‘We’re all building the airplane as we fly it’: Michigan governor on COVID-19 response l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is interviewed on “This Week” and discusses her state’s response to COVID-19.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #GretchenWhitmer #ThisWeek #Michigan


By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “‘We’re all building the airplane as we fly it’: Michigan governor on COVID-19 response l ABC News”
  1. I'm from United States Warm appreciation to Dr. Answer for curing my covid 19 with cannabis oil and healing soap. My dad had covid 19 he Died in hospital my brother had same covid 19 also died in hospital with this lost in my family I was tried and confused. It was hard for me to move on, months later I attended a birthday party after the party few days I started feeling sick with covid 19 at home I knew I have gotten this covid 19 I said I rather die on my bedroom than to die in the hospital like my dad and my only brother. I didn't tell anyone about it only called my mom that I'm about to die with covid 19 she cried but she said to me she can't let that happen again and cut the call day later she called me and said she have a solution with a magical Dr she knew years ago she told me she talked to him about it and the Dr gave her a solution and told me let us give it a try I thought it was a joke, she brought me cannabis oil and healing soap at my door and said I should use it for 7 days with the instructions I did as she said my greatest surprise I felt strong and I went to test it was negative. I really appreciate Dr Answer for your help in bring back my lost life with the help of his high quality Cannabis Oil and healing soap, i am so grateful to you Dr for all the love and concern that you showed me and i would keep on giving my testimony about your Cannabis oil and healing soap how it cures covid 19 within 7 days of treatment. it just like a Miracle that has happened to me. Thanks be to God Almighty for sending you my way Dr, i hope and know that you would keep on putting smiles on world at large with this great medication spells. email dranswerdranswer@gmail.com  for all solution to covid 19 and other diseases.  For hopes and help, kindly contact Dr. Answer for full knowledge about the medication and magic spell  Services you. email: dranswerdranswer@gmail.com for all solution to covid 19 and other diseases

  2. Now Gretchen lies every day to make herself look better. She'sa1 term Governor. Today Michigan announced 115,870 total COVID cases,, the CDC says MI has 127,000. Would the CDC or Gretchen be lying? Doesn't seem like much but its all Political. Democrats are losing it, they know. LOL
    I admit I dislike her but she would be better than Kamala Harris unless you like higher taxes. Gretchen tried to raise our gas tax, already one of the highest in the Country by $3 a gallon spread out over 3 years. Fortunately the Conservatives shot her down, her bill didn't make it. She can always find new ways to get money out of a state hit hard by NAFTA. Go ahead Liberals pull the handle on your way out if Biden wins. Flush the Country.. Hopefully Trump will pull the handle first,. I can't understand, haved lived in michigan all my life,, I don't know 1 person voting for Biden, have met a few and they are some rude little pricks. Also I don't know anyone personally that likes Gretchan,, even among Democrats. She's just a fake assed rich lawyer that shuts down the State so there won't be any traffic going to her Cottage up North… Drain That SWAMP!!

  3. What about her preparation for the state, which is a lot smaller than those of the Federal government. Talk is cheap. You are getting help, but you continue to fight and cut down where the help is that you want?

  4. Now this Governor has become the Tyrant of all tyrants. She makes constitutional rule of law and forks over millions to democratic research facilities? What's that all about? I want all of you who support this woman to remember she made the wrong call on the e-cig ban. Even when the public knew that only black market marijuana was killing people not eat juice she still tried to close the doors to thousands of employees around the country and hundreds of small businesses. Even larger places like Wild Bill tobacco would have folded with 50% of all sales being Ejuice related. She almost put an entire Market out of business but a jug with common sense has stepped in and found it to be unconstitutional and held the ban until further review. Thank God some of our people in the judicial system and in our Congressional system are insane lunatics who are fear bearing losers. I can't believe I voted for this biatch.

  5. Perhaps we should stop paying state taxes as Whitmer ran on fixing roads and solving the Flint water problem with neither promise kept. She is crashing businesses and she took away purchasing rights. She still has not let us buy some products because she wants to hold power over us. She still won’t allow veterinarians, construction workers, dog groomers, and many other businesses to open, and these can easily maintain a social distance. Why? Because she loves playing evil, power hungry ruler. No other reason. Thank goodness for constitutional law! She will be tried and prosecuted, possibly for treason. She did practice medicine without a license causing the death of citizens, while smiling on tv and threatening doctors and pharmacists. We have only seen one person able to survive a near death brush with Covid-19, through the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and she has been told that she will not be allowed to be elected again, told by Whitmer, because she is a truthful person. Citizens may rally around this honest politician during the next election. Of course we will not be able to honorably choose our next leaders if we allow voting by mail, so we will fight for voting with ID at voting polls. Whitmer, you are not taking our America from us no matter how much you destroy our lives in the short term. We will overcome and we will see that you are tried in a court of law where judges have not been bought off or blackmailed to your benefit. You are a lawyer and you took a hypocratic oath to do no harm… and yet look at the harm you have done… to every one of your citizens. Karma is coming for you. The law is behind we the people.

  6. She has NO common sense! She’s toxic. I hope she’s sent home next election. She’s a band-stander!

  7. Blah blah blah you are not meeting 24/7 you are on tv and news every day get off tv and in your office! Where is your mask!

  8. Blames everyone else Why did u not order test after see what happen in China? We dodo bird flying the plane.
    We need the federal government to remove her from office.

  9. I'm glad she shut down her state. Those idiot protesters that blocked the capital should be arrested. Health care workers couldn't get to the hospital because of those arrogant, entitled, jerks who are ticked they have been asked to stay home. None of us like being quarantined people!! Why do the protesters get a pass!! And how many people are going to get thr virus because of those missing links. Awful.

  10. So that's the narrative anytime you protest in Mi your a white supremacist or KKK or a 2nd. Amendment nut ? Typical do nothing democrat response !!! then blame someone else

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