WH blasts Democrats’ ‘disgraceful’ investigation

WH blasts Democrats’ ‘disgraceful’ investigation

The White House called Democrats’ deepening investigation into President Donald Trump “disgraceful and abusive,” but the president has vowed to cooperate

READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2XDUJ4j
Former Trump White House lawyer calls Mueller ‘American hero,’ says probe is no witch hunt


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33 thoughts on “WH blasts Democrats’ ‘disgraceful’ investigation

  1. The witch hunt is over… Muller can go back into retirement. It's time to start a investigation on the Democrats and the bogus fisa warrant… let the swamp draining begin😂

  2. Are the democrats hypocrites or what ?  Why didn't they investigated Obama & Clinton on Benghazi ? How many times did Obama by passed Congress in the middle of the night ?Why was Bush never investigates on 9-11 ?  was it coincidence his brother was the chief security guy at the twin towers when they were hit ?  Why wasn't his reaction when being told of the towers that of surprise ?  Why wasn't his dad investigated in his part in the Kennedy assassination?   Why wasn't until Lincoln, a Republican President that freedom was given to the black people ?  ( Because the Democrats were all for slavery ), fucken hypocrites!

  3. The crooks are easy to find on both sides of the isle people so don’t act like one side is better or worse.. only one side is being constantly investigated..

  4. I thought they were elected to legislate on behalf of constituents not investigate trump.. who gives a fuck do your job or go home without pay.. that’s how my job works.. trumps whole term in office has been under investigation if you ain’t done it by now it ain’t happening.. damn even obamas sorry ass had a chance to do his job.. he just sucked at it

  5. The Democrats have been disgusting in their behavior from the beginning when President Trump was elected! Personally I am sick and tired of these idiots who keep trying to find something to get rid of President Trump when they themselves should be gotten rid of now!

  6. Dictator Islam Karimov last President of Uzbekistan he's Dougher Greencard holder Lola Karimova and Gulnora Karimomova live in Los Angeles Beverly Hills house for $60000000 and saving money Banks of USA & Europe! Over $500000000 so money homes in Europe and USA! Same time in Uzbekistan a lof of people have no food! Government totally corrupted! Police killing People! LGBT Peoples Dieing and going Jail because they are Gay! Child Labor! Why node care ?

  7. Trump listen to me get it over with every one has to pay some day no matter what you believe you claim innocence then don’t waste time and tax payers dollars fighting this battle But of course the fight is a guilt admission common sense

  8. The White House is disgusting the American people. Time to get all those documents. THE MOST CORRUPT POTUS EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA. And the most embarrassing leader to ever sit in the WH period.

  9. Investigate each House Representative and Senator for dark money secretly funded to them by Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Boeing, foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and dozens of oil and car corporations. The corporation paid congressional criminals are investigating the one guy who wants to end the congressional corruption. They fear the spot light on their own dirt.

  10. 2 years of Russian paranoia the Dems are just gonna quietly pretend never happened so they can now focus on their latest crazes: abuse of power, and… what's that other one? That he's never gonna leave the White House, or something? Hehehe. Dems should have their own reality show on Netflix.

  11. As of March 3 The Washington Post has cataloged 9014 Times Trump has lied to the American people since taking office. See Also from MSNBC: Book pushes conspiracy Qanon climbs to top 20 on Amazon bestsellers. How?

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