What branding social activism could mean for Nike’s business

What branding social activism could mean for Nike’s business

Colin Kaepernick, currently embroiled in legal proceedings against the league, was chosen for the company’s “Just Do It” campaign, which sparked protests from some sports fans.


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31 thoughts on “What branding social activism could mean for Nike’s business

  1. this is simple, Nike knows, understands and has made it clear when it comes to recognizing their current and target market. They know who supports their brand all the way. so WELL DONE NIKE!!

  2. Don't see any white kids in poor neighborhoods complaining when a group of black football players come to their school , and bring them new nikes…..this nation has been divided since day one. trump is just fueling the fire.

  3. Well if they plot to not sign players for exercising their right to free speech, then its proof evidence of racism by failing to let them have that right. And is probably money motivated via this dump of a prez we have sitting in the white house

  4. If everyone from sea to shining sea would just stop buying products that were made in communist countries. I'm NOT a Walmart shopper either because back when Sam Walton was building his stores, he told the American people that nothing on the shelves of his store would come from foreign countries. But then Mr. Walton passed away God rest his soul. Now the family saw more profits with imported goods. Is that what greed does to people? The love of money, greed and more power!
    I try and watch what I purchase. I look at the label to see where it came from. If it came from a communist country, a country who bleeds us for millions of our tax dollars that never pays it back, or a country where the people hate the American people, I put the product back on the shelf. I go online and search for what I'm looking for but I make sure that it's made right here in American where quality products are made!
    So go online and search for U.S. made products first people! I personally won't buy NIKE anything until they bring the manufacturing back to this country. When it comes to my next pair of shoes I'll look into New Balance because their made in America!
    Now tell me this so I can understand more about it. The white people and cops around the country are racist and picking on black people? Well I don't know what the percentage is, but why are our prisons and jails full of more black people than white people? If the police around the country are racist, why are there black people on the police force as with all the other races trying to uphold the laws? What race seems to be committing more of the crimes nation wide?
    Now there are so many blacks that are still reverting to the days of slavery in this country. Well how many of their ancestors were slaves? How many of the slaves were actually captured by white people for slavery? How many blacks were captured by another tribe in Africa that was at war with a certain tribe and the captives were sold as slaves by their own black race of people?
    Don't blame us for your so called oppression! If you can't stand for this countries nation anthem and if you don't like this country, YOU CAN LEAVE this country and find out what it's like to live elsewhere!
    I could say more but I just don't have the time.

  5. This man was raised by upper middle class white people. He's never had to sacrifice anything. Colin doesn't care about the children in sweat shops making his shoes. Just looking for publicity and money.

  6. this is a question for black people: Yall think Nike is sincere with this? or is it all about the money with them? Is it OK to support Kaepernick and Nike teaming up and ignore all the other facts ( Nike still supporting the NFL , etc? is it ok to be slightly ignorant in order to support the "bigger picture"? Or should we do something more like try and force Nike to donate a portion of the earnings to the cause? Seriously… What do BLACK women and men think?

    I personally believe Nike only has financial motives with this whole campaign… However for Nike to jump on this movement it does add a certain amount of power or momentum to our swing.

  7. If you want to get involved in SOCIAL JUSTICE, look at WHERE & HOW NIKE manufactures it's shows… The pay to those making them, cost and sale price. Nike is absolutely an EVIL corporation… It also completely corrupts amateur and pro-sports… Fuck Nike, and their garbage product. 666

  8. This is so stupid..-people wanting to protest for something so positive and inspirational. Imagine how many people this has touched and they are literally out there striving even harder to pursue their dream right now! I've never purchased a pair of Nike's before But I will be!! What're the best ones to get?

  9. Blacks are the majority of Spain's Soccer team, Blacks are the majority of Britain's Soccer team! France won the 2018 Cup, with only 3 white players, all the rest were black. But the Nigerian team is 100 percent black. Black Liberia has a black only immigration policy. South Africa has told the white farmers to leave and hand over their farms or be killed! And Kaperdick and his followers are flipping off White America. Time to boycott the games until sports become more diverse!!!

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