‘We will hold Russia accountable for its actions’: Biden – Car Mod Pros Portal

“If Russia pursues its plans, it will be responsible for the catastrophic and needless war of choice,” President Joe Biden said during his remarks on the Russia-Ukraine situation.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “‘We will hold Russia accountable for its actions’: Biden”
  1. You Biden should be held accountable for your actions !!! You cancelled the XL pipeline .. approved Russia’s .. forcing Europe and the US to depend on Russia!! You funded this war! You’re weak .. feeble Incompetant.. you and your handlers need to be held accountable!

  2. So now we continue to buy their oil and even increase by 600k barrels a day.tough sanctions. Feel the great reset here? China and Taiwan will be next week's news cycle and we will forget Ukraine just like Afghanistan…..

  3. I thought your savior Joe “Dip S***” Biden stood up to bullies. Supposedly he wasn’t like Trump with Putin. Then reality sets in Putin wipes his ass with our loser for President (Joe Biden) and still invades. Biden comes out gives empty lip service takes no questions from the press then goes off to eat his ice cream 🍦 and of course the garbage news like CNN goes to run cover for him. Funny 4 years of Trump had all of our enemies at bay and 1 year under Biden theres chaos everywhere. Anyways lets get back to weaponizing propaganda orange man bad orange man bad orange man bad orange man bad orange man bad orange man bad orange man bad.

  4. Joe Biden is incapable of leading our country. He's getting us into a war that we have no business being in, inflation is rampant, and our constitutional freedoms are being attacked. He needs to be removed from the White house.

  5. Every time I hear Biden speak the more scared I become! He’s too weak to protect Americans! People want to talk about WW3! It’s already beginning! And I hate to say this but Trump had a phone interview and it was on mainstream media! He said that this tension with USA and Russia wouldn’t happen if he was still president! I strongly agree with Trump! That’s why I voted for him back in 2020! Now look at the predicament USA is in now in 2022! Congrats Biden supporters your stupidity is getting us closer and closer to a Thermonuclear Holocaust! Idiots!!🤬

  6. If usa takes care of things bothering its own then world would be much more peaceful. trillions spent on wars but none spent on education and welfare of citizens. take care of own citizens first then worry about world

  7. It’s funny how the left said trump would start a war it looks to me like there president biden is the one starting a war and pissing other countries off now, but they will never take the blame for anything just place blame on others that don’t agree with them nice votes lefties.

  8. The American people are more worried about inflation, high gas prices, higher food prices……i dont give 2 shits about russia……
    Your the worst president i've seen in my 51 yrs on this earth….do your dam job put America back the way it was before you F#@ked it up……

  9. Ukraine's government has been historically corrupt..the civilians are wonderful people but the fascists mentally ill leaders in Verkhovna Rada are making the country a joke. Biden will dip and abandon Ukraine soon since he is using it as puppet since he is connected there. Genocide is real and the Russian speakers in Ukraine are getting persecuted by the Ukrainian nationalists. This guy is a goof and only making it worse..He'll make Ukraine split in half. Not knowing the history of Ukraine this is the man who will save Ukraine?? I don't think so..Guy can't even speak properly and can't even read a teleprompter..Speaking as someone who is an actual half Russian Half Ukrainian this is going to be a disaster.

  10. Don't worry Ukraine Biden will help defend your border and if Russia succeeds you can walk right across our border which isn't defended and get government handouts.

  11. We should hold the Nato accountable for breaking the promise of expanding to the east!
    The Nato came to close to Russia Territory and then the west is talking aggressively about sanctions to Russia which is a provocation of Aggression!
    the Nato is a big criminal but Putin is also not clean with how he is leading his country but he is also not too bad!

    And we should not defend Ukraine, but we should keep the doors open to let the Ukrainian civilians flee!

    Protect the Civilians that should be the priority and tell your apology and look for ways to have peace!

    Actually with the Ukrainian government gone is not such a bad idea since they are the ones who are also very corrupt!

  12. Joe Biden is like Eminem in that thier hoor mothers thought it was a good idea letting them listen to black music and play with shitbag drug dealer kids or drug cartel kids . Dkless pigs as people is what u get when u let your kids play with scum

  13. China Joe learned from the Obamanator – Draw the fake line and look the other way –
    Where is NATO? – Why are the American People protecting Hunters money stream?

  14. LETS GO BRANDEN 🗽 VOTE EM OUT 2022 TRUMP2024-2032 🗽
    DNC = DEMS now Communist DEMS = Dirty Elections Made Simple
    The DEMS/RINO's are now part of Obama's Friend, Mentor and founder Bill Ayers of the terrorist group known as the Weather Underground that bombed Police stations and set a bomb off on the senate side of the US capitol in the 1970's and now the new Antifa terrorist group that High Jacked the BLM movement.
    What a joke of a man and party – China Joe really just a way to change our country to socialism
    The DEMS should be wearing Brown Shirts

  15. If all else fails continue to harass the Trump family and friends! While the real news go unheard. Unemployment up 4% in January, up again in February new figures reveal, federal government sets new record for highest debt in history 30 trillion. Inflation at 40 year high! Yes and they raised the debt ceiling 3 times since blundering biden took over. The media still smells roses? Wow what a mess. pelosi guilty of insider trading but nothing is being done? Illegals being shipped all over the country on your taxes, failed Covid policies, failed mandates, refuses to open back up the pipeline to lower gasoline prices? No impeachment proceedings? Midterm elections can reverse all this!!! Vote Republican. No more smoke

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