What do the results of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial mean?

“Nightline” co-anchor Byron Pitts breaks down the results of Pfizer’s phase 3 clinical trial with Dr. Richard Besser, the former acting director of the CDC.


Author: avnblogfeed


39 thoughts on “What do the results of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial mean?

  1. Makes perfect sense because children and newborns are the highest population in danger of this disease. You can't make this up. They are the rulers of the world but the master of the universe will have the final play. This is a war on a whole other level people. God bless you all and never fear.

  2. Pfizer's vaccine effectiveness is actually not 95% efficacy as touted but only 29% if every failure big or small is counted. SinoVac's full, honest disclosure was 52% efficacy. This included mild or unconfirmed cases of the illness in the trial statistics. The 52% efficacy of the SinoVac vaccine also included mild cases not requiring hospitalization.

  3. I would never take this vaccine the fact that they are so desperate for black and brown people to participate that the #1 place the Trump Administration hates is an HSBC School with all those talented well educated black people and is campaigning vocally on Youtube and other media outlets to try and get lots of regular university colleges with black people there I'm sure to participate now we know there are hundred of colleges and universities with all communities there instead they picked an HSBC school. Science has advanced so much they could use coding in your DNA to activate sterilization if it shows you have African DNA that identifies you as living in a black body and serialize our men and women while having no sterilizing effect on other cultures further removed from their African Lineage as everyone on earth is a descendant of what we now call Africa today and had dark skin (that fact has been proven by scientist and historians). There are many evil cultures or shall I say governments (mostly communist in practice) out there participating in the creating this vaccines including China and Russia both Governments don't like the blacks and boy if they want to try and exterminate a race without murder just make these young people sterile "Job Done". These black young kids in college or not need to learn their history first being the "Tuskegee Experiment" and also the early testing Aids and other vaccines in Africa first it wasn't necessary to go there to test so does anyone stop and wonder why when drug companies want to do a trial they don't say "East Indian, Mexican, Latino, Irish, Swedish, Europeans please participate in this trial. Their first go to is blacks around the world and Africa, it irritates me when nobody stops to and wonders with all that we now know about our history that is based in actual facts why do they always rush to make black people first to Guinea pigs new drugs and vaccines and that is because if you believe the lives of people of color has no value then use them as lab rats if they die oh well no loss here. Thank you but no thank you won't be taking any of that.

  4. Maybe the RAPTURE is happening and everyone is afraid to Go!!

  5. FDA does NOT test for its safety for any products. It uses a company's own data to determine whether the vaccine is safe or not. This is lunacy! There should be an unbiased third party that tests for its safety, then we would have a clear understanding of whether the vaccine is safe; otherwise, there may be safety issues with this or any other vaccine that comes to market.

    From FDA's website: "FDA does not develop or test products before approving them. Instead, FDA experts review the results of laboratory, animal, and human clinical testing done by manufacturers."

  6. It's not Pfizer's vaccine. It hast Bern invented by BioNTech. Pfizer just produces and distributes it. Biontech ist a German company, so there is definitly no US (Trump) money in it either.

  7. Yes joe Biden! He got us a vaccine the day after election! Who knows what magic this mans going to produce during his 4 years

  8. Pfizer just announced that their vaccine is 90% effective – but effective for who and what?

    Answer: For the corporate oligarchs and their global control agenda. Except for about 10% of the population who refuse to be injected, 90% of the population are expected to comply with the injection of artificial (synthetic) RNA due to the draconian consequences of refusal. The genetically modifying (GMO) vaccine will destroy people's God given natural immunity against disease. It will cause a total dependency on lab generated artificial immunity.

    This artificial immunity vaccine will give Big pharma complete control over your life and death. You will be as dependent on them for artificial immunity "booster shots" as heroine addicts for their next fix. Without the artificial immunity shots, your immune system will fail and you will die.

    THE SHOTS ARE FREE! Like drug dealers, the pharmawhores will make the Covid vaccine free at first. Once they've injected you with DNA-altering artificial immunity and made you dependent on them for your survival, they'll charge whatever they want.

    To win your trust, the first vaccine shot will predictably be a harmless placebo with no side effects whatsoever. People's immune system will be boosted just by the belief that they are immune and that the placebo shot is real and 90% effective. Testing for Covid will be abandoned, statistics will plunge and any new cases will be explained away as the 10% ineffective nature of the vaccine. Word of mouth will travel fast that the vaccine is completely safe, effective and harmless.

  9. 💪💪Take control over your body 🙂🙂 and chase all the diseases🛌🤮🤮🐛 and viruses 🤯🤯😫😱🕷️🐍🦎🐀in your body system, pregnancy 🤰🤰🤰🤰and conceiving problem 🤱🤱🤱👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦contact 👼Dr Francis Isuku hope for Africa best 🌷💐🌿🌱🌴🌳🏞️herb treatment🙏🙏🙏 hopeonlove0@gmail.com +2349020020011 Also Available on whatsapp…

  10. Holy sh**. You people didn’t look at the video where Bill Gates said Earth is overpopulated and WE can reduce the population through vaccines?

  11. I have just one question: were the makers of these vaccines granted immunity from lawsuits should they prove to cause harm in the long-term? The answer to that will determine how long I'll wait to take it.

  12. Means the new Holocaust against minorities can shift into high gear but as for me they can keep there voodoo vaccine and I don’t want to hear anyone come at me sounding like Jim Jones because there will be trouble! Just think about it ? It’s impossible for Bill Gates to be talking about reducing the population years earlier and this not be a plandemic event I mean really multiple celebrity’s getting covid the president getting covid prince Charles getting covid you would have to be one dumb person to believe all that crap!!!!!

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