Washington governor launches 2020 run

Washington governor launches 2020 run

Gov. Jay Inslee joined the crowded field of Democrats vying for the presidency with a clarion call on climate change.


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11 thoughts on “Washington governor launches 2020 run

  1. the presidency has become a referendum on social ills, “fixing” moral, cultural and environmental inequities. the era of presidents establishing justice, insuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity is an arcane concept. god forbid this country face anything like a world war or a serious depression. we are screwed . . .

  2. That’s his announcement video? Man, and I thought he didn’t have much chance before! Bleugh!

  3. Well, it seems all the time more and more unavoidable that President Donald Trump will win the 2020 US Presidential Election quite easily if he stays healthy. He is anyway quite an old eccentric way charmant and charismatic, bully and megalomaniac "grab them by the pussy guy". President Trump has natural born manipulative showman´s skills with natural political charisma. Besides he has skill to be "an epic American idiot" very entertaining way, what make many people in the USA and all around the world smile and laugh regularly making especially international politics entertaining and interesting. President Trump isn´t at all dull and boring "nothing burger" like for example this new candidate of the US Democratic Party, Governor Jay Inslee. I think that this his campaign start advertising on the video is then many ways ridicule. Look at for example that partly rusty rough harbour environment where he is walking on the dock and look at that urban bad architecture and environmental design low skyscraper environment behind him and listen that his hypocritical and pretending "green policy" message. At least that local city environment needs desperately "green policy" and professional environmental city design, city engineering, with green areas, and good quality city architecture. I just wonder why so many cities in the USA commonly today have so bad environmental design, bad city architecture and bad city engineering that make them look many ways so ugly and depressing to live? Greetings from Northern Europe, from partly arctic Finland.

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