‘We’re very concerned’ about a holiday COVID-19 surge: Surgeon general | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams is interviewed on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #JeromeAdams #SurgeonGeneral #COVID19


By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “‘We’re very concerned’ about a holiday COVID-19 surge: Surgeon general | ABC News”
  1. Wake Up Humanity COVID-19 IS BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. Read “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr Robert B Strecker, a Medical Doctor with a PhD in Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  2. TITANIC = WORLD is a ship full of passengers, both of them.
    A cruise ship called unsinkable and unsinkable 1 century ago. It is a historical marine accident that carries great signs for humanity and needs lessons. Let's look at it from another perspective. Let's update what has not been said deliberately and what we do not know.

    Borders were drawn according to the classification of people, wealth, clothing, color, language, religion and race. Proud bodies that no one can tolerate each other, that even give them an upper hand. Even by their arrogance, those who did not come side by side could not digest the fact that even those classified, left to the lower floors of the ship, travel on this ship. The thoughts that we should be the only ones on this ship sat in their hearts full of arrogance. These are the known. We would tell you for hours what you've never heard of, believe me, you couldn't sleep from having nightmares.
    TITANIC, just like the World. Even the ship could no longer tolerate this inhuman savagery that traveled on them. It's time to say stop now. Those who say God cannot sink this ship, the night of April 15, 1912, and those who challenged him, were assigned to an iceberg coming from the poles. He followed the order given to him. All of a sudden, balances were equal. People were on the same boat, whoever they were. Everyone rushed here and there to survive. Those who tried to give morale to the society with the music feast playing on the deck suddenly disappeared in the dark. There was a terrible fear of death. The test day had come. While the existing rescue boats could take 80 people, those who were still seeking authority and superiority fled with 5 to 10 people. Those who tried to get on the lifeboats crushed their heads with shovels. The eyes of those who talked about civilization and human rights were tarred and their hearts turned petrified. Their dark mouth opened with pride given to them by the expensive appetizers they ate and drank a few hours ago. Those carrying proud bodies, whose eyes were not full, could not bear to see someone else even in the boots they were riding. Whereas, if society had to do, the rules of being human, were obeyed, if everyone could roam freely on this ship, all would survive.
    Let's take a look at the other ship. It was said to stop for a while to the violence and massacres in the world. Those who did not let anyone into their own countries took the land of others from under their feet. Those who do not tolerate life to anyone made the world uninhabitable. What are those who have watched and approved of their actions now?
    Another task was assigned to a new King and his army. Although they cover their hearts, ears, eyes, mouths and borders, this army is fully equipped and equipped as far as I know. He even escaped the kings from their mansions and sat on their thrones. He travels every country without any borders. His and his soldiers galloping in their horseshoes resemble crunching on ice. What dreadful preparation. So the silent cries of those who moan under the persecution of the tyrants were heard. Those who ignored those who were persecuted, and those who remained silent, silently fell upon them, even though they could never see them.
    Last word, who awakened this sleeping giant? “When this missionary army, which has taken orders from a certain place, takes the whole world under its influence, those who do not care about him fall into great surprise and anxiety. The fear and shudder that fall over them like a nightmare leaves them in a long silence. Then it is an opportunity for the Earth to breathe a little and for certain communities to recover. " Yes, we awakened a big beast like a glacial mountain.
    First, know that every new day will not be better than the previous one. The world opened its door to a new King and his army sent upon him. This king and his army will be written in gold letters in the history of the world. We are now at the crossroads where an age closes and a new age opens. The dates will talk about these painful years as follows. It was like the years and after when cold ice viruses broke off from the poles and decorated like ice crystals. Human history will never forget this. Because in a century when technology and possibilities were so powerful, we see that 21st century humanity is on its knees in the face of the unseen silent army that suddenly appears. 525648000…. The first notification date of the article is 11. 09. 2019

  3. Please….investigate and discuss the protocol published by the front line COVID critical care alliance (FLCCC A) with those you care about.


    Arm yourself with data. If you don’t trust links I inserted please google FLCCC Alliance and their “I MASK+ protocol.”

    Most COVID deaths since august are due to Govt red tape…the worlds best pulmonary MDs have found that a couple doses (<$1.99 a dose) of Ivermectin can eliminate and prevent COVID! Facts!!!!

    ivermectin won the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015, was approved by FDA for humans in 1980 with over 3 BILLION doses administered without issue!


    The govt wants “more trials” for safety which is fine but they shouldn’t be slowing the administering of this COVID conquering medication (ivermectin) to people diagnosed with COVID that are in high risk groups…vaccine is great/important piece of the puzzle, but medical professionals should not stop trying to treat COVID with existing tools (medicines like ivermectin) while they wait for the billion dollar designer solution. Please everyone educate yourself and your communities. Can you imagine Dr’s telling your mother or grandfather having early COVID symptoms to just go home and wait till your extremely sick to go back to the hospital, where they’ll then be connected to a ventilator and wait for them to die? That’s the CDC/NIH protocol today…which is pathetic. Wouldn’t you prefer they prescribe existing safe medicine that have demonstrated efficacy against COVID? Get informed, stay well & DEMAND better for your loved ones from your doctors!!

  4. There is a virus taking over the world, and I’m not talking about Covid. I’m talking about the virus of sin. But there is a Vaccine for it! His name is Jesus. Not only that, but He took the piercings for you, to release the healing power and life which is in His blood. It’s the cure to depression, anxiety, fear, anger, etc.. Salvation and healing are available for all who receive Him..

    Repent & turn to Jesus and put your trust in Him. Believe in the Gospel: Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose on the third day so that you would be delivered from the fires of hell and have eternal life in Him. Jesus loves you!!!!!!

  5. I don’t know anyone who got together with their families. People traveling are going on vacation because they’re not getting together.. and of course throw in the race bs lol!! I haven’t watched any mainstream media since the election and it’s still the same. Stay away from this garbage

  6. xx .. .. End  COVID-19 … Now.  
    Directory of  Doctors curing   thousands  of  outpatients … fast.   https://www.exstnc.com

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