‘We [Democrats] can’t be so idealistic that we’re not realistic’: Eric Adams | ABC News

‘We [Democrats] can’t be so idealistic that we’re not realistic’: Eric Adams | ABC News

George Stephanopoulos interviews NYC Democratic mayoral nominee Eric Adams on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #EricAdams #NYCDemocraticMayoralnominee


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50 thoughts on “‘We [Democrats] can’t be so idealistic that we’re not realistic’: Eric Adams | ABC News

  1. This guy is just another fool taking special interest money to be elected mayor. Nothing will improve in NYC. This fool will complete the decline of NYC started by the ultra incompetent Deblasio.

  2. This guy is about as good as we could get in NYC. At least he's not a WOKE moron. By the way, rank choice voting is just a scheme put together by democrats to swing elections unfairly their way. Cynical, dishonest and corrupt.

  3. Dems all they do is promise and promise just to get elected, ones settled down, don’t expect a change at all. See for your self with Biden and his administration. No one knows more the streets than Curtis.

  4. Great job Snuffleupagus. Oh course not even 2 minutes in, George has to disparage rank choice voting by downplaying Eric Adam's win by making his percentages sound like he isn't the candidate most people preferred. When he wasn't their first choice, he was their second choice.

    Ranked choice gets people to vote for what they actually want, instead of voting based on what others may or may not be voting for.

    Happy to see most Democrats in NYC realize things need to change. Good luck Eric Adams! I ❤ NYC, and hope everyone recovers from the past couple of years soon.

  5. Stop with the virtue signaling and focus on fixing the city. De Blasio found time to not only paint BLM on the street but used police resources to protect it. That whole photo op was a waste of time and tax dollars.

  6. He asked the tribunal whether they had heard enough; that the military had presented overwhelming evidence of Clinton’s atrocities against the United States and humankind. Unlike a conventional criminal trial, he reminded the commission, a unanimous verdict was not needed to convict Clinton on any of the charges. A majority vote, he said, would satisfy justice.
    The tribunal arrived at a guilty verdict after deliberating only five minutes. They found Clinton guilty on all charges the military had laid out—the murders of Seth Rich, Vince Foster, and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; trafficking and abusing minors from Haiti and other third-world nations; conspiring to assassinate a presidential candidate. realrawnews.com

  7. I love Eric Adams! I had lost faith in the democratic party with their pathological obsession with identity politics! Crazy people like AOC are no better than Trump. I am so optimistic about the future of NYC with Eric Adams as our mayor!

  8. Here is a statement that will get adams elected. Not a single cop that worked with him, supports him. He is a p.o.s. He is full of hate. Surprised he hasn’t dropped the race card in public. He turned out to be an excellent politician.

  9. What is eric really going to do about the violence of shooting? He can’t do anything to prevent gun violence. He’s a hack, no one can’t do anything.

  10. I have looked at u…hear is what I see…a man who has no idea what he is doing or where he is going with this nonsense but truly hops in the end it makes a diferance…I am not a smart man but I do know this. U MUST believe in what u are doing and Must be able to explain what u are doing to anyone who asks… U can do neither my friend…. But hey Black lives matter brother!!!!.lololol

  11. That old school media strategy don’t work on the internet… Nice Ratio ABC…

  12. When is our Federal Goverment that we Elected
    In 2021
    Going to lock him up
    And protect
    us from Trump and his
    seditionist america hating
    This Trump thing is a public mental health crisis
    Like Covid 19 is being handled with vacines
    Its time to stop the second worst crisis and
    Donald Trump is that crisis
    Lock Trump up Today
    Silence that Crazy S,O,B
    Yelling a false fire alarm in a crowded theater getting people killed trampled to death
    Is the Equivalent of what these trumpist repugnants
    Are doing

  13. Why don’t democrats just come out and admit they’re communists? They promote vote fraud over election integrity, divide citizens by race, gender, ethnicity & sexual preference, federalize policing, no borders, ignore the U.S. constitution, persecute political opponents, controls commerce by excessive taxes & regulations, are an authoritative government trampling over states’ rights and take over every aspect of its subject’s life.

  14. some law and order would be good for the Dems; Lets PUNISH CRIMINALS and EDUCATE CHILDREN going to be a slam dunk for GOP in 2022 if crime, homelessness, joblessness, and price of goods continue to sky rocket. im an independant voter , i like his message; feels like NYC is dead – would love to see if his ideas can bring about the change he is looking to make. PUBLIC SAFETY SHOULD BE #1 PRIORITY FOR ALL AMERICANS

  15. Demoncracts 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

  16. Oh please we don’t need another Obama he was the worst mistake Americans ever made don’t trust Democrats

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