Watch: Day 1 of Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial In Senate | NBC News

Watch: Day 1 of Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial In Senate | NBC News

Watch live coverage of former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial as the Senate considers whether he can be held responsible for the Capitol riots.

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Live: Donald Trump Impeachment Trial In Senate | NBC News


50 thoughts on “Watch: Day 1 of Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial In Senate | NBC News

  1. Não deixa de conferir o EP Todos Os Ritmos que está disponível nas plataformas digitais:

  2. United States is not More 1 ft potency after President Trump. Is only Latin Country. United State have to remove his flag. And get one from Cuba, Guatemala, or Mèxico but don't believe is any more United States. In EE.UU speak more Spanish than English is going to disappear.

  3. No use of he world.😀😂

  4. It's waist news and waist trump😂😀

  5. Impeaching someone who's not in office
    What's next court-martial him?
    Congress has no authority to try civilians. We have due process rights which are laid out in the constitution that don't exist in impeachment. Congress is not a jury.

  6. Just saw this again and had to laugh!

    Democrats are disgusting lazy people who don’t read or understand that they are being lied too!

    If all democrats were to die today, the world would be safer, more pleasant, richer, more intelligent, more peaceful, etc,etc, etc…. !

  7. HOW I GOT CURED FROM PANCREATIC CANCER Sudden severe pain in left side and unusual excessive belching were the only symptoms of my pancreatic cancer. No nausea or any food related symptoms. CT scan did not show anything but very mild diverticulitis. After two weeks of antibiotics it seemed to subside. A year later when the excessive belching and pain in side reappeared, another CT scan revealed 3 cm mass on pancreas. It was a very painful experience for me, Spent a lot of money on drugs did 7 rounds of chemo and radiation and still yet no results it was a near death experience for me i was having headache ,backache,tiredness,pians in almost all part of my body i was nearly on the verge of loosing my life before i found about Dr Harvey on YouTube on how he cured people from pancreatic cancer and other deadly Diseases so with believe and faith i collected his contact information contacted him and told him about my pancreatic story and he told me to have faith and believe in him Which i did, He prepared an herbal supplements for me and his natural propolis lecithin capsules and Shipped it over to me alongside with the prescription on how to use the products to my greatest shock and joy after making use of this Products for 3O days i went back to carry out my tests and i was totally cured from pancreatic cancer and no pains or any symptoms was in my body Dr Harvey i'm grateful sir for saving my life and Family i love you anybody having this disease or anyone he/she knows conntact Dr Harvey today..
    You can contact Dr Harvey VIA
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  8. He is one in a million, best among many, most trusted , I almost gave up on trading then I met him through a friend, Austin is the most trusted trading expert who helped the life of my family and I ,..

  9. Trump is the only ONE who can take THEM all out he use to be part of the special Club, one that obama, Hillary, so many political characters who have agendas like; kids tortured in cages etc

  10. He protec
    He attac
    But most importantly
    He won’t be back

  11. PRAY for ex President Trump. GOD so in the
    " BIBLE " of course he need to be discipline he's got a lot of money don't discipline him let him buy his discipline and I'm paid for it let him pay for the damages I'll do the Pax pay and pay that too ? 😀

  12. Just understand this trust me you will not run for President no one know what them four years will bring some of us won’t even still be hear 😉💜♎️😇🌎too be telling plans coco virus is deadly 🦠

  13. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


  15. Biden pelosi 😂😂cnn Dorsey Zuckerberg etc… lockdown they stole the election 👍thes they made the dead 👈👉truded electronic votes 👍👉 NOW IT's MASSIVE IMMIGRATION TO DO THE SALAIRES AND DON'T EMPLOI TO CHINA Pcc 👈👉 it's the triple punishment for the Americans

  16. Canceled my subscription to хлам NBC, I rather get my news from someone I can trust. ДО СВИДАНИЯ

  17. Embarrassment and shame are now permeating every cell of the Democratic Party incumbents. It should compel them, if we are ever so fortunate, for them to leave this planet, and relocate to the balmy surface of planet Mars.
    But such exemplars will never feel shame for their lies and deceptive, very stupid ruses, that expose their treasonous personalities, their commendable fraudulently rigged elections, and their sheer existence..!
    We happen to know so much wretched history and track record of the Democratic Party of Losers, that their present karmic load, will crush them all, in short order.
    Oh..! Do WE, the folk that matter, have a dream..! The Timer has just started.
    May God Bless Us All..!

  18. Whats up Democrat L-I-A-R-S You must be so sham your Impeachment trials was a big JOKE CLOWN I saw how you guys twist all Trump Tweets doctors shows the pic Raskin taken by New York Times ( You guys good 2020 ) haha busted

  19. Nazi broadcasting system, what a farce demorats 🐀are enemies of the state, unconstitutional and demorats are the guilty ones. Disgraceful exercise wasting our tax dollars🤮

  20. Trump will weasel his way out of this because he is a modern day "Smaug" — a witless worm that will face justice one day for ALL the crimes against this country he is SO guilty of….AS for the GOP….they are stuck with him, will remain in tatters and have proven they are spineless, weak, impotent political hypocrites.

  21. Kick all the traitor RION senators out of Republican Party to unify and rebuild the Republican Party.

    Biden's incitement of insurrection of the millions South American Illegal Immigrants to attack the south border of the USA should go to jail. No judge and impeach a US citizen, is unconstitutional to impeach Trump for the fake and false accruement from the dem Democrats

  22. The more I watch the impeachment clown show, the more I realized that attorneys are just paid ramblers and it's not so much about the content of the argument, but whoever can ramble on the longest about absolutely nothing. These people are well-paid blather spewers. The strategy isn't to have a winning an argument but just continue blathering on until the other gets too annoyed with the drivel and capitulates.

  23. They do bring good points about Nixon and watergate and Clinton impeachment. They just don’t want him to run again. This circus is orchestrated by the ppl who hate him still. They need to move on. No one says a thing about the crimes that occurred while protesting this past summer in a pandemic!

  24. What race and sub-culture has DESTROYED the Image of HOPE in The America Constitution nationally and internationally. What group or person’s are guilty of PARADING the confederate flag the flag of the enemy of the state in our capital. An turns and beats a man half to death with the AMERICAN flag the flag of FREEDOM. How many GOP senators will turn a blind eye to their part, Mr. Trump and his Constituents. I ONLY ASK: Who will go down in HISTORY FOR DESTROYING ALL HOPE in OUR DEMOCRACY.
    MB •2021®️©️™️

  25. Starting at 3:02:00, I will ONLY listen to Trumps DEFENSE TEAM!! I will NOT LISTEN to anything that the swamp says for they are Psychopaths and Sociopath's !!!!…, PERIOD!!!!.., PRESIDENT TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT, BIDEN IS A CHEATER, A PHONY, A FAKE, A LOOSER AND HE KNOWS IT!!!!!.., History will show the dems how VERY, VERY EVIL they were at this time in history!!!.,, JESUS CHRIST WILL MAKE SURE THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS HOW EVIL THEY ARE/WERE!!!!!!

  26. Sad, lol 😂

  27. I can't wait till Republican's destroy themselves again by ignoring Trump's crimes.
    It will allow Democrat's to do any and all they like with impunity…just like Trump!
    Democrat's can now, absolutely rule as they see fit!

  28. Instead of doing his job and presenting an argument to clear Trump of guilt, Castor went into a speech about how emotions can easily override logic. We've had over a month to process our emotions, and while our emotions are clearly still there, the democratic congressmen were still able to address the matter at hand with pinpoint accuracy. Castor could not keep up. After waiting to see what kind of defense he has up his sleeve to exonerate Trump, all we saw was Castor stalling for time.

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