Warren speaks on Super Tuesday night l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Sen. Elizabeth Warren hopes to win delegates in her home state of Massachusetts, but spent Super Tuesday in Michigan trying to win voters.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Warren speaks on Super Tuesday night l ABC News”
  1. Warren plays a sick-making game by staying in the race and keeping away the progressive voters from Bernie, all planned actions, in line with a sick democratic party. The Democratic Party wants to keep Trump in power; he secures their pocket filling lifestyle. Bernie is a too big a treat to them. So, just put a demented candidate as a runner against Trump. You can be sure that he loses, and that is what you want as a Party. I assume Biden takes after his defeat his own wife home to sleep and not the sister, although you never know.

  2. 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

  3. How are these nasty "progressive" commentators railing against Warren any different from Trump supporters? I see no difference. Hatred fuels both, and both promulgate conspiracy theories when they don't get what they want. Hatred is a great tool for political candidates, but it it is not good for the nation.

  4. What a horrible person, she will be remembered as the worst progressive ever. I wouldn’t be surprised to see her as Biden VP

  5. Warren is an empty establishment tool sent to slow the progress of the middle class in 2020 just like she was in 2016. She had no path to victory and still stayed in knowing she was willingly sabotaging the progressive movement that she falsely ran on

  6. Well now…. The ratchet-and-pawl takes another click to the Right.  Again.  The 1%-er corporatist clique will crown another member of the clique.  Again.  The Democratic Party shoots itself in the foot.  Again.   And Donald Trump will be elected President.  Again.

          The next eight months… it’s going to be an unbearable, appalling farce.  Gawd.  Biden is such an air-headed, fatuous boob, a brown noser of the banking sector, a bald-faced liar (“I was arrested trying to visit Mandela in prison!!!”).   Oh, how easy it will be to mock the clueless Biden, Biden of the artificially whitened teeth and the hokey, non-sequitur rambling reminiscences (not to mention the myriad mind-boggling gaffes).  The Trump campaign is going to have a merry time sliming the father of the slimy Hunter Biden.  Gawd.  It’s going to be unbearable.  Thank you, Elizabeth Warren. We had a chance, and now your egotism has fucked it up. ("My plan is better than your plan!!)

           I’m lucky.  I live in a Blue State.  Come November, I will be free to vote my conscience, as  I did four years ago.  I voted for the Green Party candidate, and I will do it again.  When Trump has been re-elected, I can only hope that the West Coast states (and Hawaii!) secede to Canada.

  7. If she truly believes in the progressive movement she will step aside and endorse Bernie wholeheartedly. She has no chance whatsoever to win the nomination and finished third in her home state. At some point you have to start doubting her character and integrity if she continues on with this lost cause. Do the right thing while you have time to do it Sen Warren.

  8. Press S to spit for splitting the progressive vote and guaranteeing Biden wins. She'd drop out like Klob and Buttboy if she had any integrity.

  9. I used to really like Elizabeth Warren. I admire much of what she has said and done as a senator and would vote for her if Bernie weren’t running. But she is dividing and thus sabotaging the progressive vote, while the corporate DNC is staging a stealth coup d’état by buying off Buttigieg, Klobachar and Beto ahead of Super Tuesday. This constant “pinky promise” rubbish and comments like she’d have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interview on her behalf are just idiotic, no matter how well intentioned. She is perhaps suffering from the same hubris as Hillary did.

  10. If warren endorses Joe Biden, it TOTALLY tells how she WANTS to continue the dam STATUS QUO 🗿

  11. Warren is in the best position. 2 old men…if bs falls she takes his delegates. ..if biden falls she takes his delegates. She has the power at the convention.

  12. You know she's a real threat when the bots trolls and 'Bros' have been trying to bully, intimidate and attack her from day one.

    (ps: If there were no bots, trolls, PR coms frauds or misogynists she'd likely long since be the front runner.)

  13. Youre a loser warren youre just wasting your time and money you are not belong to be the next president

    You better cry now loser warren hahahahahahahaha thats what majority said hahahahahahahahahaha

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