Meredith Watson, who claimed Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax sexually assaulted her in college, is now demanding a public hearing and accusing the Virginia General Assembly of inaction.
49 thoughts on “Virginia official accuser demands a public hearing”
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Why do they need to have a public hearing just because she wants one. She doesn’t get a say in the general assembly schedule.
The really funny thing is the accuser hired fords lawyers and fairfax hired Kavanaughs lawyers lol
That’s the last thing liberals want to do is go public ! To hard to hide the truth when it’s out in the open!
The Democratic Party has requested that he resign? When, exactly? I haven’t heard a word of this.
The media has turned a cold shoulder an the Ralph northam year book photo.
And if this woman didn't ask for a hearing I bet the media would have forgotten about this story as well
Innocent until proven guilty
If he was Republican they would have made him resign.
I voted for Trump! Come at me triggered libtards â„ï¸ÂÂÂ
A public hearing is just a political and media stunt; nothing more. The correct path is to have the accusations investigated by law enforcement!!
Won't happen because the ACLU and NAACP would be on trial too.
Hypocrites Unite.
This whole situation has basically exposed the #MeToo movement as 100% political-affiliated bullshittery. I'm so glad I left the Democrat party… what a sinking ship.
The GOP party and far-right can take out the top three Virginia man in power, and the next person in line is a far-right white male Republican.
Democrats have fucked themselves so hard! Trump 2020 if you’re against FAKE NEWS and racism!
Where is Cory "I am Spartacus" Booker?
Alysa Milano, needs to come to this woman's defense!!!!!! She believes all women! Unless, it's a charge against a Democrat
So what about her accusation against Corey Maggette and her claim that Duke brass covered it up?
Where's the Police Report??? From Decades ago!!!!
Back to the ghetto, boy.
Believe women, motherfuckers.
Democrats where u at maaaaan yall were all for it when kavanaugh was accused,but when your own is HAHAHHAHAHAHAH
he did it
tree jumpers ,it's on rapeo fax
Sexual impropriety in politics is taking this country to the point of no return.
The general public is blind and unable to read between the lines. C'mon guys, all this left vs right BS is stupid. The reason why the state legislature isn't pressing Lt. Gov Fairfax is because they know that the accusers are lying!! How do we know? Look at the context.
1. The governor was caught being racist.
2. A black man, 2nd in command, is about to presume office in the event of the Governor resigning due to the racist picture.
3. Governor apologizes, then denies being in the photo.
4. Out of nowhere, two women come out accusing Lt. Gov Fairfax of sexual assault because they thought he was about to take office.
5. The accusers bring up encounters from 15 and 20 years ago. They have no police reports, no rape kits, no investigations, no nothing; they're legally empty handed.
The timing of the consecutive accusations suggest that Lt. Gov Fairfax is being used as a deflection because the Gov. Northam was caught being a racist. As a result, Fairfax's career is being politically crucified maybe because they don't wanna see a black man take office.
This case is totally different from Kavanaugh.
Believe all women throw his ass in jail!
How does a person get national coverage for the next Presidential race. I am running for President!
I don't trust Spooks anywhere
Should have accused a republican then every news agency in America would be all over it .
If this same woman had accused a Republican she’d been an overnight media sensation!
See Eric Schneiderman!
Look I’m not defending the guy but I’ll say the same thing I said about kavanaugh. You should’ve spoke up when it happened, now it looks like a farce. Unless you have witnesses it’s nothing but an uncorroborated story. Those are the facts, I wish it were different.
So fooling errand with girls or have a nice carrier, your choice.
All these Virginia democrats are scum
Where da white wimanz at
Is clearly the media is bias
Believe All Women
Right, Dummycrats?
This entire thing is a SHAM. Where were these women prior to talk of him being Governor. If you have a son in America beware because the next time it'll be your son sitting before a sham hearing because of bitter relationships. How are these women given INSTANT credibility over an elected official. So we are supposed to disregard that there's NO evidence, just the complaint and NO supporting facts. This is NOT justice, this is a power and money grab from attention HOGS IMO.
I believe all women! Expect for the ones who accuse democrats. Then they’re just lying bitches. Double standard much?
Notice the difference between Fairfax and judge kavanaugh .no me too protesting no one running up on his supporters while they are out to eat ,no threats basicly nothing from the sjws ,its she is lying dont belive .the double standards are funny to me ..
If this woman was assault, then why not go to law enforcement ( police department) and file charges? The state legislature hearing won't solve anything! Let the police conduct an investigation into your charges, if your charges have any evidence, let the police prove or disprove it! You should be heard but let a court do their job not some kind of witch hunt, public hearing won't do anything! Personally if there was an assault it would have been better if it was reported twenty years ago , when evidence was easier to find , now it comes down to hear say, show your evidence!!!!
No way he did it he spent all his time with Pj, Toben Donkey dun Doug and Sqete and he has the Calendars to prove it
'I realized I made a big mistake'"
What is the range of sexual abuse? Is shaking hands too long an abuse?
Resign? Without even a trial? Accusations are not evidence.
I hope he didn't like drinking beer back then, that is apparently an admission of guilt for something or another.