‘We will not allow mob rule to take over’: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Democratic Caucus chairman said Congress would return to certify the Electoral College vote count.


By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “‘We will not allow mob rule to take over’: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries”
  1. How ironic this Jackass speaks about "mob rule" not taking over when that is precisely what he and his party the Democrats have allowed, supported and condoned in every single Democrat run city across our country. The Democrats are liars, frauds and the most contemptuous vile filth to ever inhabit our country. I pray their party implodes and they don't go away mad, just go away. Lest their evil reign continues.

  2. All you young men can prepare to go to war……..Im sure the war mongering democrats will be invading some middle eastern counrty

  3. The Trump phenomenon is just a symptom of our government’s gross negligence toward the working class the last 12 years. What about the violence of abandoning the people you’re supposed to represent? Red or Blue, we have all been betrayed. You guys want to “heal” this country, get to work on that.

  4. Stolen election! By the political mob and traitors. All planned by the democrats and Republican sell outs . Do not buy into their lies.

  5. Repeating what we’ve been saying to BLM and antifa for months now won’t do anything obviously.

  6. Says the very people that supported murder arson and riots. A joke like the political activist masquerading as media. Left needs to actually be brought up on treason long before the few mad people. The left is as stupid as they sound. Democracy is a lie!

  7. Stop with the misrepresentation… he did tell them to be peaceful and go home… why don’t you report the truth?

  8. Trump isn’t the problem. Nobody force those people to do what they did today. Trump is leaving. The problem was there before he came in office and will still be there. Government need to start leaking care of home first. Nobody should want for nothing in this country. We need to get rid of these two party’s. Seriously…….

  9. lol 😂 this trumpings r a total fool!! Lol a total waste of life dummies who know nothing n soo stupid n not funny lol 😂 sorry but it is though lol I can’t stop laughing 😆!! I’m drinking beer 🍺 n I knew this would come! Lol 😝 they can’t do nothing cuz they r dummies lol. No bots allowed robots 🤖

  10. Right now any county who wanted could bomb and kill most of America, not because of trump alone. His supporters have endangered the lives of everyone on America. They're all guilty. Start shooting them . You wouldn't have a problem shooting me. All police in line with Trump , YOU ARE FIRED

  11. So, looting and burning American cities was okay. But actually pretty peaceful breach into Capitol Hill suddenly is assault of 'our democracy.' Welcome to the world of ABC and CNN.

  12. You were for mob rule a few months ago and stood idly by while out businesses were burning down. You don't give a damn about us. Stop the charade and at least be honest. Just say vote for me and I will control you and take away all your rights. At least be honest. We are tired of these guys putting on a show. You forgot you are supposed to represent the American people not the Democratic party. I can't trust this goverment. One side wants to take away your rights and the other side is too cowardly to make a stand.

  13. Where are the military? The military are not helping with the warp speed vaccine roll out so should all be available.

    Maybe put the word out to armed teenagers from other states?

    No more pinky privilege. Shoot those MAGATs. Lynch them, that's what you'd do if they were black.

  14. Twitter suspended Trump for 12 hours.

    Suspend Trump's Twitter account indefinitely and you will break him.

    The riots are because MAGATs saw Trump's twitter incitement.

  15. Stop using the term white supremacist.

    You call a Maori brown because we're brown.

    Why call a white person white when they're pink?

    Supreme means best not worst. There is black power, brown power and the trouble makers in the capitol are pinky power.

  16. Activists who broke into the Capital have already been identified as BLM/Antifa – 100% positive ID by dress and tatoos. Hired to make Trump supporters look bad. But msm will never admit it. They will protect their own.

  17. So, DC the protesters are wrong? Yet, everywhere else and destroying the cities is okay!! The way of the DemocRats 🐀

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