Former Vice President Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.
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#JoeBiden #Inauguration #NBCNews
WATCH: Joe Biden Is Sworn In As President Of The United States | NBC News
There goes America. It was a nice idea and we had a good run of it, but it is dead now.
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.†~ Joseph Stalin
Did he forget all about US? Our stimulus money? I thought that the first thing he said he would do is help out the citizens of this country
Hail to the chief!
Turn off your tv. Put down your phone. Remember death. Go live
Joe has already ruined America and it hasn't even been 3 days. I just can't believe we have that many stupid people in the world. LOL.
This will be the most corrupt presidency in history
Like trump nerds have always said
"if you don't like it then move"
Booooooo it’s all an act! None of it is real also he did not finish the oath!
Why aren't we impeaching this fool , stopping the pipe line tons of jobs lost the wall has been stopped steel has been payed for jobs lost
This is so stupid
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Why does the footage in this piece not match the footage in the longer version?
not our president
Piece of garbage has more integrity than Joe China Biden.
Very weird how the girls with the pink and white masks keep disappearing on different camera angle/cuts. PRE RECORDED inauguration! NOT GOOD!
He will be a Great President.
I just want to go back in time and redo this election. Voter photo ID required in person voting only. no mail in.
Pre recorded and edited. Woman in pink, woman in white…..clearly not there in most of the clip, there in some of it
Fraud president
#notmypresident #illigetimatepresident
could not watch as this is all a hoax, a fraudulent election, how can he put his hand on the Bible and make a promise when this all was based on lies and deception!
400k covid deaths are on you biden.How will you stop more deaths at your feet?
Hey fraudulent elect,who are we going to war with?
Well where screwed… I hope you like new corruption and idiocy
Nice USA and dunia amin
Such Hypocrisy at its best Stolen Election ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ»🇺🇸🇺🇸
i doNT care about fireworks..or singers…r u fkn kiddin me ?????????????????? 400 ,000 have died and THEYRE DOING THIS ????? its as if ur celebrating how many have died huh !!! …… YOU COULDVE USED THAT 24 HOURS OF SILENCE AND RESPECT THE DEAD instead …FOR FK SAKES…….this is bs ….fk america .
Alllll B.S!
the, the
the the the the
the the
Este viejo está demente. Ni discurso tienes. Solo bla bla bla.
Recover your lost
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America is in a state of deep scrutiny. So is humanity. Today’s America presents the future state of humanity: If the world advances the way America is advancing, we will end up being divided between two blocs that hate each other in every senseâ€â€ÂÂÂideologically, approach to life, culture, education, and every other way. It will be impossible to connect the adversaries, just as it is impossible to connect the Democrats with the Republicans in today’s divided United States.
As things are, there will be no calm. It seems as though things have gone out of control, but they haven’t. It is simply what happens when the ego wants to govern and will not hear of anything less than that. It does not want connection; it wants domination.
It may be horrifying to watch, but we are merely witnessing the natural process. When everything revolves around who has more and who has less, and when the ego keeps intensifying, we come to a state where the ego wants everything, and to leave absolutely nothing to the other side. This is what you get when you don’t educate people.
It doesn’t matter how much you invest in aid packages and relief programs, when the ego comes to a state of all or nothing, nothing helps. Therefore, we should thank America for the example it is giving us, at its own expense. We should thank the American people for setting an example that demonstrates what our future will be like unless we achieve unity among us. In other words, if we don’t achieve a united state in humanity, humanity will become like today’s United States: an assortment of nations, colors, races, and faiths that hate each other to death, and do everything they can to cater to their hatred.
The death of a nation
Hope mr.Biden work for the peace and stability in the world. Make good relations with others. Not like donkey trump. Good luck
America is in a state of deep scrutiny. So is humanity. Today’s America presents the future state of humanity : If the world advances the way America is advancing, we will end up being divided between two blocs that hate each other in every senseâ€â€ÂÂÂideologically, approach to life, culture, education, and every other way. It will be impossible to connect the adversaries, just as it is impossible to connect the Democrats with the Republicans in today’s divided United States.
As things are, there will be no calm. It seems as though things have gone out of control, but they haven’t. It is simply what happens when the ego wants to govern and will not hear of anything less than that. It does not want connection; it wants domination.
It may be horrifying to watch, but we are merely witnessing the natural process. When everything revolves around who has more and who has less, and when the ego keeps intensifying, we come to a state where the ego wants everything, and to leave absolutely nothing to the other side. This is what you get when you don’t educate people.
It doesn’t matter how much you invest in aid packages and relief programs, when the ego comes to a state of all or nothing, nothing helps. Therefore, we should thank America for the example it is giving us, at its own expense. We should thank the American people for setting an example that demonstrates what our future will be like unless we achieve unity among us. In other words, if we don’t achieve a united state in humanity, humanity will become like today’s United States: an assortment of nations, colors, races, and faiths that hate each other to death, and do everything they can to cater to their hatred.
I have lost all faith in our politicians who clearly don't work for us.
We have been conditioned to think that only politicians can solve our problems. Maybe at some point we'll wake up and recognize that it was politicians who caused our problems.
We must stop giving our votes to politicians. Our voice is the key and without our own key to the front door, we will always need permission from mommy and daddy to enter or leave our own home. No wonder our politicians treat us like little children!
Stop the lockdown! No masks! No curfew! Freedom now!
new president of USA
…………………………………… THE END of "PAX AMERICANA"
So what happens when the radical left gets mad at joe?
A man that has accomplished NOTHING in his pathetic life. What a POS.