‘We’ve got to continue to’ wear masks to fight pandemic: Gov. Mike DeWine | ABC News

‘We’ve got to continue to’ wear masks to fight pandemic: Gov. Mike DeWine | ABC News

Martha Raddatz interviews Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on “This Week.”

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50 thoughts on “‘We’ve got to continue to’ wear masks to fight pandemic: Gov. Mike DeWine | ABC News

  1. This dude has the longest responses and he still doesn't answer the questions. 🙄

  2. Ooops, you dummies CDC just put out guidance saying masks and social distancing not needed for those vaccinated.
    But keep wearing the mask that does nothing more than virtue signal.

  3. Any one who has a problem with masks should move to another country… Russia or some place…. masks save lives…what the big deal…you people who won't do it are traitor's to your country…put it on…. unbelievable

  4. You may not but finally Mississippi’s governor grew a pair!!!

  5. If this is true then why aren’t the People of Texas and Mississippi dropping dead in DROVES???

  6. Teachers becarful what you ask for.in the summer the news will have to report all the deaths from vaccine.yeah you want them back cuz elections over but you want to make sure to vaccinate as many peep as you can.when the deaths are reported you will be held accountable even the news broadcasters who thought keeping there jobs was more important then telling truth and actually investigating.

  7. UK whistleblower said more deaths from vaccine in nursing homes and home bound.the masks work. B S.. .you people are coo coo for cocoa puffs.the masks work the kidsxdont spread it they have high immunity .torturing children this way .i want you arrested.

  8. Who thought this would be a great idea? BURYING the dead with their MASK still on?
    Had to be one of Fauci ideas!
    (sorry about the spelling, this is Siri)

  9. Teacher unions have a death grip on Ohio schools & kids. People who voted for these Republicans are furious because these politicians have that made this Chinese virus political. Our kids & their families are the ones suffering over this Government overreach forcing them to wear mask & treating people like they are dumb & should bow down to the so called leaders have no clue how to handle anything.

  10. Yes the daily dose of ‘we’re all gonna die’ fear injections from our total honest and right down the middle main stream media

  11. Nope! Stop trying to control the American people! We are intelligent enough to know what is going on and to make our OWN DECISIONS! Last time I check America was still FREE country!!!!

  12. Lol!😂

  13. I get “transparency” emails weekly from my kids school saying a teacher or student has contracted the virus.
    50 cases per 100,000 is .05%.
    Only thing I’ve learned is how big of a blow hard Mike Dewine is. I hope Josh Mandel challenges you for the Governor’s seat Mike!

  14. 👍 good job governor. Don’t give up the defense. Wear masks, save lives. COVID is still here. The war isn’t over, it’s not time to take it easy. This man knows how to make a deal with schools.

  15. Half of Americans? Where was my vote 🤦‍♂️ 😂

  16. Since our Southern border is now porous again we will go into a walk down again.
    Over 100+ people infected with covid-19 are roaming around our country right now because they illegally entered.
    I'm tired of this b*******!
    And I'm not going to comply anymore.
    Screw COVID !!!!


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