What Chauvin Conviction Means For Police Reform In America | NBC Nightly News

What Chauvin Conviction Means For Police Reform In America | NBC Nightly News

NBC News Ron Allen speaks with civil rights attorney Nekima Levy Armstrong, Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo and Minnesota state Rep. John Thompson about policing in America and where the nation goes from here.
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#ChauvinConviction #RepJohnThompson #NBCNews

What Chauvin Conviction Means For Police Reform In America | NBC Nightly News


45 thoughts on “What Chauvin Conviction Means For Police Reform In America | NBC Nightly News

  1. Police and fire departments. Please check which private mutual fund is managing your pension fund. Look into the investment they selected. I think many of them are tech companies which are rallying against you. You need to hurt them where the money is.

  2. May the ones screaming for reform of the police should look at one how they have taught their kids how to act when confronted by a officer and how they act. I was taught to respect them no matter what and if I had a problem with one to deal with it in court. Maybe the ones screaming for reform the most should start with reform in their own homes.

  3. Civil Rights
    Their are so many corrupt cops out there that are working as silent criminal hiding under the law enforcement 👮‍♂️🤏🐷👁👁

  4. It’s truly sad and unfortunate how a confrontation can go from bad to worse….

    Why is it people involved in illegal activity would rather fight and resist when confronted by the law.

    Many would still be alive today, both Police and those illegal activity offenders that wouldn’t obey at all.

    It’s being responsible for our actions, not race, nationality, political affiliation or even the color of our skin.

    Police, Military and First Responders keep us safe, respecting these dedicated men and women is where it must begin.

  5. C’mon!! Wright was nothin but a thug! Guess what happens when ya just f**king listen to the police?? NOTHING!!!!!!!! You might get a ticket and that’s about it. Dumb a$$es.

  6. Real reform should start with sentencing changes for resisting arrest and fleeing from the police. Each should be treated as a felony and come with a mandatory 5 year prison sentence regardless of the outcome of the original charges. If all officers have body cams this will be easy to prove.

  7. It’s means nothing until country wide Laws are passed

  8. Get rid of police unions and qualified immunity because that’s what’s destroying American 🇺🇸…!!!

  9. I have to say again and again as a black man… we must do right… No one should ever run back to their car to retrieve nothing or a gun…. Inundation must be hammered… that must be the message for the children…. the message first to the adults.

  10. Seriously…. A CRIMINAL is famous!! 👎👎👎

  11. I think the defense made a huge mistake and missed an opportunity in
    this trial. They rested too early. I posted in length what I think on my
    home page video. Please let me know what you think. Thanks

  12. When people ask me what Verdict fir the other officers get? I say guilty guilty guilty!!! and I am going to defer you to what the report would have been if they didn't have footage of George Floyd's killing..

  13. It will not bring much in the way of police reform. It was an open and shut case. Poor George Floyd was obviously no threat. You know that Chauvin knows that because he has his hands in his pockets while he murders George.

  14. The rush to judgement in every case is ridiculousness even when the evidence is clear to see. The waters are murky at best and we are being bombarded daily. It may be time to unplug from the 24/7 cycle of hate, outrage and violence.

  15. This conviction may well be a turning point, but there's plenty of actions to take place for there to be any proof for the reality of change to even exist as acceptance.

  16. According to today's "Democracy Now" (4-21-2021) news episode, 135 Black people have been shot by 3/4 White cops since 2015. 👁️👁️

  17. His last words: I can't breathe. Why didn't he say I'm sorry for defrauding these folks and seeing that he was remorseful the grip on him might have been relaxed? Anyone that has ever been a victim of crime would have breathed a sigh of relief. Chauvin was not tried by a jury of his peers. Everyone knows that when it comes to police, it is them and us. A black officer might have pounded Floyd until he was senseless. Who is to blame? Chauvin 10%. Floyd 90%. Police are not expected to be saints. They have a difficult job to do and cannot allow themselves to be influenced by how bystanders believe they should conduct themselves in this kind of situation. Given his condition, Floyd might have dropped dead from stress while merely standing up.

    In a wider context, by his action in which he had to be forcibly removed from his car, Floyd essentially declared his right to commit crime. Police are continually squeezed between two opposing forces and when our lawmakers do not stand behind them, they cannot help but be cynical, believing that their sacrifice is in vain.

    Sentence should be apportioned based on fault. If Chauvin is given twenty years it should be reduced to ten percent of that with time to be served two years.

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