He better hope DNC can pull a lot of strings

  18. I don't believe Biden has enough boots on the ground. For example, it's been reported that Bernie has 23 offices in California while Biden has 1.

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