Watch President Biden’s Full Remarks On Anniversary Of Covid Pandemic | NBC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden delivered remarks about the lives and experiences lost to the Covid-19 pandemic and his plans for the country’s recovery.
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#Covid #PresidentJoeBiden #NBCNews

Watch President Biden’s Full Remarks On Anniversary Of Covid Pandemic | NBC News


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Watch President Biden’s Full Remarks On Anniversary Of Covid Pandemic | NBC News”
  1. How, do you blame 1 guy for the lives lost due to a virus? When every country had a similar loss either greater or not, but who there blames someone? Do something, all your doing is inflating paper numbers, doing no good for this country…. come repayment time for the stolen funds and need for employment, your handing it all away to foreign countries. Allowing illegals to flood the country and take our jobs, never pay a tax.

  2. Why is Biden wasting time, telling us all the problems that the Pandemic caused ? We all
    lived through these very rough times. He isn't telling us something we don't know.

  3. There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot.
    President JF Kennedy 7 days before his assassination.

  4. I can’t help but every time I see him I’m going to think 🤔 about how many times he fell..
    Climbing 🧗‍♀️up Air Force one ☝️
    And believe me everyone in the world has seen it👩🏽‍🍳

  5. The guy is up there telling us that we will need permission to celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day and people watching think that he is a good person.

    These people are what you call morons or bootlickers.
    Either way, they are humanity's cancer.

  6. 22:13
    Why do you people always say that?

    9/11 we were told nobody could have ever imagined that this could have happened, but they simulated the exact scenario for a year leading up to it and during it they were simulating multiple similar scenarios.

    Even 201, Crimson Contagion, Clyde X and many more similar simulations and exercises did exactly that.

    Don't forget Rockefeller's Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development and the section titled, Lock Step.

    Or the link between authoritarianism an the parasite stress theory?

  7. Thank God for Joe Biden and Vice Kamala Harris ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🏽🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸

  8. Goooooooooi PRESIDENT JOEEEEE YOU ROCK JUST LIKE PRESIDENT BARACK ♥️🙏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💥💥💥💥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  9. We don’t need to hear your death list. That card you carry probably carries your name and stop lying about your mommy and daddy and how they directed you. Go jog up some steps

  10. Give us a break Joe…..
    You're a stupid follower…. You say what you think needs to be said … you do what you think the majority populace wants you to do…. (Wrong)…. but you can't make a decision on your own you're playing into the hands of all those career politicians… of whom you're one of….
    And you're bringing us back to business as usual. ..
    You are not for the common Man…at all…. You are a power seeker..
    Well… congratulations… .
    So far you're failing at the way you wield your power…
    So disappointing. but not surprising

  11. evidently they've made your print a little bit bigger on your teleprompter which is the only place you get your information… because now you're not squinting quite as much

  12. Oh please.. just keep spewing out your political rhetoric… As best you can..
    Come on….
    It would be so refreshing…for you politicians to actually speak the truth…
    However.. we know you won't do it….

  13. After seeing the evidence of CGI/green screen I now see it constantly with Joe Biden. Something is very very wrong and we are being lied to- I am certain of that.

  14. Anniversary ? Mr Biden , You want to help Americans ? Stay out of Americans Pockets , Stay out of Americans lives , Desolve / Bleachbit your Administration and Give it back to President Trump who can really Help America.

  15. I could only watch 33 seconds of the most popular selected, not elected, most confused, not fit to be, president in US history.

  16. “Dr. Fuellmich is a founding member of the German Corona Investigative Committee investigating the Corona fraud scandal.He has formed an international network of lawyers to argue the biggest tort case ever, which has unfolded into one of the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. “

  17. While he may not make dynamic speeches and ooze charisma he tells the truth and he's not focussed on his ego and himself. How refreshing is that!!!!! And to read the negative comments below all I can say is "judge not that ye be judged"…y'all think your perfect? No one President will ever be what everyone wants. Be thankful for the good, look for the good in his humanity towards all. And, yes…he still has a speech impediment. He does not say words correctly. Would you make fun of a blind person for being blind? You sound like grade school bullies – immature and with a lack of empathy. I hope you all have some real hard experiences in your life to show you that your petty grievances against the President, who is leading this country out of the worst pandemic, mean nothing. nothing. Count your blessings.

  18. 👴🏻👴🏻💀

  19. Thanks for the Covid response and vaccine TRUMP! Biden you haven't done jack.
    # On a card cause you can't remember it.

  20. Doom and gloom. He talks about all the negativity and devastation that our own government and medical mafia have caused – how hypocritical. Contrary to what is being claimed, the only way to get things back to "normal" is for the powers to stop lying, brainwashing and subsequently disband. There is NO deadly pandemic; it is a seasonal flu variant that is actually less deadly than numerous pandemics and flus we've had in past. How can one call this a deadly pandemic when greater than 99.5% of those who get it survive with, not only no lingering symptoms, but have actually strengthened their immune systems naturally – no need for an unsafe, untested vaccine which is killing thousands who would not have died otherwise. There's no proof that the current vaccines prevent the flu. In fact, the REAL numbers of those dying from this flu are less than they have been in the past. The numbers are being greatly, greatly exaggherated to incite fear and submission. People are getting beyond fed up with all this…

  21. High treason to all the swamp. This man is a joke always has been. Obama or Pelosi and Schumer running the country. I am calling on my troops to end this treason

  22. what a F*cking programed DICTATOR this commie liar is. Couldn't even listen to more then 30 seconds of the Demonic, Corrupt, Follower if the Obama Communist Regime. Comply all you Sheeple.

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