Experts examine America’s history with guns, the real-life impacts of gun violence and what can be done going forward to mitigate the problem.
#ABCNews #Uvalde #Texas #SchoolShooting
Its called End Times Prophecy ,people are being taken over by the demons that they have worshiped over the years ,now people are manifesting it,watch what goes on all summer ,and with the prices of things ,its just getting started ,oh and the 7 Year Tribulation starts this sept,then all HELL Breaks loose ….
we need more ppl armed, armored guards at school, business any location at risk .. there would be less shootings
we need to keep America free, just have better laws to not let mentally Ill 18 yr olds buying them randomly
I dunno maybe Seattle will be next and possibly Armenians as an target and the shooter might be Taiwanese girl with short hair which reenactment of Quentin Tarantino movies and Armenian Genocide back in 1910's.
“What comes next after the Texas school shooting?â€ÂÂÂ
“Another school shooting.†Sad but true.
The biggest issue is America has never really had a honest discourse with itself in terms of how things really are on this soil. And I mean seeing ourselves for whom we really are.
16 Billion dollars spent annually will put an officer, not an armed teacher, in place on every K-12 campus (private and public) in this nation.
Why hasn’t this happened yet?
If it works, they can’t keep grandstanding on this issue.
They, every elected official, need to fix this security oversight, and quit their jobs immediately afterwards.
We need leaders.
There are no solutions to the gun violence happening in this country. NONE
Announced today that the major cause of childhood death in America is by gunfire.
Guns kill more American children than ANY othe cause.
This is unique in the history of the world.
The National Rifle Association is NOT keeping Americans safe.
We, Indians, amuse and entertain ourselves by your gun violences and nonsensical things about so passionate about guns. Make bombs legal too. Would be fun 😂
It is not about the guns! Think about it with common sense. There were millions of gun owners in my school days of the 70's and '80's, yet there weren't any school shootings. Times have changed and so have peoples mental states. Strengthen our schools and their protection. Removing the second amendment isn't the answer. Criminals will get guns anywhere, then we are left without a way to protect ourselves.
You mean liberal filth in America.
Interesting to hear how politicized gun ownership is here in the US. The government must make money out of backing the NRA no doubt about that. And so are the politicians we see in the media defending this organization. Very interesting.
This isn't freedom
Coming up next week
Just like god, guns are stuck inside Americans' heads. Nothing is going to change. until the thinking changes. Don't hold your breath.
What comes next??? NRA checks to Cancun Cruz and Gregg Abbott's bank accounts what else?
Another shooting.
Speak for me and my country Thailand I think people should be able to own guns but only have no criminal record or risk. Hunting only Bold action rifle or level action, home protection only short gun or small-caliber handgun. only these in my opinion
Mass shooting in Chicago that was Al Capone
What comes next? Another mass shooting
Taxes won't fix this they don't want people testifying against Hillary
Better mental health care? More respect for side effects and reactions to medication?
Health care needs to be much better a gun is a tool like a car how many people are killed in cars are we stopping cars from being driven?
Merk the shooters family……
What comes next is Republican say thoughts and prayers and don't actually do anything. Democrats try to push through common-sense gun legislation and the Republicans make sure they stop it. They have to keep all their big donors happy you know. Then the NRA will hold a super offensives rally the town over to tell everybody over my cold dead hands are you taking my guns. Well guess what Cletus no one's talking about banning guns or taking your beloved guns away. They're just talking about common-sense gun legislation which is what the majority of Americans want. The fact that a small minority in this country love their guns more than children is nuts. And it also proves their pro birthers not pro-lifers.
I just want to know where are all the Kids Lives Matter mass protests or is it only black lives that matter?
Comes Another shooting
Also long as republicans have the power
I'll tell you what's next.
Dr. Phil is going to stay out of this mess, he's going to rightfully keep his mouth wired shut about it.
And he's going to stay out of Uvalde, Texas.
Because this is not his place to get involved, and he has no say in the matter!
School shooting became an epidemic or an existing culture which has to be stopped.
A self proclaimed super power is educating other countries about Human rights ignoring damages done by Over rights given to their own WOKE people.
Answer to the title is the next one
To Republicans and the NRA, do you agree that mass shootings of innocent Americans is a small price to pay for you to enjoy your right to bear arms? Yes or No ?
Well it appears that “felons†are not the ones committing these mass shootings. So…. still no solution.
Have you already started to be surprised by the Corona, the Ukrainian War, etc.?
This is because on December 22, 2022, the era of soil changed to the era of wind.
It gradually changes from the era of money, status and materialism to the era of freedom, equality, flexibility, information, intelligence and spirituality. ..
From now on, the system of money will disappear, and the era of space, AI, and humanoids will come.
You can't stay in the old system forever.
Better be more gun reform and amping up security at school