What do Russians think of the war in Ukraine? – Car Mod Pros Portal

On the ground in Moscow, ABC News’ James Longman reports that some Russians he spoke with told him they view the war in Ukraine as “patriotic” and noble.

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#ABCNL ##Russians #Ukraine


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “What do Russians think of the war in Ukraine?”
  1. I am going to boycott abc from now on. This title is so misleading it is absurd. And these people expect us to believe their bullshit over the Kremlin's? Less than a decade ago YouTube (broadcast yourself) was a place for independent journalists and content creators that were motivated by truth…. now it's been dominated by multimillion dollar click bait msm corporations that are motivated by profit. I can't even be mad. This is just human nature and it will never change.

  2. And tell us about Donbass, how Ukraine bombed it for 8 years and killed more than 20,000 people, how they were tortured in the Sausage shop of Lugansk

  3. Russians have been taught to hate the west since before they were born. Russia is using the west and nato just as an excuse to execute his own neighbors. It continues to blame the west 24 hrs a way on Russian tv and media. They banned social media so that they could invent their own narratives.

  4. So easy for russians to say the would welcome the return of soviet russia in isolation terms when the propaganda they are being fed is actually believed. I dont blame the people of russia as when u dont know..well u dont know
    Why not show them some videos if u can while you are there

  5. I am a Romanian citizen. So pardon my english. As you might know Romania was under comunist law till 1989 when Romanian people decided to regain their freedom, of knowledge most of all, by commiting murder to the president Ceausescu and his wife after a unlawful military trial. Yes under comunism regime there's mostly propaganda, yes I'm convinced russian citizens don't have easy acces to information of what's really happening but I'm telling you THERE ARE WAYS!! I'm betting everything on this! As I remember all the stories of my parents and how people would wait for the dawn and get together discreetly in one small flat to listen to foreign radio news and they would share the news to others and so many other ways they would always made sure they're on top of the propaganda! Romanian military always would share the truth to their families, there's no such thing of military not sharing information discreetly with the loved ones,especially in critical situations! There's no such thing of people believing and accepting the propaganda when you see censorship everywhere around you! The human mind is curious at all times and behind close doors I'm certain russians are getting informed of what really happens! The russians know! They put their own comfort on top of human life, that's what it is for me ! They can bullshit people who never lived under comunism regime, they cannot bullshit us! I m not judging, you cannot judge someone who decides to stay quiet for safety reasons. But I m not gonna pretend I believe they don't know! You have my own country as an example if you really want to get rid of your regime,you find in yourself bravery to do a revolution and even execute the president for your freedom! There's always ways!

  6. When God came to His People the Jews He came with Joy and Peace and Love and Real Happiness. To save them Powerfully from their "slavery". And they thought He is going to set them free from the Romans to whom they were enslaved at that stage. And He commented that that slavery is not the slavery that matters.

    They were actually enslaved to themselves. Living the slavery life of a wretched sinner in sin of human existence. And their real "slavery' in this particular situation were their inability to Love the Romans and to enjoy Life with their "enemies".

    Seems after 2000 years of the Gospel the human nation still didn't learn? And the Ukranians couldn't accept the "slavery" of their Russian Brothers. And neither could the rest of the "free" human world. Thus they entered a war against the wrong "slave masters" who are not important to their Happiness. So foolish. Don't you think?

  7. Of course there is only One Truth. That of God. War is "selfishness" on display.

    James 4: 1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
    2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

    When you disobey then you should suffer the consequences of your disobedience. Which is war.

    Mat. 5: 38 ¶Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
    39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
    40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.
    41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
    42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
    43 ¶Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
    44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

  8. https://youtu.be/zW2WXnDMnMc
    Can anyone in the world stop this war?
    Tons of innocents have lost their roofs and love ones.
    The hardships the sympathy have to face?
    Explosions that destroys and their only shelter
    Will the shootings stop?
    The sleepless night the Innocents endures, so does the families of the soldiers.
    Will someone uphold its honor.?

  9. I want peace, but the apocalypse is coming. Masons have already released the second horseman of death, this is war. The first rider is disease. The third horseman is hunger. My advice to you all is to repent before God and plant a garden with normal non-GMO seeds.

  10. Many Ukrainians chastise Russians for increasingly accepting middle-class comforts afforded by the country’s oil wealth in exchange for declining to resist limits on their freedoms. They blame millions of Russians, who Ukrainians say gave up on the post-Soviet dreams of freedom and openness to the West, for enabling the war

  11. and what makes you think respected American citizens that for and your lying media is the truth? where was it in 2014??? when were Ukrainian civilians bombed by Russians by nationality??? Have they ignore the problem for 8 years and imported weapons to Ukraine ?? why is NOT moving to the borders of the Russian Federation? explain to me why ?? isn't it to do the same as with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and others??? no thanks needed! wait for the price increase! and we are already used to it 🙂 there is only propaganda around, but you need to look at the facts soberly!

  12. RottenSia is a nation of booze-heads with too much vodka. They severely lack critical and progressive thinking/attitude, and need super strong dictators as their custodians.

    One mad dictator with nuke-heads elected by a nation of booze-heads has nearly totally devastated its neighboring country and put the whole world at the verge of WW3.

  13. BS kid with Z at the gymnastics awards…they think they are better than the west….attack Russia now full attack…destroy the whole rotten place

  14. Nobody like war If they cleaver then they mouth they should to be a ware of better then experence of .
    Russian is own communist regime and nationalism theory,it does not hurt anyone to hear ,was it?

  15. No actual interviews, they love Ukraine? ..Putin must hate Ukraine as he's levelling it to the ground! …thats not a rational man who loves and covets his neighbour!..surely? They're ALL nazis he says? ..even their president who's Jewish is, ..a nazi? ..the old women who fought for freedom in the last war, ..er nazis? ..beggars belief!

  16. I wish all Russians who are unhappy with what is happening–All the best. My last ex is Russian thus that make the cat she gave me Russian and a Jew. Techincally, I have been living with a Russian Jew for 17 year and I ain't giving up on her now. Peoples of Russia, you all have a good day. Keep the prayers for the Ukraine alive. We can take care of this problem when we start working together.

  17. He's not crazy. Here is the ruler of North Korea, if he defends himself with nuclear potential and keeps the communist system? He is also crazy, and his father ?. WE can compare leaders, we have been watching Putin for 20 years. Oh Kholokhlov (Urkaintsev) put in place, well, where is the madness? It was imposed on you by your media, and here you are rubbing propaganda about us. We all know very well and we see alternative opinions and decide for ourselves which idiology to adopt. And none of us has been watching TV for a long time, no matter what you say, that we have an opinion imposed by a propaganda machine. Look at our satirist (comedian) Zadornov. He says all Americans are stupid. But stupid why? Because your opinion is very easy to control.

  18. So that means the sanctions are not going to work and after Ukraine is goe we will let Russia go back to normal like nothing ever happened, wish Ukraine would just give it up and leave, they can't do nothing dead.

  19. Deutsche Welle threatens ordinary Russians with punishments.and Western functionaries on this channel promise 5,000 warheads on the heads of Russians, like the drug addict terrorist Zelensky, promise us a nuclear war.Well, we can't expect anything else from the West, especially from Deutsche.we have nowhere to escape from this, nuclear war means nuclear war…

  20. Right, thank you ABC News (barf) HMMM, how about The Soros, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Gates, and Klaus Schwab OCCUPANCY in and under Ukraine??? The BioLabs, the human trafficking, the drugs….. HELLO?? Its not a war, its a special operation to take out FILTH in UKRAINE, the succubus high profile lizards and their minion.. Wake the heck up!!! Protect good Ukraine people and Protect the good citizens of surrounding nations from Geo Political, nefarious monoply-literally the super wealthy grotesque sociopaths of the earth feasting off humans, our money, our bodies, our minds. Be gone with them. Report the truth or shut your darn mouths MAINSTREAM.

  21. Fake news people don't know basic history. For example, the Soviet Union did not exist in a vacuum. It was propped up for 70+ years by the US, without which it would have collapsed in on itself long ago.

  22. People don’t realise how intimidating it is to speak out on camera against a dictator regime.

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