‘We Need To Talk About Cosby’ docuseries investigates the complexities of Bill Cosby – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with W. Kamau Bell about his Showtime documentary series “We Need To Talk About Cosby,” which explores the question: Can we separate the art from the artist?

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By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “‘We Need To Talk About Cosby’ docuseries investigates the complexities of Bill Cosby”
  1. Bill Cosby was one of the Greatest Men to ever hit the screen or stage and has dedicated his life to the upliftment of our Race. No accusation against him has been credible and the courts have verified that fact. 2 accusers perjured themselves on Youtube in conversations with the Son of Man (Kristina Ruehli, Jewel Allison). The real conversation we need to have is on false allegations and the end of jury by media. Lawsuits will be pending against all of these ppl. #BringBackTheCosbyShow #BringBackADifferentWorld

  2. Someone said I don't remember who " don't meet your hero they are monster's " that always struck me and glad to see them as their entertainment job however yes hearing this in the past about Mr. Bill Cosby broke my Heart I had to learn to Separate the Character from the person and that was hard he put his name on everything and behind the scenes he was a monster it's truly sad and I never expected his life to fall out like this however it is important to talk about everything or everyone who made a foot print in history should be spoke about. As I got older I noticed things in The Cosby show that made me question hmm how did this get by!? Like the children riding his leg made me cringe. Anyways looking forward to this documentary and I Respect W. Kamau Bell courage to address this Topic and give every victim a voice! It takes a strong person to combat a story like this especially in this time where everyone is insulted by everything. God bless W. Kamau Bell 🙏🏻💛

  3. People need to leave Mr. Cosby alone. The man is in the prime of his life and this is what people decide to talk about. There are plenty of monsters out there that people can talk about for goodness sake! Just look at what's going on in America!

  4. There’s nothing to investigate. We know he was set up…. Railroaded (if you will), Do I believe he cheated on his wife? Yes. But do I believe he rap ed those women? Hell No!! Not at ALL!! This documentary is a bunch of B. S. 👉🏾 Bad Science. It’s totally ridiculous. The man was found NOT GUILTY. Sooooo umm….😐😑😐 S.T.F.Up??! 🤷🏾‍♂️😬

  5. I support Mr. Bell. I loved the Cosby show. It's very sad to see his personal life play out as it has – between the allegations and that he still says he isn't guilty.

  6. After 60+ women accuse him of non-consensual sex, he's found guilty by a jury of his peers, a verdict that was only overturned because he was protected from self-incrimination, what is left to talk about? He tells jokes and pretended to be a doctor on television. He has shown zero remorse. He just needs to disappear. He didn't pave the way for anything. He played a role, a hypocritically wholesome role, as an actor. Anything he pretended to be is completely, COMPLETELY overshadowed by what he truly was. His legacy has been burned to the ground. What good can be said of him. How can a person weigh what a man pretended to be against what a man was, and think it meaningful in the slightest. Telling kids to stay in school between drugging's and raping's, and it's supposed to mean something.

  7. People and the trailer keep saying it’s “complicated” and it’s not the least bit complicated. He’s a rich creep that’s either sociopathic or psychopathic or both and people bought into his ruse.

  8. nobody can't say anything negative about this man. he still the greatest role model I know……………………. ps still look at all his old shows🙃

  9. And you don’t have to be a black man to be let down and betrayed by Bill Cosby as a hero role model. We watched him in school and then later the Cosby show . To think that it was a front for what he was really is super betraying and serious let down . OJ too.

  10. Maybe what men need to learn from Cosby is that just because you’re a famous person doesn’t mean you need to turn into a rapist or be excused for their crimes. Can you imagine being a rape victim and see his face on TV and know he will be excused because of his fame.

  11. Such a shame! Bill Cosby is such a huge icon. He’s had 1 of the most successful careers out of any celebrity and he totally ruined himself

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