The schools administration says the decision is justified. ABC News Kimberly Brooks reports.
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🌠New York Times fake news your liberal newspaper is going to lose its litigation with Liberty University so if you want to save some $money$ settle before it goes to a jury trial or it’s going cost you a lot more money 💰 💰💰💰💰💰💰
Graduates should have the Darwin award in the commencement ceremony.
Of course it’s Liberty 😂 the most religious school I’ve ever heard
Brain dead morons.
Enroll in Liberty to get your PhD in stupidity.
Hopefully the administrator that ultimately made this decision will be held directly responsible for the decision. It is a reckless, immoral, and unethical decision. Knowing the virus has a higher morbidity & mortality, this person will be directly responsible for the harm & death that will result from this heinous decision. As a physician, I cannot believe the absolute & obvious lack of human decency that it took to make this decision.
I’m sure there’s students and faculty that never agreed with it
Well, here we are. 5 days later (yesterday), Liberty confirmed its first positive case. We all knew that would happen. So sad.
You could have let them quarantined in their rooms. It’s absurd. Va schools are out for the rest of the year.
I’m a student at Liberty University and I’m on campus. Despite claims made major media outlets and others, there have been no cases of corona on campus as per the statement issued by the senior vice president of communications. There was one student that did test positive, however, it was not in correlation to the reopening of the residence halls. The reopening cannot be deemed the causation due to the fact that the student didn’t return to campus, nor did they travel over spring break. I have seen first hand that many precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of the 1200-1500 of 15000 residential students that opted to return. I was wary about the situation on returning to campus but again, after seeing the precautionary measures that have been taken to prevent an outbreak on campus.
Same dumbasses who don't believe in evolution
Liberty University sounds like a game University like Trump University, ECPI, Phoenix University of any for profit university
These hypocrite XXX-tians should be punish for disobeying the law of land
Romans 13:1-2
Obey the government, for God is the One who has put in there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.
NYT reported students had symptoms that warranted testing, results pending so ummm WE ALL TOLD YOU SO
Sue them, they only care about about money. And should be banned especially with the nation banned, even if they have no where to go they can stay in the door rooms and work form there.
my school has 6,000 international students. guess what we did? closed. idiots.
I completely agree with Falwell. NONE of us know anybody who has "ever" had any of the so-called massively contagious/deadly diseases like SARS, H1N1, Zika, Ebola, coronavirus, etc,, yet we are shutting down the world and our lives believing the sensationalized, over-exaggerated media reports.
The common flu is much more contagious and has worse symptoms, yet we don't panic and shut down the world over that. We are not using basic intellect, by believing in the impossible, Hollywood virus outbreak hysteria.
The irony is so thick and on so many levels, the jokes write themselves.
You can’t blame this on religion or faith. The Bible says obey the laws of the land. This is simply an example of a person not fully following Biblical teachings. The parents and students should have known better.
Gross negligence .this is how they operate in East Pakistan .
Where is the god they pray to? Why aren't their prayers being answered? You would think that if anyone had a direct line to the man in the sky it would be Falwell jr.
Jerry Jr. behaving more and more like the Liberty emu. Who in their right mind calls their gullible sheep back their CINO school in the middle of a pandemic!?
When Fallwell becomes infected he will say its God's will. Then maybe his sick students can pray away the virus. Complete fraud.
But they are God's chosen white Republicans! He won't let them get a virus because they are Christians.
If I was an employer and saw "Liberty University" under someone's CV or resume, I would throw it in the trash.
Actually I don't see any Corona here in Virginia, nether does the Virginia Department of Health only 739 cases 17 deaths much less then a regular Flu, here's there website
Wash your hands, VDH is not freaking out why should you?
False news! The school is not resuming classes. They are reopening for foreign students so they have a place to stay.
It will be interesting to see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
Arrogance is self defeating..
Makes sense to me. Wouldn't want the international students to lose housing 🤷ðŸÂ½â€ÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂ
"Let's kill everyone" is the new moto of this University.
750 international students MEANs THEY ARE PAYING 2-3 TIMES more the other students..!!! College is a business and cant afford to lose the international students…LETS BE REAL HERE…! College is one of the BIGGEST scams out there..!!! College will teach you how to be a slave and work for someone else. It 'll never teach you how to run a business because they don't want the students to know how much profit is being made.
Unreal smh
god will protect us
So now your Creating A Funeral School for the young Adults..????? IMAGINE Just for the CASH ……
This guy is digging the grave of his own University!! Does he truly believe the words coming out of his mouth?!?
This guy put out the idea that COVID-19 was the big Christmas surprise from the North Koreans…so I trust he knows what he’s talking
about 🙄
Liberty University? Is that like Trump University?
If they don’t get the disease or have an outbreak it will be a great example of resisting fear mongering. Hope that’s how it turns out.
It's cool with me, let the anti-science scamgelicals kill off some of their sheeple/voters. They're all such assholes no one will really miss them, especially at the polls.
Liberty University needs a new name…
"Liberty University, Dumbest University in the U.S."