West Coast continues to suffer from wildfire catastrophe

West Coast continues to suffer from wildfire catastrophe

Thick hazes of smoke have swallowed major cities such as Seattle.


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38 thoughts on “West Coast continues to suffer from wildfire catastrophe

  1. By the time 2020 rounds up, humanity will be tested to the limit especially U.S.A. You can imagine having to deal with President Trump, Cops behavior towards blacks/African American and so called coloured people i.e Espanic then neverending wildfire then Covid-19 scam? Is it time to change political tactics altogether. Democracy have failed the world

    unprecedented in size and intensity are just one manifestation of rising Green Houses. The air is not even breathable in large cities like San Francisco,
    Portland and Seattle. Oceans becoming acidified and killing coral reefs, crucial to fish and causing fisheries crashing. Mercury (from burning) coal
    level making fish dangerous for children and pregnant women. Climate change resulting in species extinction, crop failures from droughts, water supplies frying up.
    Crop seeds not adapted to climate. Coastal flooding from rising sea levels Flooding and destruction from more severe storms. Increasing wild life
    (including hunting species) diseases. Starvation of people in third world countries.


  4. The massive wildfires on the west coast are caused by climate change, a clear and present danger.

    DT's denial of climate change and its proven science is damning. Beyond the current devastation, America will be susceptible to more natural disasters in the future, requiring real action on climate change and its mitigating measures. DT's assertion of bravado without any basis in climate science will do nothing to solve this great global challenge of our time.

    A pinprick ~ Taking the fight to the enemy.

  5. well, regarding the forest fires I truly believe that we can find evidence that such calamities are due to irresponsible state and federal government, for the last 40 years or more, they have been investing heavily into discrediting those ppl who would promote protecting the forests, a good portion didn't move a finger to stop those who like to destroy forest with fires, nor to stop those who show clear disregard for nature, the nature that is there, or that was there, took millions of years to get to that point, while a government took a few decades, or centuries at most, the plain disregard to provide clear welcoming protection to all the already endangered nature is a clear sign that the ppl in government have committed a mistake from where there is no coming back from, if ppl. loose their jobs for silly things of witch we got plenty of examples to mention, then these forest fires are of the sort of mistakes that should be capital crimes, in a country like the USA, where is common to find ppl., and corporations with more wealth than entire nations, there is no excuse, that could be valid, in case of someone wondering from where does all this finger pointing comes from, lets keep in mind that the way to move water that would be needed to stop and to prevent such forest fires, has been known for the past millennia, now if we would like to include the ROMAN aqueducts, then instead of the past millennia we would need to state that it is for the last 3 thousand years or more, the thing old enough to hold such practical memory is the government of each country and state, the fact that a country like USA does not have the means to prevent such forest fires doesn't seem like a normal thing, to me it seems more like a crime from where there is no coming back from, the poor ppl that are struggling just to make ends met, just to get to the next year, can't be blamed for this, this is clearly a duty of the most wealthy ppl. in the planet, this is clearly a duty of the country with perhaps the richest corporations in the planet, this is the responsibility of the power that can create weapons of mass destruction, it is the responsibility of the state that can have millions of soldiers with expensive gear, is is not the responsibility of the poor nor the homeless, the law should have clear approach to this, the human expertise has been misused, let not make the mistake of thinking that such calamities are normal or that they should happen, because they should not happen not at this age, not with all the tools that can be summoned in what seems like a flash.

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  7. Joe Biden who is Creepy and Kamala Harris is a Flip Flopper..you don't want him for President and Vice President. VOTE FOR #Trump2020😁😁😁👍👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍 and save this Country from Democrats 👎👎👎👎 who lie, cheat and steal from Americans.

  8. My prayers are with all of us 🙏🙏🙏

  9. Those radical hippies out there on the West Coast should be used to burning things and lighting things up. Yes? No? 🔥🤷

  10. And the incompetent buffoon in the WH still denies global warming so he can roll back efficiency standards so people can buy gas hogs and he can coddle up to the fossil fuel industry. As one of the major greenhouse gas producers, we should be ashamed of our inaction in helping to combat the problem of climate chaos. We are screwing ourselves and the rest of the world.

  11. These photos have the EXACT signature and footprint of the DEW fires of a couple of years ago. WAKE UP, people!. This is way beyond the capability of arsonists, BLM, or Antifa. This is deep state globalist balck ops. Agenda 21 depopulation and redistributsion. Wake the hell UP!

  12. Whatever happened to the fire-proof spray on gels developed in So. Cal about 20 years ago? It was sprayed onto houses, buildings, even living plants, and protected everything from fire.

  13. i.personally through my texting want to thank these fire fighters for their courageous selfless service. It moves my heart to see their patriotism to this country and those affected by these fires. Really they all needed our love and support. God protect bless and protect them and their families.

  14. "Instead of hitting the golf course or going on vacation, the president and Congress respectively should sit down and make sure there is assistance for these brave men and women who are protecting our lives and our property."

  15. You are witnessing the greatest [coordinated] disinformation campaign to ever be launched against the American people. [D] efforts to regain power. They will say anything.FAKE – Trump doesn’t like the military. To Be Cont…………… Q is all good, Dems are all bad.
    President Trump nominated for 2 Nobel Peace Prizes. Suck on that Dems, Biden & Fake News, lmao. https://youtu.be/n6jBGZORMCg 👍🤓😲😝😤😱

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