Watch LIVE: Impeachment Trial of President Donald Trump day 8 – ABC News Live Coverage – Car Mod Pros Portal

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By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Watch LIVE: Impeachment Trial of President Donald Trump day 8 – ABC News Live Coverage”
  1. It’s a big sham what happened in the office what them want to do this great president Trump 🙏♥️🇺🇸🙏♥️🇺🇸

  2. Unknown known😃😃😃😃. Americans know it's not a cover up,

  3. Sorry democrats, You had your partisan impeachment, You Brought your 2 articles to the Senate, But they were too vague and Not specific. Abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. But what you did not specify was actual Crimes in your Articles. Why didn't you use bribery and Prid-Pro-Quo? Which name specific crimes? Oh! " That's right, " Because they are only accusations, With no evidence. Only accusations of a crime that you are trying to sell to the ignorant, You are trying to win your case in the court of public opinion, But it only counts if you win it in the senate. Sadly you don't understand that you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Move along you have lost your case, The American people are smarter they see your deception. Is time to get back to the business of Governing, And handling the people's business.

  4. Funny how press is pleasant, brief and polite to democratic politicians its interviewing, but if they're interviewing a republic they behave like a mix of misbehaving school children and a yapping pack of dogs.


    Bubbles 001 said:
    Justice Roberts just proved by declining Rand Paul’s question because Eric Caramello 😝😝 name was in the question, he knows who the Whistleblower is.. ERIC CARAMELLO

  6. ALLLLLLL THEIR CONVO IS ABOUT OTHERS AND SHT THAT HAPPENED 100s of years ago, this is a sham! Bunch of nonsense statements, NOTHING TO DO WITH PRES.. WISH SOMEONE WOULD NARROW DOWN THIS TRIAL AND SEE HOWEVER MANY HOURS OF TALKING IS RELEVANT TO THE ORIGINAL FACTS… SMH STOP STORY TELLING AND SPEAK CURRENT, RELEVANT FACTS! I'm into current facts being talked about, not a bunch of analogies, and I believe they wasting time with nonsense statements so when it's all over, most of the speeches, will not pertain to the full subject at hand.. ANYONE KEEPING TALLY ON how much time is being wasted on joking, breaks,
    Interruptions, rereading, sht that happened before Trump was president, comparing him to those skilled pros before him, etc.
    Y'all know y'all used him as a puppet and got him taking the fall… #POWER OF SUGGESTIONS IS REAL… YA can have a person thinking it was their idea so he can take the heat.. He not going down by himself,all he has to do is say who his advisors are..

  7. Legal Public Disclaimer
    You Are Not Recognized Under Law Ethics Constitution Or By The Citizens Whom Have All Final Say And You Criminal Bullshit Abolished Public Servants Ranks Titles Are Nulled And Void Have No Say Under Law Ethics Constitution Are Final And Legally Binding Legally Public And On The Record.
    100% Not On My Taxes.
    100% Not On My Name.
    United States of America public officials law enforcement military education politics are thieves frauds murderous mutiny illegitimate imposter treasonous spying war crimes defintion traitors histories biggest failures history's biggest nothing garbage bullshit criminals are legal fact under law ethics constitution are our right duty and responsibility as citizens too hereby legally abolished all of them and there accomplices all see the same from the top to the bottom all are mandatory ordered military court mashal national security and civilian arrests or to be fully executed under law for there on file known war crimes cannot remain are criminal bullshit unjust are nulled and void as well legally abolished terminated relieved of all duties and under real arrests for trillions of theft charges billions of felony fraud cases and millions of premeditated planned war crimes murder and human rights violations are against the law in all nation's especially thus one are not above law not even one shall get out of these charges. Bloody broken oaths bloody signatures bloody hands bloody watches are legal conflict of interest to handle there own criminal cases removed them all.
    Place the cuffs on all of them from the top to the bottom are required mandates orders under law ethics constitution and citizens alike.
    Sire Royale Crown King Lord Shawnee Michael Wallin

  8. 🌐 Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff illustrates some of the common traits associated with pathological lying (also referred to as mythomania or morbid lying.

    • Excessive lying that is easy to verify as untrue.
    • Lies are told that bring no benefit and may be harmful to the liar.
    • The behavior is repeated again and again with no regard for consequences.
    • Pathological liars often can’t seem to tell truth from lies and may contradict themselves when questioned.

    Although pathological lying has been recognized by mental health experts for more than a hundred years, there has been a limited amount of research dedicated to the disorder. One study of1000 juvenile offenders cited by Dr. Dike found that about 1% were affected by pathological lying. The behavior began on average at age 16 and was detected by age 22. Males and females seem to be equally affected by the disorder.

    The Mayo Clinic categorizes pathological lying as belonging to the spectrum of behaviors known as Antisocial Personality Disorder (formerly referred to as Sociopathic). Other symptoms of this personality disorder include blatant disregard for the feelings and safety of others, aggressive or violent behavior and recurring problems with law enforcement and other authority figures. Antisocial Personality Disorder is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Neglect, abuse and trauma in childhood can increase the risk of developing this personality disorder.

    People who appear to be suffering from pathological lying should consult a health care provider or mental health professional. Because it is a chronic condition that occurs throughout adulthood, long-term treatment is often needed. Treatment approaches include psychotherapy, medication and hospitalization. Untreated, this condition can cause significant damage to both the person with the disorder and to their families, friends and colleagues. I hope Adam Schiff gets professional help. The Democratic party will pay for all these lies, come the November 2020 election. Most Americans are sick of the 3 1/2 years of democrat impeachment nonsense while President Trump continues to fix the mess incompetent Obama and the Democrats made. President Trump is Keeping his campaign promise of making America great again.

  9. Shiff is that kid in class that has to raise his hand and answer every question why because he knows better than you who wants to answer this one will memememmeme me I got this Hakeem you just sit and watch let someone else talk for God's sake!!!!

  10. They keep saying that he can't be impeached without committing a crime, but isn't racketeering, conspiracy, bribery, and extortion a crime? Wasn't it a crime and illegal to welcome foreign interference (investigating a U.S. citizen and a political opponent) from Ukraine and China while on the front lawn if the white house? and wasn't it also determined that the withholding of aid was illegal??? So a crime was definitely committed…

  11. A question from Sen. Cruz asked if there was political bias on behalf of the whistleblower?.. The answer was that the Inspector General acknowledged that there may be, however the complaint was deemed credible and urgent. I would argue that the bias is exactly what Presidents counsel Dershowitz argued with the "shoe on the other foot" test, and was the correct thing to do. That bias allowed that person to be hypersensitive with regard to POTUS using his office for personal gain. You can't mix business with pleasure, and can't bring your personal life to the office… That person was able to analyze what happened and make an informed decision to come forward. If everyone just turned a blind eye and said that everything was "perfect" , then this whole messy scheme may never have come to light. Someone not blinded by envy or fear had the sense to realize what had happened was wrong and not fair, and made the decision to bring forward the information that was corraborated by over 17 U.S. officials and diplomats. …. There is a system of checks and balances, it's like if two employees are talking and the boss walks in the room, a lackadaisical manager may just walk right past them for fear of not being liked by the staff, but a more strict manager would come out and ask them what they were talking about and tell them to get to work because they are super in tuned with and had a bias for ethics and production in the workplace as related to the needs of the business…..

  12. A question from Sen. Cruz asked if there was political bias on behalf of the whistleblower?.. The answer was that the Inspector General acknowledged that there may be, however the complaint was deemed credible and urgent. I would argue that the bias is exactly what Presidents counsel Dershowitz argued with the "shoe on the other foot" test, and was the correct thing to do. That bias allowed that person to be hypersensitive with regard to using his office for personal gain. You can't mix business with pleasure, and can't bring your personal life to the office… That person was able to analyze what happened and make an informed decision to come forward. If everyone just turned a blind eye and said that everything was "perfect" , then this whole messy scheme may never have come to light. Someone not blinded by envy or fear had the sense to realize what had happened was wrong and not fair, and made the decision to bring forward the information that was corraborated by over 17 U.S. officials and diplomats. …. There is a system of checks and balances, it's like if two employees are talking and the boss walks in the room, a lackadaisical manager may just walk right past them for fear of not being liked by the staff, but a more strict manager would come out and ask them what they were talking about and tell them to get to work because they are super in tuned with and had a bias for ethics and production in the workplace as related to the needs of the business…..

  13. Any partisan snowflakes that think the President will be impeached – put you're money where your mouth is. You have no basis, as usual. I'll give you a good bet – and you're gonna lose. Just like you keep losing. – over and over and over again. You always fail to realize that disliking somebody gives you absolutely no right and no structure towards your argument. I'm from the UK, and I don't have a dog in this fight – but I sure as hell know that you're way out of your league on this one. Disliking (or even hating) somebody, makes absolutely no difference, other than the fact that it may make you feel a bit pissed.. Those that think this sort of attitude will achieve anything need to wake up, smell the coffee and get of their asses to make their own country better – rather than expecting somebody to help you out. We've just done this with those blaggers from the EU – telling us all that we needed help, otherwise our country would be in dire straits. Get a grip people. Your country's doing better than it has for many many years. Embrace it, and stop playing identity politics and allow your country to progress. Choose partisan policies and politics at your own peril.

  14. Trump will Win in 2020 if they let him Cheat !! If they let this Dictator get away with this then He'll America is going to have to rewrite the Laws

  15. What a waste of time? Shame on these Senators. This is not a trial. This is just senators trying to make their points. Why don't you just ask for the docs or ask a witness instead of these stupid questions.

  16. In my judgement, as an Indepedant, the Republicans are not focusing on the action of Pres Donald John Trump's specific request "do us a fsvor" as a condition to receive military assistance/aid for Ukrain's survival a Democratic country. The partisoship expressed by the Pres. defense council has introduced subjects with no relevance to the issue. From an Independant.

  17. The Democrats are a very ignorant and deceitful group of pathetic liars. They use a Guilty untill proven innocent aproach toward our amazing President. It's a shame that our sophisticated society has to allow ignorance to speak due to fairness and law. They de-evolve inteligence ; No Golden rule for these fools. We the pepole that live with a high moral standard recognize the hypocracy and feeble foolishness. Waste of time and money, horrible people!!

  18. We all know Bolton is a liar and has a axe to grind against the President. After this Bolton is finished. It will be very interesting to find out why Pompeo and a colleague were so pleased that Bolton was bulleted.

  19. When asked at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin said “A Republic, if you can keep it.”.
    If Congress acquits President Trump, we will be crowning King Donald I and the Republic will have been lost.
    After that, we can expect free elections to be ended and purges performed to remove never-Trumpers, people who do not own MAGA hats.
    Social Security will be ended and the funds donated to the rich, to "spur the economy".
    Under Trump, the United States of America will become a territory of Russia. I guess Devos needs to make the Russian language mandatory in pre and elementary schools. Anyone four or less degrees removed from Trump is owned or funded or compromised by Russia, it seems.

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