What Joe Bidens Massachusetts win means for Elizabeth Warren | ABC NEWS

What Joe Bidens Massachusetts win means for Elizabeth Warren | ABC NEWS

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is projected to come in third in her home state.

FULL SUPER TUESDAY RESULTS COVERAGE HERE: https://abcnews.go.com/Elections

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29 thoughts on “What Joe Bidens Massachusetts win means for Elizabeth Warren | ABC NEWS

  1. – She screwed over her friend when he needed her most like in 2016
    – She screwed over the progressive movement she claimed to be fighting for when they needed thev voters to consolidate against Biden.
    – She went back on her rallying against big money in politics by taking superPAC money from an oil lobbyist who only had an interest in supporting her for Super Tuesday and not time later, defending her move in the name of girl power.
    – And she did this all in a delusional attempt to somehow win the nomination by undermining the will of the people on the second ballot. She didn't expect to lose any states, and that should be clear to her especially after losing 4 contests. But she's okay with taking the nomination from the people with more votes and potentially fracturing the party entirely for her own selfish attempt to become president.
    – And this all resulted in her losing her home state and coming in third.

    Hope this was worth it to you Liz.

  2. So sad Warren's out. I was really rooting for her. I'll vote blue though no matter who. We just need to get Trump out of office! On a lighter note, I wrote a parody book about Trump. Please check it out (it's even free to read if you have Kindle Unlimited)

  3. Rahm is playing dumb, Hispanics are largely voting against the Dem establishment because of people like him who killed immigration reform when they had 60 votes in the Senate.

  4. I certainly hope that there are no African Black men voting in our elections. That being said, I just don't understand why a middle class or those of the poorer class would vote for anyone other than Bernie Sanders. All the others have a history of Black suppression in one form or another.. It's the same as with those who voted for Trump, it's just seems counter intuitive to one's best interest. But then I'm not a Black person.

  5. Warren is selfish 😱 I’M SHOCKED!

  6. I love Elizabeth Warren. Her heart and positions are for the common people. I do however, respectfully ask her to suspend her campaign and endorse Bernie Sanders. Her followers philosophy and views are more similar to Senator Sander's views than to Ex-VP Joe Biden. The race from here on, needs to be a Moderate vs Progressive competition with the one who wins more delegates winning the Nomination.

  7. She lost and she is so arrogant she wont drop out. Too bad the trump warren debates would have been epic. She would have been running for her tepee after the first question.

  8. She is just an evil, delusional creep.   The worst human to ever run for public office.

  9. Warren’s only chance is to hang in long enough til Joe or Bernie wake up from their sleep walking.

  10. In response to the coronavirus emergency, Warren proposed taking money away from Trump's wall building plan and diverting it to helping coronvirus patients. That would have never worked. The coronavirus problem needs to be confronted strongly by both parties. She is not good for the Democratic Party.

  11. yuk! even an ID10T like that creep can beat warren in her homestae. pocahontas, go to the liqour store and get me a pack of cigarettes and a case of beer for yourself

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