Watch LIVE: Fourth of July Fireworks – Independence Day fireworks display over the National Mall

Watch LIVE: Fourth of July Fireworks – Independence Day fireworks display over the National Mall

#FourthOfJuly #Fireworks #America #ABCNews

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31 thoughts on “Watch LIVE: Fourth of July Fireworks – Independence Day fireworks display over the National Mall

  1. For a state that wasn’t too keen on being part of the whole United States thing, it certainly went all out for America. That’s where Houston’s New Years fireworks must be used as well…
    Bit ironic y’all’s sponsor is Royal Dutch Shell a British company haha

  2. Moi même Madi mze fouadi je vous aimes très bien merci beaucoup pour votre compréhension

  3. Vous êtes très juste et équitable et honnête et sincère

  4. Good mornigue you président Joe Biden of Américains

  5. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. Great context 🔥🚀..But I think someone has to hear this, the amount of time we spend believing we can't is more than enough to learn how we can make them reality

  7. 🎉 Happy Half A Year!!! 🎆

  8. How stupid, they leave the comments on for this 4th of July but this same YouTube channel turned off the last year's.

    Eh, fair game, cause the white house has all their comment sections off while the previous admin had them on.

  9. Yeah happy 4th to all lets celebrate & party while we listen to a guy that did not actually win the election & cheer on our holidy of feedom in this the first year we let our votes go uncounted and ignored and smile and laugh while our cities across our country are burning because of this admin.. What a joke. As an American that loves my country and willingly put my life on the line on 9-11 this is the first 4th of july in my life that I'm utterly disgusted with where my country is…..

  10. Love 🇺🇸from🇮🇱

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