WH reacts to Manchins comments on Biden spending bill and plan for COVID surge

WH reacts to Manchins comments on Biden spending bill and plan for COVID surge

White House reacts after Sen. Joe Manchin said he cannot support the Build Back Better plan, and White Houses plan to combat COVID surge.


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48 thoughts on “WH reacts to Manchins comments on Biden spending bill and plan for COVID surge

  1. This is why Manchin does not want BBB to pass.  He gets too much money to just keep things as they are, in order to benefit his donors. He nixed the tax increase on the wealthy in BBB, but has no problem increasing taxes on the poor, by not passing BBB. FACTS!  Joe Manchin is a top recipient from the following industries in the 2021-2022 election cycle:  COAL MINING #1, MINING #1, NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION #1, OIL & GAS #1, SAVINGS & LOANS #1, TOBACCO #1, BUSINESS ASSNS #2, FOR-PROFIT EDUCATION #2, ELECTRIC UTILITIES #3.

  2. ;.,.I've been a longtime Democrat since 1987 but It's NOT fair to only give tax incentives to union car companies. If only unions get the tax credits,

    then I will vote against future elections for the Democrats and Biden's reelection!

  3. No build back better plan. That really sucks. I heard the rich would of paid for it and it would of actually got us out of debt. I don't understand how that works,but they said they will just tax the rich and make them all pay for it. That sounds like it might work. Wait a minute. Aren't they and all of there buddies millionaires and billionaires themselves? I want to be a Democrat because my dad is a republican and Trump is mean but gosh this stuff sure is confusing.

  4. I think Joe watched "Trading Places" one too many times…that's what Wentworth and The Duke Brothers said Billy Ray was going to do…Billy Ray Valentine broke them for underestimating the power of payback🙌

  5. That's just the tyrannical immigrant public servants they fight for lockdowns and mandates because they don't like our Constitution of The United States of America and our freedoms that WE fought for they just used us to get refuge asylum and opportunities yup

  6. ⭐️ Shows once again how corrupt and immoral Biden admin is. Tyrants bullying Manchin with leaks, etc. The Democrat party is anti-Democratic 🇰🇵

  7. 800 billion unaccounted for military …no problem…money for actually helping people…no I just can't do it…Capital hill is the Devils playground.. the proof is right in our faces…stay woke

  8. Mr. Manchin, it's time to stand down. You've made some compelling points and most of us applaud your efforts. You're not the solution to the 'Newsom' theory= give them money, they give you votes. Wait, did you really believe they care about struggling Americans here and the ones in Afghanistan? C'mon man.

  9. Every democrat in the house and the senate are R3-Tards except manchin…between marrying their brothers, being terrorists, having simpletons tear down statues that democrats put up and the secret service having to be trained and paid more to change bidens depends…Every short bus in America is now filled with democrats.

  10. He did the right thing. And to those who say bull. Go read the bill.
    Child tax. Yep everyone making $400K a year. Hell no they don’t

  11. OMG ! Doesn't Have A Clue ! Biden , Worst President In History !
    Really, Can Anybody Be As Pathetic As Biden ? A Complete Embarrassment To America ! Everyone Is Laughing at Biden And The Liberal MSM Media Covering Up For Biden Daily ! Just a Joke Of A Pretend President ! 80+ Mil Votes ? Come On Man ! lol

  12. West Virginia loose.. one of poorest state..that could used the money… manchin doesn’t want to pay higher taxes on his coal mine or lose it.

  13. Go ahead, allow Manchin to let American voters and the whole world know that he is against paid family leave and universal childcare. Let him use "runaway inflation" as an excuse, even though leading economists like Paul Krugman have emphasized that inflation was NOT caused by the stimulus packages but rather is a direct consequence of the supply chain crisis. How he will be remembered in history is entirely up to him (and his corporate donors).

  14. Thank you Manchin! ❤️❤️👍🏿👍🏿

  15. Covid deaths US 828,836 India 477,554 UK 147,261 Germany 109,243 China 4,636 Australia 2,146 New Zealand 49.

    US Fox TV and Australian Sky TV viewers know that Rupert Murdoch and Trump were both vaccinated at the start of 2021.

    I despise vaccinated people who are smug in their protection, who urge unvaccinated people to exercise their freedoms.

    It's like the guy in the street telling the guy on the ledge to jump. G.Rivera

  16. Covid deaths US 828,836 India 477,554 UK 147,261 Germany 109,243 China 4,636 Australia 2,146 New Zealand 49.

    US Fox TV and Australian Sky TV viewers know that Rupert Murdoch and Trump were both vaccinated at the start of 2021.

    I despise vaccinated people who are smug in their protection, who urge unvaccinated people to exercise their freedoms.

    It's like the guy in the street telling the guy on the ledge to jump. G.Rivera

  17. Manchin stated that he finds the build back better bill humanly impossible for him.

    Firstly, Climate change puts the Manchin family's coal dividends at risk.

    Secondly, Child care and Elder care for the US public does not benefit him or his family..

  18. Who cares what the White House thinks. That plan sucks and very bad for the American People and Manchin knew it and made the right call. Trump would be proud of him. 👍
    Let's go Brandon!

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