Watch Live: Ex-Trump aide Corey Lewandowski testifies before House Judiciary Committee | ABC News

Watch Live: Ex-Trump aide Corey Lewandowski testifies before House Judiciary Committee | ABC News

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43 thoughts on “Watch Live: Ex-Trump aide Corey Lewandowski testifies before House Judiciary Committee | ABC News

  1. I watched this after listening to Spy Affair on Wondery. It was about Maria Butina and her suspect foreign influence during the 2016 election. I started watching the hearings of all of the players and the issue of Russia after listening to that 6 part series. It’s fascinating to me that we pay grown people to dress up, sit in a huge room and yell at, demean, and diminish one another and then bring people in to have other people do the same. I don’t know that there is an expected end. I think there is a scoreboard we don’t see that counts which side gets the best digs. I’m not sure they actually get to a resolve. But it is extremely interesting and entertaining.

  2. Barry Berke, you have no scruples. Fortunately your own very high opinion of yourself was shaken by the toughness and deserved righteousness of Corey L. At least it was shaken — decimated actually — for sure in the eyes of everyone who watched your pathetic failed examination of Corey.

  3. Barry Berke, you have no scruples. Fortunately your own very high opinion of yourself was shaken by the toughness and deserved righteousness of Corey L. At least it was shaken — decimated actually — for sure in the eyes of everyone who watched your pathetic failed examination of Corey.

  4. That smirk Corey has on his face will be slapped off. All trump supporters better buckle up. They are holding him in contempt. And he will now have to answer questions

  5. 😂😂😂😂😂Lewandowski admits that he asked for immunity and he admits trump dangled pardons.

  6. Lewandowski will end up in prison. Let all the trump folks fool themselves. All the trump sycophants that distract, confuse , lie and spread conspiracies will all be held accountable. Mueller testified he couldn’t prove conspiracy because the trump ppl destroyed emails texts what’s app and refused interviews. Lewandowski and Don jr demanded immunity. And mueller found 10 instances of obstruction of justice. There isn’t anything republicans can say or do to change those facts.

  7. The only way to make sense of this charade is to look at it through the prism of an upcoming election. The Dems are in desperate need of an issue to run on.

  8. All I say, over and over again, if you're tired of this stuff, VOTE. EVERY. ELECTION. Local, State, AND Federal. If you tried, then you can complain. Can't vote? Go volunteer for something, whether or not it's directly involved with politics. But don't just hide behind your screen and complain without having even tried. No matter what side you're on.

  9. Lewandowski, you teaching your children that it OK to Lie.
    and example you have set for your children now will follow them all through
    their lives. That it s OK for them to lie. I pray for children that they will
    not follow your believes.

  10. I can’t believe the stupidity of this hearing. It’s nothing but hog wash. The Demorats are nothing but crap, I can’t watch this anymore.

  11. This is the most ridiculous hearing I’ve ever seen.

  12. Oh my it’s hard to believe that Demorats Congress has gotten so stupid to try this shit. I think it will help President Trump Win in 2020.

  13. corey lewandowski must go to the jail rest of his life. He was rude, he was insulting everyone, he was stonewalling,, and clearly untruthful to American people. I am so appalled by the fact that he was lying for all 5 hours, he was drinking water when will get exhausted with lying , never seen a such a pathological liar in any of the hearing.

  14. Does anybody have popcorn 🍿 and soda 🥤

  15. Lewandowski Define what an arrogant asshole piece of shit Is, and I don't understand why he put himself under the bus for Trump and he knows that Trump does not have something called friend he did not pardon any of his friends.

  16. He should be in contempt of court. This guy is acting so belligerent and sarcastic. He feels like he doesn’t have to say anything. Is this really democracy. What is happening to our checks and balances. I think we have a dictatorship. Come on Democrat’s do something!

  17. The modus operandi of Trump in full display with another nobody showing his loyalty to Trump, willing to lie, ommit and disrespect the congress, that's a big red flag I hope the Congress keeps digging into. The counsel was great uncovering Lewandowski's lies and ommitions.

  18. Nadler issued Lewandowski a subpoena, even though he had agreed to appear before the committee. Nadler is running a kangaroo court and it is enough to make the 3 Stooges cringe with embarrassment.

  19. Bullshit…you freaks Dems don’t give a shit about the constitution…lying bitch!!

  20. 5;:07:8, watch the democratic ghouls laugh and do their bumps and smiles. No wonder this country has fallen with these hypocrites in power. Ridicoulous.

  21. I will say only one thing… what a sad day this is that we have people sworn to uphold the law and oversight of the law to behave in such a manner. Mr. Nadler you should be ashamed to show your face in public! You are outrageous in your contempt for this president and have allowed it to totally overshadow your role as chairman of this committee. You are a disgrace!

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