Volunteers offer hand sanitizer to Joe Biden event attendees amid coronavirus concerns | ABC News

Volunteers offer hand sanitizer to Joe Biden event attendees amid coronavirus concerns | ABC News

Volunteers and staff offered hand sanitizer to attendees of an event for Joe Biden in Detroit, as many people take measures to stay healthy amid coronavirus concerns. https://abcn.ws/2W7HbPY

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48 thoughts on “Volunteers offer hand sanitizer to Joe Biden event attendees amid coronavirus concerns | ABC News

  1. One guy passed on it😂🤣😂😂

  2. Sanders’ claim that there was only “one vote” in the Senate “to support the auto bailout” ignores another Senate vote on Jan. 15, 2009. Sanders voted for a resolution on that day that would have blocked the release of an additional $350 billion for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (a.k.a., the Wall Street bailout). A small part of that $350 billion — $4 billion — was earmarked for the auto industry.

    The resolution to block the second tranche of TARP funds failed, and the $350 billion was released, bringing the Wall Street bailout total to $700 billion. (Sanders voted against the first $350 billion in October 2008.)

  3. Hand sanitizer is not kill bacteria it is expand to a buble the and when dry bacteria shrinking to original form and being drunk. Original I am from Caucasus and"old timers"used to treat it with mustard just mustered what we use on hot dogs and people who use a lot of it they do not have outbreak of that disease if it is too spicy mixed with sour cream. wash your fruits and vegetable with powdered mustard.

  4. Regardless…ask how much money has privite Chinese companies made from hand sanitizer and it practically started there. Give part of profits back to fight the airborne epidemic. Stay woke.👀

  5. How many Americans will now go bankrupt because they couldn't afford private health insurance when they go to the hospital from the coronavirus? Great choice, die or bankrupt my family for medical care. "The most successful one-party system is disguised as a two-party system, giving the people an illusion that they decide" We have a two-party system that serves only the wealthy and Corporations. Medicare for all Bernie 2020.

  6. Corporate dems don't question Biden lies. Corporate dems are in the same party of MAGA. Corporate dems say unite. Unite to their side. Never about uniting with progressive and liberal voters. We'll vote for so called Democrats but in the end these so called Democrats can't fight for us. Instead corporate dems will kneel. And they continue to ask progressives and liberals to kneel.

  7. The bottle could carry virus from a sick person.. the quick movement from person to person is to fast for the solution to kill the virus. It would be terrible if 50 cases appeared next week.

  8. Sure hand sanitizer will stop the corona virus 🦠 from leaving the body from the mouth or nose. Not!

  9. Watching pigs March to slaughter..they know not how the pendulum swings both ways. Our two party system has been compromised long ago and it doesn't matter who wins anymore. This is just the illusion of choice.

  10. Touching the applicator to the persons hand seems counterintuitive. Looks to me like they would just end up spreading the virus to each person instead of trying to disinfect. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  11. Ummm, They are wasting precious sanitizer by putting it in both hands you only need one squirt guys! Worldwide shortage and all 🙄

  12. Very smart 👍

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