Voters head to the polls in 5 states, with major focus on Pennsylvania

Voters head to the polls in 5 states, with major focus on Pennsylvania

Dr. Mehmet Oz has former President Donald Trump’s endorsement, but Kathy Barnette has gained momentum despite a controversy over her marching in Washington, D.C., before the Capitol insurrection.

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49 thoughts on “Voters head to the polls in 5 states, with major focus on Pennsylvania

  1. Why do republicans vote for a muslim turkish citizen as US senator !? (Mehmet Öz – dual citizenship)

  2. Still taking about Jan 6🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. OK I’ll vote for anybody Trump endorses but I won’t vote for a Democrat Democrat anywhere

  4. John Fetterman for U.S. Senate 🇺🇲

    Take down the big corporations and the 1% who have been robbing hardworking Americans for far too long!!

  5. Barnette for the win…..

  6. 🎙They ALL a bunch of crooks and thieves 👹

  7. Dude has a stroke, Liberals still back him because why not? Look at Biden. They don’t want a leader, they want a barely functioning puppet.

  8. conservatives can smell a dirty liberal from 10 miles away. That deadbeat you interviewed in the park for sure has armpit hair and a stinky vajayjay.

  9. These MSM liars who lied about WMD'S in Iraq and those lies caused the deaths of over a million innocent women and children in Iraq are ignoring the election fraud investigations in Penn. They're ignoring the documentary "2000 Mules" which clearly proves extreme ballots being harvested and the paid mules depositing thousands of ballots into drop boxes. The drop boxes had security cameras and the mules carried cell phones which ping their locations and clearly shows the mules traveling across several different counties to numerous drop box and returning to NGO offices to pick up more ballots.
    It's conservatively estimated that
    247,694 illegal ballots were deposited by these mules in Penn.
    Much more to come as state investigations are finally being started.

  10. -Half of Bidens Twitter followers are fake
    -Hunter business partners visited the Whitehouse many times
    -Biden threatened Ukraine knowing the legal troubles Hunter was involved in
    – Biden inflation after claiming initial predictions were right wing conspiracy.
    -DNC establishment now supporting "obstruction of justice" via SCOTUS intimidation.
    – illegal leak of SCOTUS decision.
    -FBI involvement in kidnapping plot
    – Donations to Fauci via big pharma

    … just some things the "Top News" section will be burying during this election cycle.

  11. Republicans looking to make money via corruption and give citizens nothing, democrats trying to make money but will give a little to the people…we're fucked either way….

  12. It’s obvious that the left fear’s Kathy Barnette . Who cares if she was at the j6 protest.


  14. Ballot mules gonna get paid… open up the meth labs and crack houses.

  15. They're all parasites, pedophiles, and morons! Vote "No to Psychopaths" by practicing gift economy instead of using dirty usury based fiat money and crypto$ pyramid schemes, and shunning anyone that tries to force you to do anything that goes against your conscience.

    Form mutually beneficial relationships of in person collaboration between yourself, your community, and Nature. Do it now. Those that play the psychopathic domestication game right up to the point of collapse, and attempt to find sanctuary in Nature, will likely end up as compost or pig food.

  16. I was a republican for more than 50 years. In 2015, the NEW republican party abandon the "core believes of the Republican party"…I won't vote a single Republican Candidate today!

  17. Don't forget that 1-term Tommy (Corbett) and Republicans sold PA out to the Texas and Oklahoma frackers 12 years ago. No severance tax like other states. And the republicans tried to take away local rule (PA Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional) and tried to suppress the vote (also declared unconstitutional). They goobers have only got worse since then. The PA GOP was super active in Trump's coup attempt.

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