Wall Street turns around after another wild day l ABC News

Wall Street turns around after another wild day l ABC News

The Dow jumped 1,100 points due to optimism about possible stimulus measures that could come in response to the coronavirus.

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18 thoughts on “Wall Street turns around after another wild day l ABC News

  1. Yes lots of optimism! A blind man is driving the 🚌 over a cliff telling everyone he sees.
    Coronavirus is the blame for everything the Wolves of Wall Street have been stealing

  2. So much nonsense. After market trading on the Dow is down. You guys just make up stuff. The market isn't responding to specific ideas it is responding to uncertainty.

  3. People who did not see the crisis coming while they were busy playing with their algorithms and models ignoring the real world completely until 20 days ago . Seriously the market was caught with pants in hand and now they continue to make predictions. You suck at predicting market behavior. The financial community has had one of the worst responses in recent decades. The only things that you remain champions of is hiding your dirt under the rug.

  4. 💎💎 whoever thought the stock market was finna stay low, they dumber than dirt

  5. Everything is CoronaVirus fault. 🤔
    Oh, wait. They are dropping interest rate and printing money for a year now.

  6. Economic is awesome, thanks to Trump. Now, lets print money and drop interest rate for no reason. 🙄

  7. Our future will be manufacturing and shipping. So many will work from our homes. Their will not be shops and stores on every corner. Offices and schools will disappear. Housing will bounce back and be over the top. People will not have to leave their homes except for vacations. You will not waist money on junk cause u will purchase it online and we the public will spread the word so fast if it's a RIP off. Jus my personal opinion which means nothing I know. But that's what i see coming.

  8. My friends- from the untold surge in natural disaster and unrest, to the foretold peace deals and building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, there is something huge on the horizon. 📖🕰

    Friend, if you do not know Jesus- know that he loves you so much, and that he has peace, purpose, and a plan for your life. Let him be your lifeboat in the coming storm.

    And please, take advantage of the detailed playlists that I have created for you to be prepared with a much clearer understanding of where exactly the world is headed. There is so much to know and so little time- and the time is now. Godspeed friends! 🕰📖🙏💡

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