‘We should have engaged in (a chokehold ban) a long time ago’: Sen. Lankford | ABC News

‘We should have engaged in (a chokehold ban) a long time ago’: Sen. Lankford | ABC News

George Stephanopoulos interviews Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., on “This Week.”

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31 thoughts on “‘We should have engaged in (a chokehold ban) a long time ago’: Sen. Lankford | ABC News

  1. Can we ban criminals from committing crimes while we're at it? Maybe we could ban illegal firearms, ya that'd be smart.
    Maybe we could work on fixing inner cities so people in them have a better opportunity to get out of them and not feel so lost and hopeless that crime seems to be the only exit strategy?
    Oh, can we also identify why the worst cases of this are always in Democratic-controlled cities?
    Is it possible if you solve the real inequality between classes (not pretending it's between race or sex) we'd have much less crime?

  2. The person in the thumbnail is flexing on us💪

  3. We use to have a Mental Health System before Reagan. I grew up near Danvers State Mental Institution where the people took care of the mentally ill. Remember the saying "Men in the White Coats will come to get them". A white van would show up and doctors or psychiatrists would show up. Also, keep these people off the streets taking care of some of the homeless problems.

  4. Chokehold is still okay if you're getting arrested and someone else besides the cops (romantic partner, family member, etc.) who is friends with the person who called 911 did the chokehold.

  5. Let’s the police put him in a Choke on. Put the senator in a choke hole

  6. Yes, let's talk about what can be done about mental health of police officers on the street…Really ? We have a deranged psychopath in the W H and Republicans still trying to cover up for him….Get real, people.

  7. Want to stay alive? Don’t resist an arrest.

  8. The Technique That Cop used was Illegal. And not Considered to be a Choke hold and That is No Better. This would've never happened If they had Done Something back in 1991 when Rodney King was Beaten. Or Latasha Harlins Who was only 16yrs old Who was Shot in the head back on March 16th 1991. All This Breaks my heart. When are they going to learn Love See's no Color 🥺

  9. I Thought Chokehold Was Banned Along Time Ago🤷‍♀️

  10. That Roundtable discussion was most interesting. Once again, gov. Christie (facing 3 Liberals) interjects the necessary balance in his thinking. George -relying on his customary sly generalization- attributes a blanket statement to President Trump that was never declared. President Trump specifically said that the Looters & Arsonists were the mob.

    Again, George insults the viewers with his bias bashing of the President. Why hasn't George been fired yet? George obviously will not rely on the Truth for his monologues and questions. We know George's number: 666.
    Adam of CA.

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