ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl interviews Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on “This Week.”
21 thoughts on “‘We are ready to go at a moment’s notice’ Secretary Mnuchin on Turkey sanctions”
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ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl interviews Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on “This Week.”
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Shucks…was hoping his grifter/plastic fantastic wife would be joining him.
Turkey cancelled VP and Pompeo meeting!! Deteriorated!!!! You are NOT gone, yet. What will you do? He won't even say, dork face jerk.
This shit head is full for sure, trump blew that out of the water, again what the fick are you waiting for … it's no longer complicated.. fick the moment notice ,it's all bullshit
Here we go the BS Rump flunkie Rump causes the problem and says he will fix it and he does not. Rump is only interested in his own business interest and the money he is making period.
Turkey sanction j ja ja j a a maybe turkey sandwich ho ho ho
Stop support to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc.
Fake news about Turkey you think people are stupid like your fuk your manipulated mass media shame on you !!!
Corrupt and disgusting Minuchin, talking out of both sides of his mealy mouth.
He is so creepy. Bet he has little boys locked in his closet.
Stop the lies please.
If Trump is willing to separate a young child at the border because their parent is seeking asylum without a care, what makes anyone think he cares about an ally in another country, whether its children, women or men who helped us in the fight against ISIS. The man is sick. And unless something is done to get him out things will only get worse.
The Turks have killed thousands. What is your magic number Mnuchin – you FREAK!! You don't plan on placing any sanctions on Egdowan . If you did you would have done it by now or you are giving them enough time to get their money out of the banks they are in. Who are you and the Master of Disaster trying to fool — not 70% of the American people – thats for sure. We have your number and that of President Pig Face. Vote BLUE and stop this MADNESS
What a creepy puppet.
the moment happened the day turkey envaded the kurds. Dumbass do something. dont say we can its too late already
Ask Trump why his Daddy didn’t fight for us during World War two! This is totally disgraceful- the liar in chief is trying to wag the tail of the dog to distract from his crimes! Mnuchin is vile – how can he lie with a straight face! Disgusting. Disgraceful. Send all of these vile swamp creatures to jail! Preferably Guantanamo!
This is disgraceful- Trump gave Erdogan the green light to go to Syria – what is this clown lying about!?!
How about just pack your bags and get the hell out of Washington DC? Crook! #impeachandevict #crooks #liars #immoral #hypocrites
What's happen?
OMG! Sanctions. This is BS! It is Immoral! Warning the Turks is a joke! Kick Turkey outof NATO!
The Kurds were the only thing U.S. got right in that cesspool. Now Trump f'd that up as well. Aggressor state Turkey will now expand their borders with the genocide of the Kurds. Just like they did to the Armenians and just like they tried to do in Cyprus. Turkey should be removed from NATO. Trump must be removed from office. He is either ridiculously incompetent or Putins tool. There is no other explanation for this.
Since when Trump so qualified and experienced in these WARFARE matters to make such call on those couñtries, and who is actually giving him that advise. The PRESIDENT, The PRESIDENT. WHO IS IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIES. Another CORRUPT TRUMP FIXER.