What June’s spiking prices mean for the wider economy l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Consumer prices rose at their fastest rate in more than 40 years in June and ABC News business reporter Alexis Christoforous breaks down the latest on the economy.

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#ABCNLUpdate #ConsumerPriceIndex #unemployment #inflation #recession #economy


By carmodpros


16 thoughts on “What June’s spiking prices mean for the wider economy l ABCNL”
  1. The cost of living is currently getting very high and frightening. These are crazy days we're living in, inflation, price hikes and everything. How long can we go on like this? Any pointers on how to make substantial progress in income? I would appreciate it. I keep reading about people making multi digit incomes from one investment or another, I really need good ways to boost my finances

  2. Great execution by Liberal World Order and their media propaganda machine over the past 19 months. Utter destruction of US economy and Americans everyday living standards. For what, easy money for no contribution.

  3. My greatest happiness is the $32,000 bi-weekly profit I get consistently despite the economic fluctuation…

  4. When Pres. Trump told the European to stop buying Russian oil and gas they did not listen and now they paid the price, he also predicted high inflation if Biden became the president and now we pay the price. The administration is responsible for this but let's not forget the Lying News media helping democrats

  5. Whomever the real person in charge of the country is scared to death of white supremacists. There answer is to literally flood the country from all over the world. Next on the list is to give them the right to voter or citizenship. Mayorkas is a pawn for Biden. Joe Biden is a pawn for ? Have you seen all the pregnant woman crossing the border? $15K a child birth with no complications. Schools, from K-12 it costs taxpayers on average of $122,000 for EACH illegal alien student. This does not include the millions spent on bilingual ED, instructors, daycare. School class size's are negatively impacted and our students suffer as a result. $3Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate, process Illegal aliens in the Criminal justice system. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance program. Emergency services, every police, fire,paramedic for city & states increase dramatically. Taxpayers pay for all hospital, emergency room treatments, ambulances. Our children and grand children will be pay for this in the future as we will now.

    …………………..It's a great plan! Allow an invasion and the American taxpayers pay for the invaders themselves.

  6. Been a bad year for Biden and the Democrats-Socialists.. But a worse time for Americans. Russia hoax exposed created by Hillary, her attorney and the Dems themselves too GET TRUMP that cost taxpayers millions and millions, this new bogus attempt is just another bust and again taxpayers pay the bill. Dem's campaigned for a certified moron in Biden who try's to shake hands with invisible people. Democrats intentionally hid Biden in his bunker from the American public and press because of his dementia to win an election (so much for 'country over party' hypocrites), record high gas price's, 40 year record high inflation and getting worse, Crime out of control,11 dead Marines, 71 billion in military equipment given to the Taliban and their terrorist friends in Afghanistan, Roe is history, abortion is now limited, millions of illegal aliens, drugs and terrorists crossing our southern border and Joe does nothing….still has done nothing. This in ONE years time! Biden is deteriorating mentally right before our eyes.

  7. Is your socialist state Rep listed?

    Congressional Progressive Socialists who recently voted “NO” on the bill to protect USSC Justices and their families. To this date the federal government has not supplied protection for the justices at their homes. Demonstrators at the Justices homes are in violation of two federal laws. Merrick Garland does nothing. This is the same group that voted for de-funding the police, voting rights for illegal aliens, 'Gun control', and support open borders.

    Maxine Waters (Calif.), Ilhan Abdullahi Omar (MN), Cori Bush (Mo.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), Joyce Beatty (Ohio), Jamaal Bowman (N.Y.), , , Adriano Espaillat (N.Y.), Jesús García (Ill.), Sylvia Garcia (Texas), Veronica Escobar, (Texas), Josh Gottheimer, (N.J.), Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), Steven Horsford (Nevada), , Brenda Lawrence (Mich.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Norma Torres (Calif.) Tom Malinowski (N.J.), Marie Newman (Ill.), ,Bill Pascrell (N.J.), Donald Payne (N.J.), Ed Perlmutter (Colo.), Mikie Sherrill (N.J.), Albio Sires (N.J.), Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.), and Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.)

    *10 of the 28 listed are from NY & NJ.

  8. Sleepy Joe “Repeat the Line” Biden and the idiot breakfast taco Democrats doing a fantastic job with everything so far👍

  9. Since 2008, the Fed has just artificially suppressed interest rates to 0% and printed trillions upon trillions of dollars in QE to Infinity FOR 14 YEARS!!! They have created Super Bubbles in Housing and Stocks! Now that the Fed is pressured to raise interest rates ABOVE 0%, the economy will collapse! Of coarse, the Fed will drop interest rates back to 0% and print trillions upon trillions MORE in QE to Infinity for another 20 years!!😂 This would be laughable if it wasn't so sad for America and the world!
    1 End the Fed and all Central Banks!
    2 Return to a Sound Money Silver and Gold Standard like the Founding Fathers intended!
    3 Return to Free Market Capitalism with NO Crony Capitalist bailouts and Fed Put!

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