Washburn Fire rages through California’s Yosemite National Park l GMA

Washburn Fire rages through California’s Yosemite National Park l GMA

The wildfire has scorched more than 2,700 acres since it sparked last week and crews are working hard to fortify and protect the ancient sequoia and mariposa groves nearby.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/3o2wuLj

#ABCNews #washburn #yosemite #wildfire #sequoia


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35 thoughts on “Washburn Fire rages through California’s Yosemite National Park l GMA

  1. Meanwhile Canada is freezing. I’m having to heat my house in July because it’s 65F in the house during the day. Trade you guys some of our constant rain for some heat.

  2. Self interest is for the past; common interest is for the future. D.Attenborough

    Native: Your kids can name more KPop groups than types of trees. – S.Sherman

    Trump: The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.

    COP27 needs to be held in Tuvalu or Maldives.

  3. So I guess the firefighters should team together with other local fire fighters and just cover that part of Yosemite and water and also they should encourage other water companies to flood Yosemite with water

  4. When the fire started, authorities in Yosemite did nothing. No trucks or planes or crews. Zero. It wasn’t until the national media took note that efforts to fight the fire began in earnest. From a Tuolumne County resident.

  5. Damn man, that's so painful to watch. This place is one of my dream destinations and seeing it burning really hurts… As a fellow firefighter from a country that knows forest fires way to well, I send my love and support to all the people who are fighting the good fight over there 🙏

  6. This is such bullshit! Cal Fire is getting paid to start them. It's funny how it's such an emergency but NO ONE is moving their ass!!! Nope everyone is standing around without a care in the world. Looks like a bunch of photo opts to me.

  7. No there so many die a fallen trees on the ground floor stop lieing no one's been taking care of the forest. You have three or four feet high on dead vegetation on the ground floor. Ya it's going to burn hot.

  8. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you to all of the brave men and women on the front lines trying to protect this beautiful frontier….. I appreciate you 😢

  9. There’s always fires in California in the summer. Nothing new here. That’s just the way it is.

  10. You media types obviously obfuscate science and fact for column inches and airtime. Sequoias rely on fire to release most seeds from their cones, to expose bare mineral soil in which seedlings can take root, to recycle nutrients into the soil, and to open holes in the forest canopy through which sunlight can reach young seedlings. Its very narrow minded to think this is the first fire Yosemite has ever suffered in 2500 years.

  11. do you understand this …. yet ….. false christ comes first …… its the most frightening thing the world has ever seen ….. and no one knows about it ….. it will be head line news around the world

  12. Thank you to the brave fire fighters going up against an element of nature we fear. Prayers and Blessings for the Nature to protect and may the conditions be as favorable as possible. Peace to the World.

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