War in Ukraine: March 5, 2022 – Car Mod Pros Portal

Russia’s indiscriminate bombing of Ukraine will increase in the coming days, a senior U.S. official told ABC News on Saturday.

#Russia #Ukraine #WarInUkraine #CrisisInUkraine


By carmodpros


18 thoughts on “War in Ukraine: March 5, 2022”
  1. Давај давај

  2. Urush tugashini xoxlaymiz😥😥😥😥😥

  3. May God bless 🙏 😢😢😢😢😢😢

  4. Putin must not be let off the hook. Naive Russian army personnel are innocent service-men just doing their duties!
    A state can never be owned by an individual like idiotic, thugish minded Putin.
    e.g. Russia of Russians have a great business relationship with Bangladesh, and this friendship will continue but insanely ambitious and greedy V. Putin is nothing but a parasite and should be brought to Justice for crimes against humanity in "Saddam of Iraq's trial style" and held personally liable for economic dameges caused to naive sufferers, -which must be applied as well to all other similar criminals including just a few individuals identifiable as "Covid-19 Business Master-planners in UK, USA, Israel, China" and other ones in N. Korea, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Iran + etc.
    Anglo-Hebruish advisers of Covid business in US-CA are causing political sabotages for fooled jb's and jt's leaderships in North America.
    Precious knowledge:
    The reality created by fear causing Covid-criminals that's inflicting sufferings on countless 'hard-working folks in all corners of the world.
    [Deeper insights:
    This is an age of quick spreading awareness and no leader on earth can get away without paying the price of consequences of their wrongdoings after undermining the sentiment of the majority of common folks.
    To start with catching, the best examples of HGP's global mission of positive change, would be Putin, Kim and the masterminds of Covid-Business-criminals.
    It's sad to see, for an unclear purpose or reason, our leaderships in North America is still implementing the profiteering, evil agenda of outlandish 'Covid Business master-planners'.
    If the sense of morality was stronger than personal interest or ego, then "our leadership – under outlandish political pressure" would grab the opportunity and use it as an aliby to indirectly help stop grand thievery of public funds through local agents like A. Fauci and then by big evil-network of Covid Vaccine and Tests.
    2022 is the perfect time to amend or make and enforce new sets of stricter laws in kind of Saudi or North Korea styles so that severe punishments or long term jail sentences with hard labor (to compensate for and defray the costs of incarnation) are imposed against social criminals as that are badly required by almost all the crime infested (products of too lenient, humatatian 1950 – 1990s VIEWs) nations including Canada, USA and Europe. All the justices departments in the world, unlike the dishonestly, rotten British standard of justice system, are in desperate need of "BETTER SERVING MODEL OF NEW AGE" enforcing tougher punishments against social crimes whether it be wealthy Bill Gates or a poor Street mugger.
    There will be no alternative to strongest possible punishments against all perpetrators in social levels, the murderers and defrauders. Period.
    Hey agents of secretive systemic manipulators of evil UK in disguise of harmless bosses of public organizations, banking, insurance, health, trade sectors, crown Corporation, "registrars, clerks, gate-keepers of Courts of Law in North America".
    Now as of mid February 2022, dear Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden, please stop the nonsense rhetoric of Covid restrictions you both are continuing beyond acceptable limit in terms of public credibility and patience in North America, and therefore must adjust your speeches as per the reality and aspirations of North Americans in year 2022.

    Dear jt and jb, be informed that both of you are definitely in wrong direction with this Omicron (by listening to advice of your hebruish-anglo advisers with outlandish agenda).
    You can choose either: to hear the voice of majority and act in respect to their wishes or to continue to suppressing general public sentiment, but surely you or jb can't fool the ordinary North American citizenry anymore with the illusory so called scientific data etc. propagated by a special interest small group in profiteering Covid Business.
    Remember, the base of supports you and jb got from me since bo's days in the office as POTUS (go through the hundreds of my emails sent to your desks with non-violent motivations and precious insights for Liberals & Democrats on either side of US-CA border).
    Dear jt & jb, instead of acting complacent and inadvertently destroying your own credibility, positions and party bases, wake up and look out of the windows at the sheer volumes of unhappy average folks along with the Canadian truckers that with the support of common folks all over, are actually turning into majority, gathering in your front yards, they are on global streets from Sweden to India, whereas the safe-haven of Covid business masterplanners, the hub of Covid Vaccine and test related material tradings -the UK (wait and see, as of February 1, 2022 PM of UK: bj shall begin to singing totally different tune of 'antilockdown, no restrictions Covid rhetoric') as if they are the first rescuers and liberator of the world from the catastrophic Covid.
    Soon, just like you, jb of US would be overwhelmed by general public reactions, and be feeling abandoned once "brain-washed by the outlandish Covid criminals" – he, out of his foggy mind, gets in touch with the reality of present time!
    Do not even listen to the advice of those 'good for nothing specialists influenced by big pharma covid vaccine money'.
    Regardless of well-bribed or not, with common-sense you guys in top positions, if not 'delusional like A. Fauci or B. Gates with insanely greed for money' should ask this logical, simple question to your own selves: where is the regular 'constantly mutating seasonal flue in this winter of 2022'? ???
    You have the answer: "Oh my cron" is nothing but a variant of naturally modified form of lab-modified Covid version of winter flu – which became merchandise of Covid business criminals, in the name of scientific data researches in labs of UK, China, USA etc., have been creating Virus-panic with fear mongering twisted facts via broadcast in all sorts of media with only one purpose of making furtunes in collaboration of their accomplices like "Bill Gates, the criminally motivated ownerships of profiteering Covid vaccine and related product manufacturers".
    In 2022, the above stated too greedy criminals attempted again to get most of what's left in public health funds in care of poorly or unwisely run global governments elsewhere including our North America.
    And by befriending with and believing in the words of North American agents of the evil "a fringe, British Anglo-hebruish agenda of a very small group" mistakenly you guys are 'caught in a trap and clearly seen on the global stage'.
    However, now in 2022, both of you (jt & jb with my precious insights) shall have the opportunity to come clean and lead the entire world 'of hard-working, good, honest folks, in very transparent, real progressive ways by exposing to the world all the truth and facts you have learned about the deliberately plotted and wel-orchestrated Covid-19 business matter and the positive impact of such acts of morality on collective sentiments of global public will never be forgotten by the generations to come.
    Detached from the North-American sources of wealth through mainly Insurance-Underwriting, Vaccine, Medicine, Bombs, War-toys, USAID, Canadian natural resources, oil, money printing etc., the 'furtively ever systemically manipulating', double faced, evil-masterminds, a very small, Hebruish-Anglo group are already engaged in covert trade relationship with China and its' business partners in order to continue their usual invisible crimes of thievery of wealth from other nations, but by the whim of cosmic thing their identities would be exposed along with all their associats with heinous money making strategies using the so called scientific data and attempting to further prolong the fear mongering virus business in 2022, by creating situations for wars, productions of destructive materials, bombs, war-toys, war machines, nuke, fuel etc. by propaganda-broadcast of items like natural fuel shortages, 'global warming etc. etc. .
    {N. B. There are just a half of a dozen of races including jews in Arabian territories, and less than only 0.000001% of them are evil-mastermind Semetic criminals like Bill Gates -who have xenophobic, depopulating kind of mass murderers' mentality) and sadly, a nonsense, anti-semitic law (made a century ago after Hitler-Era ended, and in 2022 it desperately in need to be repealed) is now being used to protect the above noted criminals at top only and not even slightly to benefit the 99.99999% ordinary, good, peace-loving honest jews, Arabs (and other minorities as well}.
    Fact finding as example:
    Bill Gates is one of the master culprits -who first became billionaire from creating so named computer virus (hard sisk of computer jamming cookies) and selling mainly through crooked UK based prducts of so called computer-anti-virus softwares, without being held responsible by any authority for their defrauding business  practices -which encouged the same elusive group of culprits plot a new evil scheme that involved a lab-modified mixture of humanly transmittable seasonal flu virus with anthrax type other viruses. Then, tests of human-virus: Ebola was performed in some locations in Africa with satisfactory results -which in a labiratory modified and developed form with a new name: Covid-19 has been tested in recent past on crowded places like Cruise Ships and Markets with successful outcome.
    (WRITTEN 22 MONTHS AGO: Readers of this informational thought-work should help generate awareness among fellow folks in all corners of the world about the outlandish STRATEGIES to create virus fear and broadcast worldwide by which the highly secretive jobs of "fear of Covid virus spreading" has been done using most of the fooled global governments like America, Bangladesh, Canada, Zimbabwe etc.).} ].

  5. Proof Biden fooled us all = he wants ALL Ukraine destroyed! He had/has not plan to help 🇺🇦 we all being gas lit & fooled duped…not a 2022 but innplan for century In Scene w/Antony Blinken knowing if planes go over/ yet say no it’s ok…to fly over Ukraine will be an act of ☢️ was n says to? Sky/lady No it’s good 😎 Tucker Mar7,2022 we are at war with Russia. …https://youtu.be/1PC7DzTRS7A. it almost ended 🌎as we know it! So wtF is USA doing? See it In fox utube march7/22Tucker we are at war with Russia shows in 2017 US Lindsay Graham telling Ukraine your was against Russia is our war? If U recall Trump was empeached over NOT wanting to participate!…so My trying to convince you all Biden wants war!! Not Putin! Was gas ⛽️ lit into it w/propoganda…but not a game

  6. See proof…here re Biden / Barack gov’t ☢️ r evil….see Tuckers proof..!! Was and the Deep State plan is proof in this Blinken shows he is either an idiot/ like Harris…not at all aware how much he is being gas lit by Biden or more evil than BIDEN?

    Proof Biden fooled us all = he wants ALL Ukraine destroyed! He had/has not plan to help 🇺🇦 we all being gas lit & fooled duped…not a 2022 but innplan for century In Scene w/Antony Blinken knowing if planes go over/ yet say no it’s ok…to fly over Ukraine will be an act of ☢️ was n says to? Sky/lady No it’s good 😎 Tucker Mar7,2022 we are at war with Russia. …https://youtu.be/1PC7DzTRS7A. it almost ended 🌎as we know it! So wtF is USA doing? See it In fox utube march7/22Tucker we are at war with Russia shows in 2017 US Lindsay Graham telling Ukraine your was against Russia is our war? If U recall Trump was empeached over NOT wanting to participate!…so My trying to convince you all Biden wants war!! Not Putin! Was gas ⛽️ lit into it w/propoganda…but not a game

  7. All lies!!! Blinken is a total ROBOT …how can he NoT see is is being duped or is he evil like Biden?
    Proof Biden fooled us all = he wants ALL Ukraine destroyed! He had/has not plan to help 🇺🇦 we all being gas lit & fooled duped…not a 2022 but innplan for century In Scene w/Antony Blinken knowing if planes go over/ yet say no it’s ok…to fly over Ukraine will be an act of ☢️ was n says to? Sky/lady No it’s good 😎 Tucker Mar7,2022 we are at war with Russia. …https://youtu.be/1PC7DzTRS7A. it almost ended 🌎as we know it! So wtF is USA doing? See it In fox utube march7/22Tucker we are at war with Russia shows in 2017 US Lindsay Graham telling Ukraine your was against Russia is our war? If U recall Trump was empeached over NOT wanting to participate!…so My trying to convince you all Biden wants war!! Not Putin! Was gas ⛽️ lit into it w/propoganda…but not a game

  8. Vote against Biden in the next election..let's get rid of Biden and the Squad📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚

  9. путин дьявол putin is a devil see movie sound 👹

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