Watch: Asian American Couple Told ‘Go Back To China’ In New York City | NBC News NOW – Car Mod Pros Portal

Video shows a confrontation between an Asian American couple and a woman who allegedly told them to “go back to China.” NBC News’ Vicky Nguyen reports on the drive-by racist incident.
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#AsianAmerican #Racist #NBCNews

Watch: Asian American Couple Told ‘Go Back To China’ In New York City | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Watch: Asian American Couple Told ‘Go Back To China’ In New York City | NBC News NOW”
  1. Only if you go back where you came from. Unless your native american, but even they immigrated at some point.
    Gee think how great America would be
    No cement no roads just wild land untouched by anyone.

    People who shout this stuff are morons.

  2. Here is another story that doesn't fit NBC's SICK SICK NARRATIVE . Everyone knows, including ASIANS that 87.3% attacks on them are done people of Color. This story cant go away fast enough for this RACIST CHANNEL – NBC. By the way JOY REID / REVERAND AL – those numbers I mention come from the ACLU !!!!

  3. Well go back to europe isn't that where you are from oh and don't forget return the land you've been stolen from native american.

  4. A low life revealed, hid behind her invisible mask for decades, now exposed with a surgical mask!!!
    She thought she can hide behind it and unleash hatred!!

  5. Well what do you expect!? Asians bring in massive amounts of fentanyl and buy up all real estate, charging high rents beyond the means of most Americans, which leads to more homelessness.

  6. Terrible country. America may have many best things in the world, but the average quality of the citizens is the lowest among developed countries. I will never visit.

  7. I believe ALL Lives Matter!! We are all spiritual beings and need to learn how to care for one another and respect each other regardless of which countries we came from or what races. Stop the anger, blame, and hate toward each other. Promote inclusion, kindness, and compassion. Learn about spiritual awaking because we are all human beings who live on this earth. Learn how to get along and stop the WAR.

  8. When we say USA sounds wonderful the supreme power. Now, in my opinion no more. It is now the ROTTEN country in the world, with all its racism stories.

  9. It’s just so unfortunate to see all this hate, all the Asian American people in my life are some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I will not stand around and watch some one be bullied because of their race, religion or sexual orientation. Hate is not the American way and it NEVER will be.

  10. Whites, and Black Racist weren’t the First Americans they need to go back to Europe and Africa

  11. I will tell my Asian friends! Racism is bullying Asians because Asians are silent. Don't be silent, if he (she) hits you, you will hit back! And retaliate against them! Because you choose silence is the greatest harm to you! Refuse to be silent! Fight back! Get rid of the racists! Go back to China? You should go back to your place!

  12. Last week i found out my spouse had always been texting this man. she said he lives in brisbane while we stay in Melbourne then i didn't bother after i did some investigation i found out that he lives in Melbourne too i couldn't just think straight i was hurt and i feel like my soul was taking away. We have no kid yet and we have been married for 5years and when there is no money i make sure she finished school and get a good job but finding out her affair with this man is not easy for me but thanks to DARKWEBTECH00 on Instagram who made all this secret plain to me by cloning her phone with mine and i was able to monitor all her charts and calls without her knowing you can also contact him here DARKWEBTECH00 on Instagram he's just the best thanks a million…

  13. Last week i found out my spouse had always been texting this man. she said he lives in brisbane while we stay in Melbourne then i didn't bother after i did some investigation i found out that he lives in Melbourne too i couldn't just think straight i was hurt and i feel like my soul was taking away. We have no kid yet and we have been married for 5years and when there is no money i make sure she finished school and get a good job but finding out her affair with this man is not easy for me but thanks to DARKWEBTECH00 on Instagram who made all this secret plain to me by cloning her phone with mine and i was able to monitor all her charts and calls without her knowing you can also contact him here DARKWEBTECH00 on Instagram he's just the best thanks a million…

  14. I don't believe that the Covid19 issue is the main reason for attacks on Asian-Americans. U.S. politicians have provided the excuse and emboldened those Anti-Asian attackers by targeting China as the "enemy" of, and a "threat " to the U.S. Polling has constantly shown that attacks on China was a very popular political strategy. Notice how often Trump used his racist abuse of China to thundering applause during his 2020 election campaign. Currently, Biden is continuing his attacks where Trump left off , and the pigeons have come home to roost !!

  15. Also, I bet they are lying about what happened. They only seem to catch the part where they retaliate against the people who were in their faces. Yet, the media is not interested in the other side, and for sure their lives are ruined now.

  16. 😱😱😱😳😳😳

  17. I'm in my 60s and I experienced this type of verbal bullying ever since I was a kid. This is nothing new. Over the years, I developed a thick skin, and now, when someone tells me to "go back " to China (I was born and live in USA), I just smile and reply, "Tell you what, friend, I will 'go back ' to China the day after you 'go back ' to Europe/ Africa/ Mexico/ etc. I think that is fair." Of course, in every confrontation, I always take a step back (in case of surveillance cameras) to show that I'm not the aggressor, and strike my "thinking man" pose ( a non-threatening defensive stance). Then, wait for the fun to start. But if the bully just mouths off some more and walks away, that's cool, too. I "turned the other cheek " like a good Christian should, but I was ready to defend myself physically, if it came to that, as is my right as an American.

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