Washington, D.C, and state capitals across the country prepare for violent protests

Washington, D.C, and state capitals across the country prepare for violent protests

FBI warns violent offenders could overwhelm local state and federal law enforcement, and the latest on the Capitol siege investigation.


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30 thoughts on “Washington, D.C, and state capitals across the country prepare for violent protests

  1. Biden wants your guns!

    With poor southern border security on the increase, gun sales have increased, the military will not be coming for your guns, not the police, but the illegals involved with drug ,sex, and crime industries will be…outdated ideas are not in tune with goals established across America. Biden is living in the past, along with his socialistic advisors, his progressive dementia is causing his brain relays not to connect.. It is really time to impeach this old man, have a recall? or force his resignation. Our altered energy is policy about to financially collapse oil and gas on the way up, our southern border overrun with virus ridden illegal’s with thousands more coming. The country more divided then ever and a bunch of radicals controlling purse strings, who really never had a business of their own or had to meet payroll etc. spending and taxing, like they new what they are doing. The American people what to know what this impaired old man is doing acting as our president? The frequency of blank stares has increased, the inevitable is occurring more often, where is this tax paid white house doctor? saying this person ever been approved to serve as President? Where is our country going now? Are those who know what's going on going to be held responsible for his mental decisions ? Is the only plan to bankrupt our Country and tear apart all the good that Trump accomplished? Taxes on the rise companies already planning to leave our country again , is that the plan? tax and spend, tax and spend, why because they don’t know how to govern. What Democrat city or State is operating in the black? Their motto defund the police ,rob the tax payor as much as possible.

  2. Ive been telling people this was going to happen since i was a kid. This is what happens when armed cops come to people doors threaten them shoot them treat them like crap. What did you really think was going to happen? Honestly did every one think people would just sit around being abused by cops and never do anything. LMAO idiots

  3. Protesting is fine, but without the violence. Can't understand why people feel the need to carry guns, we're not living in Irag or Afghanistan. We have to move forward and deal with Covid-19 and stimulate the economy. The invasion of Capitol Hill was also in total disrespect to the patriots on UA Flight 93. These people gave their lives to protect fellow Americans and to protect the symbols of democracy.

  4. It this happens. It's a false flag and a setup to try to wipe out Trump supporters and make them look like terrorists. It's the media and the deep states pathetic attempt to gain total control. Thing is there 74 million of them and they're not goin anywhere.

  5. Let's have ABC tell the rioters where to go. Great job ABC, you and you mirror fake news friends are responsible for most of this chaos, I hope you get prosecuted for you irresponsible propaganda.

  6. Sooo…. we’re not gonna talk about why there’s people arrested for theft, vandalism, breaking and entering, etc….. but no murder charges on anyone? I find it really hard to believe 5 people died and the FBI can’t figure out who….? Somebody link me if anybody has any information, can’t find any myself at the moment.

  7. Just found out congress committed 6 congressional federal felony's according to the law under the constitution and non of them can be touched they all have reprisals from prosecution above the law and they attacked a seated President that does not have reprisals and attacked for 4 years not including past crimes committed by congress using U.S. money in the billions without restitution for the outcome, voting them out of office is the only way, or the law needs to change so no one is above the law! It's a disgrace that the congressional house violated the constitution showing all American's that the United States of America is under tyranny! They stolen election, they stolen our voices and our votes, they are stealing your country!

  8. Yeah. The riots all across America cities looting burning was pretty scary. To bad the media and politicians didn’t say much about that

  9. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  10. If anyone attempts to take over a state or the national capital then America must take the same action it would take against another terrorist that attempts the same!

  11. There is a possibility that there will be no violent actions anywhere this weekend or on the 20th. With Trump gone, his followers will wane and stop their crazy actions. Either way, the media does not help matters by assuring people that there will be mayhem. That is what those crazy rioters want to hear.

  12. How do you expect people to act when you're getting censored you speeches getting shut down. Called a racist because you love your country. Watch monopolies take over business. How do you expect people to act. Meanwhile governments are discussing a bathrooms.

  13. I know that Nazis are a Hugh problem in USA. I am Canadian, but In the last 2 years I've had half a dozen so called friends come out to me as being White nationalists and spam me with their propaganda. One of them offered to pay for me to move to USA to help him make weapons for a so called attack they had planned this year. This happened about a year ago. I unfriended him and all the others instantly.

  14. 6 time business failure, 1 term presidential failure and 2 time impeached dumbass.

    Trump and his MAGATs made the US a third world country !!

    Homeless = Yes, Hunger = Yes, Covid deaths 401,856 with one more every 20 seconds = Yes.

    A 20 year jail or death row for treason is the only appropriate sentence!

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