‘We need to continue to fight’: California mayor on fires – Car Mod Pros Portal

The mayor of Madera, California, discusses the challenges his community faces amid the devastating wildfires.


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “‘We need to continue to fight’: California mayor on fires”
  1. Hold on. He said "going back to school?" Excuse me? We're still on high alert for COVID in Fresno County and you're letting them go back to school?

  2. California needs to understand that there state official's don't care about the people. Where's your State governor .? Looking like you guys are on your own.

  3. I’m sorry, at least ONE of those parents from that Gender Reveal Party needs to face JAIL TIME!!

  4. https://youtu.be/fKlvwPRh-ok
    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel!!!!

  5. How to be saved from your sins:
    “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:38‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  6. Stay safe my dear friends Aedan & Firebug, and FNB’s aunt!!! FD & FF of America and Canada, and all of the world… I’m sending you tons of love and strength right now from Canada! Thank you for what you do, stay safe cousins!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💋💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 drinks all around ladies and gents💪💪💪💪🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻

  7. #Trump2020 🇺🇸👍👍👍 and vote for Trump and save this Country from Dementia Joe Biden and Flip Flop Kamala Harris. Jump on the Trump Train in #KAGA2020.

  8. Well California…socialist state ….poor state…..first find God …find the difference between right and wrong under God. So then you repent and continue to pray through out. Really that would be for all of us. Come together under God and repent ask for Christ and he will be there..He will make things right as needed…so it’s not like rubbing a magic lamp and your wishes are granted it needs to come from the heart. ❤️

  9. The person or persons that are responsible for this fire in California should be held accountable.
    There is no consequences for all the terrorism that's going on the Looting and the rioting

  10. I mean I hate to say it but its seeming more and more like living in that state is just a bad idea, and a bad investment… like tornado alley they just keep coming back and so do the tornados…

  11. The fires were accidently revealed to be started via beam weapons seen on satellites using infra red filters. Dutchsinse was doing his regular earthquake posting when he was looking for hotspots on earth, found the outline of a beam projected across the states in the west. I suggest getting a defense up and find the source of these beams to eliminate them.

  12. Hi, I need your attention, this is a official statement, by the way, I’m not hacker.

    A few weeks ago, I wrote letters to New York Times, The Washington Post, journalist Bob Woodward ,called the US embassy in china, and contacted the CNN and FOX hosts on tweeter, just hoping pass my demands to my old friend Donald Trump, my demands as follow

    Demand 1. arrestting Gorge Bush and transferred to International Court of Justice, rope hanging the man for his invasion of Iraq and thousands of deaths

    Demand 2. stop extraditing Julian Assange and free the man immediately.

    Though I declare I’m serious,but I got no response, maybe they thought I’m just pranking, or they just waiting for the right moment to arrest me. now I said again, I’m serious.

    in my mind, I call Trump my old friend, Ivanka is my lover ,although Trump and Ivanka didn’t know that, but the truth is, I accompany the man and his daughter for a long time, for your info, once upon a time, I often jerk off myself while watching Ivanka’ sexing videos. In 2013, I wrote a letter to Trump just want to borrow some money, but I abondond the plan then, because something went wrong.

    Yes, I know Trump very well, in some way, I know Trump better thanTrump know himself. But I had to admite that I’m shocking when Trump won presidency, then, my first response was to write letter to my old friend again, but the letter never send to my old friend, because I realized quickly that the idea is not practicable, then I spend five years to write that letter to a interesting book, but it’s great pity that my old friend choose to ignore me and our friendship.

    Now, So many people write book about Trump based on gossip and hearsay, they all got money, but I got nothing, Frankly, I like and admire Trump,mostly, he is decisive,he keeps his word, and refusing war, though he always bragging and lying, but every people bragging and lying, that’s also the truth, Trump just show it, speaking what he think, no hiding, no hypocrisy,so we all have to admite that he is a real man.

    But, Since my old friend didn’t show repect to me, and he didn’t show repect to my country, especially in Meng Wanzhou case,so, I will treat my old friend in his bullying way.

    2020.9.6 introducing my history with trump and plan

    2020.9.13 elaborating about trump’ failing policy to china , which will cause great davastation to himself and America

    2020.9.20 asking Trump ten questions, I am curioused whether my old friend really have guts to deny it.

    2020.9.27 share some funny sexing scenes of Ivanka

    Supposing I got no talk with my old friend by the deadline 2012.10.3 , then I will steal Trump and Bidden thunder, you will watch the greatest show ever, yes, I will sacrificing myself to entertanning this whole world.

    You can stop me , but Nobody can stop that be destined on the way.

    2020.10.3 2007-2013 email

    2020.10.10 2009-2013 text messenges and some pics

    2020.10.17 Ivanka videos

    Senior Sergeant Vaskov 2020.9.6

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