Were dealing with a national emergency: Sanders on coronavirus

Were dealing with a national emergency: Sanders on coronavirus

The Democratic candidate called on President Trump to declare a national emergency during a speech. BREAKING NEWS UPDATES HERE: https://abcn.ws/2xvjJ53

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45 thoughts on “Were dealing with a national emergency: Sanders on coronavirus

  1. Everyone in my small business community is already seeing losses and client cancellations during this epidemic. We are taking a hit and it's only week 1. Who knows how long this epidemic could last. All Trump has offered small businesses is low interest loans: more debt not relief. Nothing substantive for the people, but already trillions of our tax money to bolster the bottom lines of the rich. $1.5 trillion for Wall Street and $2.6 billion for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Biden will do the same: protect only the rich, throw us crumbs. This epidemic will be the nail in the coffin of the middle class if we don't get someone like Bernie in the White House to protect and invest in us during this national crisis.

  2. Thank you God that we still have control over our own health care . Can you imagine if we had universal health care like China , Europe or Italy . Thank you 🙏 God . Thank you Trump

  3. In our eyes, COMMIE Bernie, you don't have a view since you are a Communist in our Country and no longer an American!! Stick it where the sun don't shine, Traitor!!

  4. Sanders wants something that is normal here in most countries in Europa. Come on guys, with Corona virus, wouldn't you like to have affordable health insurance and don't have to go to work and still get paid.

  5. Bernie condemned Trump for halting flights from CHINA…he and creepy joe called it extreme . RACIST ( of course) IF bernie had been in charge THOUSANDS more people would be sick and DEAD now that's a FACT!!

  6. See.., now this is how you handle State of Emergency. Given the people what they needed to hear. Salute to you! Great job Bernie Sanders!😎

  7. Political stunt. He's using a crisis for his own political agenda by talking about socialized Healthcare despite him clearly saying moments before "We need to hear from the voices of health experts not politicians" . This guy just contradicted himself. He's a political rat like all the rest regardless of what he says.

    A true American wouldn't mention political agenda's but rather work with people from across the aisle to do something that could actually help people. Instead it's "Trump this" "Trump that" "His fault" it's pathetic really

  8. Another stupid speech from sanders 😂

  9. It is impossible for capitalist countries and societies to solve this public health problem. Your political system is only for the richer. Instead of a socialist country like China, the basic rule under this system is that everyone is equal and everything is equal. Medical equality, education equality, gender equality. Western countries have no sense of equality, and a 'medieval age' can last for thousands of years. Even after the Industrial Revolution, technological advances did not bring about a civilized sense of equality of human rights, but instead invaded and occupied the world. At present, in the 21st century, there is still no civilization awareness of human rights equality, just lying in the cradle of primitive accumulation and dreaming of great powers, pretending to sleep, and unwilling to see the world has changed. Even under the plague of this unknown situation, it is still pretending to sleep, and even the free medical examination for the whole people cannot be organized and implemented, which is tragic.


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