What happened in the final days of the Trump presidency?

What happened in the final days of the Trump presidency?

ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl, the author of Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show, discusses what he learned about the final year of the Trump presidency.

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42 thoughts on “What happened in the final days of the Trump presidency?

  1. If TFG isn’t held accountable January 6th WILL happen again. 😤

  2. Trump doesn't give a damn about losing, he's running again. If he can make money off the idiots and pick their pockets while running, of course he's gonna run, the man is a con artist. He's always been about the money. I'm sure Russian oligarchs will funnel money into his pocket as well if he runs again. There is absolutely no way he will not run, is that guy an idiot or just hopelessly delusional?

  3. trump is abnormal he knows he lost the election he bought a diet coke for you if he does run and loses he will say it was stolen if he does not declare his taxes he should be barred from running he is unstable

  4. Why do we sit back and allow the GOP to lie about our election and their attempt to overthrow our democracy? Prison isn’t good enough for them! Lying under tRump has become acceptable.

  5. It's worse than that. Now the evangelicals are awaiting the return of the christ, Trump. They are having feverish, whacko, prophetic wet dreams of being anointed by Trump and praying to God to give them the wisdom to enable the return of their 'true' savior, Trump. Nazi Germany was bad but this is a brain infection and it's going around Republican circles faster than Covid. The lunatics want to get control of the asylum all over again – and may well do. I'm serious – look up, "2 Prophetic Dreams, 1 Mandate, URGENT Message about Trump".

  6. Trump….the has been loser. Ha ha!

  7. He had to sell the DC Hotel because it & his golf clubs are hemorrhaging money! He just lost the carousel & 2 ice rinks in Central Park & lost the lease on his golf club in the Bronx! The only thing he has to keep him going is the $1 million/week he's grifting off Cult45 that he's using to live on & pay his bills! He's not going to announce he's running because that would mean that money would have to go towards re-election & not for anything his little black heart desires!

  8. i remember mike pompeo coming up to the podium and a reporter asked if trump would concede and pompeo said something like there wont be a need to concede because he will get his second term,that told me he was in on it too

  9. Trump will not run in 2024. If he does he will get his ass kicked again. He will the first to lose popular vote three times and the electoral twice. Trump is a loser! He’s pathetic. PATHETIC!

  10. I don't believe the majority of Republicans believe the Trump Big Lie, they want to see how te lie plays out to thier benefit,..let er ride,…all of em sitting back an watching it all play out, hoping it goes the way Trump was steering it to go, total totalitarian dictatorship, with the GOP in control of our country in an extremist kinda way,…a psuedotheacracy, governed by a non believing con man egotist with only concerned about his sucking cash into his personal accounts and his egomaniacal bravado on the world's stage,….

  11. Thank God we dumped that idiot. See ya. Wouldn’t wanna be ya!

  12. I’m tired of hearing pundits wondering if Trump will run in 2024 because they never mention the fact that (hopefully) he will be incarcerated or at the very least labeled a felon before 2024. NO he won’t be running 2024. Stop misleading the public. Stop trying to scare the public because it makes for better tv.

  13. Don the Con is a Mobster. But the real problem is that the current legal system is set up to protect criminals with big money. Just consider how many poor people will end up in prison immediately with relatively small crimes. But the criminals at Wall Street who robbed millions would go free. And Don the Con knows how to use money to make a mockery out of the legal system.

  14. He’s selling the hotel because it’s broke and he needs money!

  15. Why didn’t these people that wrote these tell all books open their mouth to Stop Trump and his minions when it could have helped American?

  16. The best thing that could happen is if trump does not run in 2024, let alone then claim (for a third time) that the election was rigged. (in 2016, claimed millions of illegals voted for Hillary, 2020 a litany of false claims – mass voting by dead people, multiple votes per person, ballot stuffing, rigged absentee ballots, paper ballots made with bamboo, Hugo Chavez tied to fraudulent election software, mystery boxes appearing at voting centers, rigged electronic voting machines in a state that didn't even use electronic machines but relied o paper ballots, voting attendance exceeding 100% of registered voters, discarded trump ballots, etc, etc.

  17. Pompeo is a graduate of the Military Academy at Westpoint, 1986. He's a disgrace to the uniform and needs to be recalled , court marshaled and sent to Leavenworth penitentiary. He's also a traitor and liar….what happened to his oath to country and Constitution, both the military and his cabinet position? He's a Trump lackey and boot licker. He kissed the ring.
    Lock 🔐 him up !

  18. Why doesn’t mr.Karl do a book on the real lies behind the impeachment’s against Trump. How about a book on the Clinton’s attempt to discredit Trump with more lies. How about a book on how the Democratic Party attempt to turn America into a communist socialistic nation.

  19. Trump needs to change himself into a human being first before he can make America great again. He "knows" a lot of stuff, but he doesn't know what's the most important in life — the love for humankind.

  20. Hello people hello world this is the Mississippi Boy again if Donald Trump was black he would have been in prison when he stepped out the office he would not have walked out and got on a helicopter and just flew away he would have been locked up right then and there in handcuffs if he was black or Barack Obama facts but since he is a republican a white supremacist this is what white people get away with murder including the Republicans the head of the Republicans Mitch McConnell and down William Barr need to be in prison with Donald J Trump and his family these people are corrupt all of the Republicans and let's not forget the two Democrats that is standing with these white supremacist

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