Wall Street hit by another day of historic losses

Wall Street hit by another day of historic losses

The Dow sank nearly 10%, its worse day since the Black Monday market crash in 1987.


20 thoughts on “Wall Street hit by another day of historic losses

  1. Public health always comes first, the economy can always come back. A life can’t .💯

  2. Public health always comes first, the economy can always come back. A life can’t .💯

  3. Plunge means there has been some or significant height. How much plunge or defendant can it bear? Personally, I've been testing myself for a decade at least. I'm at least not new to a major plunge. There must have been so much disparity in the society.

  4. I cannot believe, America the world superpower are powweless to this covid 19 virus, everything getting cancel or delay, life really suck right now .. Come on America doctors or scientist please hurry come up with a. Cure!!!!

  5. It's odd that all this is happening in a year we know as 2020👓, God trying to tell us something📯, with just a flip of a switch🎚😨!

    *D E B T * baby.
    2 5 O
    T R I L L I O N in D E B T
    1/2/08 /20
    3/10/08 /20
    S & P
    America, banks, prez:
    "More DEBT will help us get out of debt." "Our economy is better than ever." What's up with those banks & Wall Street. You know. It's all 🐃💩.

    You ain't seen nothing yet. It's going to be the worst one yet. Wait for it.

    John 4:44
    M a t t h e w
    2 4 . Revelation.

  7. Public health? What public health? The term itself is heresy, there's no such thing in America. Maybe in Shangri-la version of America but definitely not this real one.

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